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Best Known Popular Public Domain Songs List of 967


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
1 - 3  $5 ea
4 up  $4 ea
Popular Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
99 BluesSee Ninety-Nine Blues
Aba Daba Honeymoon 1914 - w.m. Arthur Fields, Walter Donaldson V - Way down in the Congo land lived a happy chimpanzee, She loved a monkey with a long tail, (Lordy, how she loved him!) C - 'Aba, daba, daba, daba, daba, daba, dab' Said the chimpie to the Monk. 'Baba, daba, daba, daba, daba, daba, dab' Said the Monkey to the Chimp. PD Reprint
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder 1900 - m. Herbert Dillea, w. Arthur Gillespie PD Reprint
Adoring You 1924 - w. Joseph McCarthy, m. Harry Tierney PD Reprint
Afghanistan 1920 - m. Harry Donnelly, w. William Wilander V - In the land of Afghanistan There's a Hindu maid and a man. She swore by the stars up above her That he was the one to love her. C - In Afghanistan, There's a Caravan By the fair oasis waiting for you and for you only. Cross the desert sand we will find a temple; There will be a bridal day for you my idol, In Afghanistan. PD Reprint
After I Say I'm Sorry [What Can I Say] 1926 - w.m. Walter Donaldson, Abe Lyman PD Reprint
After the Ball 1892 - w.m. Charles K. Harris V - A bright little maiden climbed an old man's knee. Begged for a story, 'Do Uncle please?' Why are you single, why live alone? C - After the ball is over, After the break of morn, After the dancers leaving, After the stars have gone; PD Reprint
After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It 1920 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Listen to me honey dear, Something's wrong with you I fear. It's getting harder to please you, Harder and harder each year. C - After you get what you want you don't want it, If I gave you the moon, You'd grow tired of it soon. You're like a baby You want what you want when you want it. PD Reprint
After You've Gone 1918 - m. Turner Layton, w. Henry Creamer V - Now won't you listen honey while I say How could you tell me that you're going away C - After you've gone and left me crying, After you've gone There's no denying, you'll feel blue, You'll feel sad PD Reprint
Aggravatin' Papa 1922 - w.m. Roy Turk, J. Russell Robinson, Addie Britt PD Reprint
Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life 1910 - m. Victor Herbert (1859 - 1924), w. Rida Johnson Young (1875-1926) P - Naughty Marietta - 1910, Operetta V - Ah! Sweet Mysteryt of life, at last I've found thee. Ah! I know at last the secret of it all; All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting . . . C - . . . For it is love alone that rules for aye! PD Reprint
Ain't She Sweet 1927 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milt Ager PD Reprint
Ain't We Got Fun 1921 - m. Richard Whiting, w. Gus Kahn, Raymond Egan V - Bill collectors gather 'Round and rather, Haunt the cottage next door. Men the grocer and butcher sent, Men who call for the rent. C - Ev'ry morning, ev'ry evening, Ain't we got fun. Not much money Oh but honey Ain't we got fun. The rents unpaid dear, We haven't a bus . . . PD Reprint
Ain't You Coming Back to Dixieland 1917 - m. Richard A. Whiting, w. Raymond Egan PD Reprint
Alabama Jubilee 1915 - m. George L. Cobb, w. Jack Yellen PD Reprint
Alabamy Bound 1925 - w. Buddy DeSylva, Bud Green, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Alcoholic Blues (Some Blues) 1919 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Edward Laska V - I love my country, 'deed I do C - I've got the blues, I've go the alcoholic blues PD Reprint
Alexander's Ragtime Band 1911 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Oh, ma honey, Better hurry and let's meander, Ain't you goin', To the leader man, ragged meter man? Oh, ma honey. C - Come on and hear, Come on and hear Alexander's ragtime band, Come and hear, Come on and hear, It's the best band in the land. PD Reprint
Alice Blue Gown 1919 - m. Harry Tierney, w. Joe McCarthy V - I once had a gown it was almost new, Oh, the daintiest thing, it was sweet Alice Blue C - In my sweet little Alice Blue Gown, When I first wandered down into town PD Reprint
All Aboard For Dixie Land 1913 - m. George L. Cobb, w. Jack Yellen PD Reprint
All Alone 1911 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Will Dillon PD Reprint
All Alone (Irving Berlin) 1924 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Just like a melody that lingers on, You seem to haunt me night and day. I never realized till you had gone How much I cared about you. C - All alone. I'm so all alone. There is no one else but you. All alone by the telephone waiting for a ring, a ting-a-ling. PD Reprint
All Alone Monday 1927 - w. Bert Kalmar, m. Harry Ruby PD Reprint
