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1923 Best Known Public Domain Songs List of 75


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
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Popular Song
1923 - m. Ray Henderson (1896 - 1970), w. Lew Brown (b. Russia, December 10, 1893; d. New York NY, February 5, 1958) V - Pretty Little Annabelle Liked a lot of beaus, And her sweetie Johnny Brown Wanted her to settle down, How he coaxes sweet Annabell, Goodness only knows. C - Oh! Annabelle, You've made a wild man out of me. Cause ev'ry day in ev'ry way, You get me jealous as can be. PD Reprint
Popular Song
1923 - m. Vincent Millie Youmans (1898 - 1946), Herbert P. Stothart (1885 - 1949), w. Otto Abels Harbach (1873 - 1963), Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein, II (1895-1960) P - Wildflower - 1923, Broadway V - Wilt thou come with me to the fair? Bambalina will be there. Who is Bambalina what sort of man is he? He's fiddler man by trade, Both beloved by man and maid. C - When we're dancing at the fair we have to watch and keep aware, When good ol Bambalina calls a stop; That means I must stand still in your arms and hold your hand still. PD Reprint
Barney Google
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Con Conrad (1891-1938), Billy Rose (1899-1966) V - Who's the most important man this country ever knew. Who's the man our Presidents tell all their troubles to. C - Barney Google with his Goo Goo Googlyeyes. Barney Google had a wife three times his size. She sued Barney for divorce, Now he's living with his horse. PD Reprint
Beside A Babbling Brook
Popular Song
1923 - m. Walter Donaldson (1893-1947), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) V - When I was younger I used to hunger to climb up the ladder of life. Now that I've grown up I might as well own up it's not worth the worry and strife. C - I'd be more than satisfied if I could hide away beside a babbling brook Rippling waters call me far away to a quiet shady nook. PD Reprint
Broken Hearted Melody
Popular Song
1923 - m. Isham Edgar Jones (1894-1956), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) V - Out of the dear long ago, I hear a song sweet and low. Drifting it seems, out of the dreams, Dreams that we used to know, dear. C - Just a broken hearted melody, Just a song that ends with a sigh. Like the sweet refrain you sang to me on the night we said good-bye, Dear. PD Reprint
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Cecil Mack (1873-1944), James P. (Jimmy) Johnson (1894 - 1955) P - Runnin' Wild - 1923, Broadway V - Carolina, Carolina, At last they're got you on the map, With a new tune, Funny blue tune, With a peculiar snap! C - Charleston! Charleston! Made in Carolina, Some dance, Some pruacm I'll say, There's nothing finer than the Charleston, Charleston PD Reprint
Come On Spark Plug
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Billy Rose (1899-1966), Con Conrad (1891-1938) V - The horses at the post! They're off and running neck and neck. Ev'ry one's a nervous wreck! Who's showing all that speed? What's that blanket that I see; Who else could it be. C - Come on you Spark Plug. I'm praying 'whoa! giddy-ap, giddy-ap, don't lose. Baby needs a pair of shoes.' PD Reprint
Covered Wagon Days
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Will Morrissey (1887-1957), Joe Burrowes P - Covered Wagon - 1923, Silent Movie V - In the days of 'forty-nine', There was no one who'd decline, The call out West where all the best of fortune seemed to shine. C - Old covered wagon days. Gold draggin' in their ways. Your deeds in history play Parts that grip the hearts of our nation. PD Reprint
Dirty Hands! Dirty Face!
Popular Song
1923 - m. James Vincent Monaco (1885-1945), w. Al Jolson (1886-1950), Grant Clarke & Edgar Leslie P - Bombo - 1921, Broadway Musical V - Wonderful pals are always hard to find, Some folks have one, Some folks have none. I was alone for years, but fate was kind And in the end, Sent me a friend. C - Dirty Hands, Dirty face, leads the neighbors a chase but his smile, is as cute as can be. Making noise, breaking toys, always fights with the boys PD Reprint
Dizzy Fingers
Popular Song
1923 - m. Zez Confrey (1895-1971) PD Reprint
Down Hearted Blues
Popular Song
1923 - m. Lovie Austin, w. Alberta Hunter V - Gee! but its hard to love someone When that someone don't love you. I'm so disgusted, heart broken too, I've got the down hearted blues. C - Cause he mistreated me and he drove me from his door . . . But the good book say you'll reap just what you sow. PD Reprint
Faded Love Letters
Popular Song
1923 - m. Luella Lockwood Moore (1864-1927), William E. Dulmage (1883-1953), w. Richard W. Pascoe (1888-1968) V - When all the world seems so merry and bright, I'm dreaming of days past recall, Wond'ring if someone can see me tonight, As the tears from my eyes gently fall. C - Faded old love letters, They mean the world to me, Each night I read them over, They are my rosary. PD Reprint
Farewell Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Rappolo ~ Leon Rappolo V - Sadness just makes me sigh. I've come to say goodbye. Altho I go I've got those farewell blues. C - Those farewell blues make me years That parting kiss seems to burn. Farewell dearie Some day I will return.. PD Reprint
Grandpa's Spells
Popular Song
1923 - m. Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1891-1941) PD Reprint
Gulf Coast Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Clarence Williams V - I've been blue all day. My man's gone away. He left his mamma cold. For another gal I'm told. C - Man that I love he has left me in this town. The man I love has gone, left me in this town. And if it keeps on snowing I will be Gulf Coast bound. PD Reprint
Home in Pasadena
Popular Song
1923 - m. Harry Warren, w. Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie V - Oh! You railway station. Oh! You pullman train! Here's my reservation For my destination Far beyond the western plain. C - Home in Pasadena, Home where grass is greener. Where honey bees hum melodies And orange tress scent the breeze. PD Reprint
Horsey Keep Your Tail Up
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Walter Hirsch, Bert Kaplan V - Reuben is so silly. He will never wear a hat. Tho' the sun is shining, He don't give a darn for that. C - Oh, Horsey! keep yer tail up . . . Why don't you make it rise? Tell me how you get that way, You mean 'Yes' and say 'Neigh, neigh' PD Reprint
I Cried For You
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Arthur Free, Gus Anaheim, Abe Lyman V - I remember other days how I used to weep Over things yhou said to me I couldn't even sleep. You forgot your promises ev'ry single vow. All you did was laugh at me but things are diff'rent now. C - I cried for you, Now it's your turn to cry over me. Ev'ry road has a turning That's one thing you're learning, I cried for you, What a fool I used to be. PD Reprint
I Love Life
Popular Song
1923 - m. Mana-Zucca, w. Irwin M. Cassel V - I want to live and drink of life's fullness, Take all it can give; I love life, Ev'ry moment count To glory in its sunshine And revel in its fount. PD Reprint
I Love You - Je T'aime!
Popular Song
1923 - m. Harry Archer, w. English: Harlan Thompson, French: Paul Combis P - Little Jessie James - 1923, Broadway V - Lovers always sing The same familiar thing, 'I love you', I love you, I do.' How nice it would be To do it deff'rently, But now that I'm singing to you: C - 'I love you, I love you', is all that I can say. 'I love you, I love you', the same old words I'm saying in the same old way. PD Reprint
I Won't Say I Will But I Won't Say I Won't
Popular Song
1923 - m. George Gershwin, w. B.G. De Sylva, Arthur Francis P - Little Miss Bluebeard - 1923, Broadway 1923-1924 V - You're a very naughty boy when you ask me for a kiss, I'm dismayed, A little bit afraid. C - I Won't Say I Will But I Won't Say I Won't! I don't say I doi but I don't say I don't! Kissing of any kind Never was on my mind. PD Reprint
I'm Goin' South
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Abner Silver, Harry Woods P - Bombo - 1921, Broadway Musical V - It's just an old time story, One that you've heard before, I left my mammy's fond caress To search the world for happiness. C - Yes, sir! I'm goin' South, Taste the sugar cane right in my mouth, All the world is sweet away down South Where I spent my happy days. PD Reprint
I'm Sitting Pretty In A Pretty Little City
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Lou Davis, Henry Santly & Abel Baer V - There's no place like home, you never learn that til you roam. Ev'ry place I'd be that little home kept callin' me C - I'm sittin' pretty in a pretty little city down Georgia way. There are no angels near, But it seems like heaven here. PD Reprint
I've Got the Yes We Have No Bananas Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w. Lew Brown, m. James F. Hanley, Robert King V - Lately I've been off my nut. I keep hearing nothing but 'YES! We have no bananas'. And I'd like to find the guy Who composed that lullaby C - I've got the 'YES!' We have no banana blues. I've got the blues. And when I hear it, Oh! how I fear it.; It's just like hearing bad news. PD Reprint
Indiana Moon
Popular Song
1923 - w. Benny Davis, m. Isham Jones V - Indiana Moon for you I'm pining. Pining ever since I went away. Pretty soon I'm gonna se you shining, For I'm going home today. C - Indiana Moon I miss you. Indiana Moon I'm blue. There's somebody there I long to kiss too, With a heart of love that's ever PD Reprint
It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo'
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Wendell Hall V - Oh! The night was dark and dreary, The air was full of sleet, The old man stood out in the storm, his shoes were full of feet. C - Oh! It ain't gonna rain no mo' no mo'. It ain't gonna rain no mo'. But how in the world can the old folks tell, It ain't a-gonna rain no mo'. PD Reprint
Just A Girl That Men Forget
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Al Dubin, Fred Rath, Joe Garron V - Dear little girl, they call you a Vamp, A flapper with up to date ways. You may shine brightly just like a lamp, You'll burn out one of these days. C - You're the kind of girl that men forget, Just a toy to enjoy for a while. For when men settle down they always get an old fashioned girl With an old fashioned smile. PD Reprint
Kansas City Stomp
Popular Song
1923 - Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1890-1941) PD Reprint
La Rosita
Popular Song
1923 - w. Allan Stuart m. Paul Dupont (Pseud. of Walter Haenschen) V - Tinkling guitar strums a song 'neath a balcony. Glimmering stars glean their silvery light. Slowly the moon rises high o'er the peaceful lea. C - Sweet girl of my dreams hear my song I implore you, Soul of my soul, hear my gay serenade. Deep in my heart I will always adore you. PD Reprint
Last Night on the Back Porch
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Lew Brown, Carl Schraubstader V - There's a girl I'm wild about Ev'ry time I take her out. I hug her . I squeeze her, I tease her so. And we always can be found Where there's no on else around. C - I love her in the morning. And I lover her at night. I love her, yes, I lover her When the stars are shining bright. PD Reprint
Linger Awhile
Popular Song
1923 - w. Harry Owens m. Vincent Rose V - The time is coming soon to say good bye, A time of sadness it will be. But Honey listen to my parting sigh, And linger on a while with me. C - The stars shine above you. Yet linger a while' They whisper 'I love you' So linger awhile. PD Reprint
Louisville Lou
Popular Song
1923 - w. Jack Yellen m. Milton Ager V - Folks, you've heard of scandalous vamps; History is full of love makin' champs. But if you crave a brand new thrill Come and meet the vamp of Louisville. C - They call the lady Louisville Lou. Oh, what that vampin' baby can do! She is the most heart breakin'est shimmy shakin'est That the world ever knew. PD Reprint
Mama Goes Where Papa Goes
Popular Song
1923 - w. Jack Yellen m. Milton Ager PD Reprint
Mama Loves Papa
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Cliff Friend & Abel Baer PD Reprint
Mexicali Rose
Popular Song
1923 - w. Helen Stone, m. Jack B. Tenney V - Mexicali Rose, I'm leaving. Don't feel blue. Mexicali Rose, stop grieving; I love you. C - Mexicali Rose, stop crying; I'll come back to you some sunny day. Ev'ry night you'll know that I'll be pining, Ev'ry hour a year while I'm away. PD Reprint
Mon Paradis (Serenade d'Aujourd'hui)
Popular Song
1923 - m. Cuthbert Clarke PD Reprint
Moon Love
Popular Song
1923 - m. Jerome Kern, w. George Grossmith, Jr., P. G. Wodehouse P - The Beauty Prize PD Reprint
Mr. Jelly-Lord
Popular Song
1923 - Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1890-1941) PD Reprint
My Little Nest Of Heavenly Blue
Popular Song
1926 - w. A.M. Wilner, Heinz Reichert, Sigmund Spaeth, m. Franz Lehar PD Reprint
My Sweetie Went Away
Popular Song
1923 - w. Roy Turk m. Lou Handman PD Reprint
No, No, Nora
Popular Song
1923 - w. Gus Kahn PD Reprint
Oh Didn't It Rain
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Eddie Leonard V - We came from far away Upon a summer's day, Didn't it Rain. We went to the Polo Grounds To see a baseball game. Didn't it rain. C - Because it Rained. Didn't it rain. The way it rained it was a shame, We'll never go there again, Because it rained. PD Reprint
Oh Gee Oh Gosh Oh Golly I'm In Love
Popular Song
1923 - w. Ole Olson, Chick Johnson, m. Ernest Breuer PD Reprint
Old Fashioned Love
Popular Song
1923 - w. Cecil Mack m. James P. Johnson PD Reprint
Old King Tut
Popular Song
1923 - w. William Jerome m. Harry Von Tilzer PD Reprint
On The Mall
Popular Song
1923 - m. Edwin Franko Goldman PD Reprint
Once In A Blue Moon
Popular Song
1923 - w. Anne Caldwell m. Jerome Kern PD Reprint
Orange Grove In California
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Irving Berlin (1888-1989) PD Reprint
Out Where The Blue Begins
Popular Song
1923 - Graff, McHugh, Grant PD Reprint
Popular Song
1923 - Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1890-1941) PD Reprint
Raggedy Ann
Popular Song
1923 - w. Anne Caldwell m. Jerome Kern PD Reprint
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Vivian Duncan & Rosetta Duncan PD Reprint
Seven Or Eleven
Popular Song
1923 - w. Lew Brown m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Sittin' In A Corner
Popular Song
1923 - w. Gus Kahn m. George W. Meyer PD Reprint
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Earl Lebieg PD Reprint
Smile Will Go A Long Long Way
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Benny Davis, Harry Akst PD Reprint
Sobbin' Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Art Kassel PD Reprint
Some Sweet Day
Popular Song
1923 - w. Gene Buck m. Dave Stamper & Louis A. Hirsch V - Ever since I've been here I've been kind of lonely, Every little dear leaves me by my only. But I just feel that some sweet day I'll meet a girl that likes my way. C - Some sweet day some cutie'll Come my way, some beauty, And she may lead me astray. PD Reprint
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Al Jolson, Benny Davis & Harry Akst PD Reprint
Swingin' Down the Lane
Popular Song
1923 - w. Gus Kahn m. Isham Jones V - There's a nightingale callin'; Out where moonbeams are fallin', He's makin' love to a red, red rose C - Ev'rybody hand in hand, Swingin' down the lane, Ev'rebody feelin' grand, Swingin' down the lane. PD Reprint
Tell Me With A Melody
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Irving Berlin (1888 - 1989) PD Reprint
That Old Gang of Mine
Popular Song
1923 - w. Billy Rose & Mort Dixon m. Ray Henderson V - I've got a longin' way down in my heart. For that old gang that has drifted apart. They were the best pals that I ever had, I never thought I'd want them so bad. C - Gee, but I'd give the world to see that old gang of mine. I can't forget than old quartette that sand 'Swet Adeline'. PD Reprint
Tin Roof Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w. Walter Melrose, m. New Orleans Rhythm Kings PD Reprint
Waitin' For The Evenin' Mail
Popular Song
1923 - Billy Baskette PD Reprint
When Clouds Have Vanished And Skies Are Blue
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. George M. Cohan (1878 - 1942) P - The Rise of Rosy O'Reilly PD Reprint
When It's Night Time In Italy, It's Wednesday Over Here
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. James Kendis, Lew Brown PD Reprint
When June Comes Along With A Song
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. George M. Cohan (1878-1942) PD Reprint
When You Walked Out Someone Else Walked Right In
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Irving Berlin (1888 - 1989) V - My honey do you remember 'twas a December day, I said that you would repent the day that you went away. C - When you walked out someone else walked right in. Someone with good news stepped right in your shoes. PD Reprint
Who'll Buy My Violets
Popular Song
1923 - w. E. Ray Goetz m. Jose Padilla PD Reprint
Who's Sorry Now?
Popular Song
1923 - w. Bert Kalmar & Harry Ruby, m. Ted Snyder P - A Night In Casablanca - The Marx Brothers V - You smiled when we parted, It hurt me somehow, I thought there were was nothing worthwhile. The tables are turning And you're crying now C - Who's sorry now? . . .Whose heart is aching for breaking each vow? Who's sad and blue? Who's crying too? Just like I cried over you. PD Reprint
Wild Flower
Popular Song
1923 - w. Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II m. Vincent Youmans & Herbert Stothar PD Reprint
Wolverine Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton, Benjamin Spikes & John C. Spikes PD Reprint
Yes! We Have No Bananas
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Frank Silver & Irving Cohn V - There's a fruit store on out street. It's run by a Greek. And he keeps good thing to eat. But you should hear him speak. C - YES! We have no bananas. We have no bananas today. We've string beans and HONions, cabBAHges and scallions And all kind of fruit and say PD Reprint
You'll Never Miss Your Mother Until She's Gone
Popular Song
1923 - Sung by Ethel Waters PD Reprint
You've Got To See Mama Ev'ry Night
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Con Conrad & Billy Rose PD Reprint
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