All By Myself 1921 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - I'm so unhappy. What'll I do, I long for somebody who, will sympathize with me; C - All by myself in the morning, All by myself in the night; I sit alone in a cosy Morris chair, So unhappy there Playing solitaire. PD Reprint
All Night Long 1912 - w.m. Shelton Brooks PD Reprint
All She'd Say Was Umh-Umn 1920 - w.m. Jack Dill, Mac Emery, Gus Van, Joe Schenck V - I never cared for birds or flowers or buzzing ot eh bees until today C - Like a sweet coooin' dove I'm just bbbling with love Umh Hum Umh-Hum PD Reprint
All The Quakers Are Shoulder Shakers 1919 - m. Pete Wendling, w. Bert Kalmar, Edgar Leslie V - Oh, I just got back today, From a town not far away. I've been looking at the Quakers, In their clothes of gray; C - All the Quakers are shoulder shakers, Down in Quaker town, Things are upside down--The Jazz Bug bit 'em, How it hit 'em. PD Reprint
All The World Will Be Jealous Of Me 1917 - m. Ernest Ball, w. Al Dubin PD Reprint
Along The Rocky Road To Dublin 1915 - m. Bert Grant, w. Joe Young V - Said Pat McGee, now listen to me, I've heard you fellows brag about your beauties over here C - Along the rocky road to Dublin we were singing along, singing a song with joy me heart was bubblin' with Cordelia by me side PD Reprint
Always 1925 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Always Leave Them Laughing (When You Say Goodbye) 1903 - w.m. George M. Cohan PD Reprint
Am I Wasting Time On You 1926 - w.m. Howard Johnson, Irving Bibo PD Reprint
America, Here's My Boy 1917 - m. Arthur Lange, w. Andrew B. Sterling V - There's a million mothing knocking at the nations door, A million mothers, yes, and there'll be millions more C - America, I raised a boy for you. America, you'll find him staunch and true, Place a gun upon his shoulder, He is ready to die or do. PD Reprint
America, I Love You 1915 - m. Archie Gottler, w. Edgar Leslie V - Amid fields of clover, 'Twas just a little over A hundred years ago, A handful of strangers, They faced many dangers To make their country grow C - America, I love you, You're like a sweetheart of mine, From ocean to ocean, for you my devotion, Is touching each bound'ry line PD Reprint
Among My Sourvenirs 1928 - w. Edgar Leslie, m. Horatio Nicholls PD Reprint
Among My Souvenirs 1927 - w. Edgar Leslie, m. Haratio Nicholls PD Reprint
Angela Mia (My Angel) 1928 - w.m. Erne Rapee Lew Pollack PD Reprint
Angelus 1913 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Robert V. Smith PD Reprint
Angry 1925 - w. Dudley Mecum, m. Henry Brunies, Merritt Brunies PD Reprint
Annabelle 1923 - m. Ray Henderson (1896 - 1970), w. Lew Brown (b. Russia, December 10, 1893; d. New York NY, February 5, 1958) V - Pretty Little Annabelle Liked a lot of beaus, And her sweetie Johnny Brown Wanted her to settle down, How he coaxes sweet Annabell, Goodness only knows. C - Oh! Annabelle, You've made a wild man out of me. Cause ev'ry day in ev'ry way, You get me jealous as can be. PD Reprint
Any Little Girl That's A Nice Little Girl 1910 - m. Fred Fischer, w. Thomas J. Gray V - Said she, C - Any little girl that's a nice little girl is the right little girl for me PD Reprint
Any Old Port In A Storm 1908 - m. Kerry Mills, w. Arthur Lamb PD Reprint
Any Old Time At All 1906 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome PD Reprint
Any Time 1921 - w.m. Herbert Happy Lawson V - I'm sad and blue 'bout nobody but you, Why you don't seem the same to me. I told you that I love'd you right from the start . . . C - Any time that you are lonely, Any time that you are blue, Any time you feel down hearted, That will prove to you my love is true . . . PD Reprint
Anything is Nice If It Comes From Dixieland 1919 - w.m. Grant Clarke, Geo. W. Meyer, Milton Ager V - Ev'ry winter you will notice that the birdies in the sky, to the south will always fly C - Just to make our clothes the cotton grows, in dear old Alabam' PD Reprint
April Showers 1921 - m. Louis Silvers, w. Bud DeSylva PD Reprint
Arabian Nights 1918,1919 - m. M. David and Wm. Hewitt, w. Herbert Reynolds V - With what joy girl and boy have always loved to look C - Arabian nights, golden nights, dear delights of oriental mystery PD Reprint
Are You From Dixie ('Cause I'm From Dixie Too) 1915 - m. George L. Cobb, w. Jack Yellen PD Reprint
Are You Half The Man Your Mother Thought You'd Be 1916 - m. Harry De Costa, w. Leo Wood V - Have you ever stopped to think of how you sat at mothers' knee, While she planned your future with you, pictured what a man you'd be? C - Have you kept your promise to her, That you made while on her knee? Can you truly say You're half the man today That she always thought you'd be? PD Reprint
Are You Lonesome Tonight 1926 - w.m. Roy Turk, Lou Handman PD Reprint
Arrah Wanna 1906 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Jack Drislane PD Reprint
Arrah, Go On, I'm Gonna Go Back To Oregon 1916 - m. Bert Grant, w. Joe Young, Sam Lewis PD Reprint
As Long As The World Rolls On 1907 - m. Ernest Ball, w. George Graff PD Reprint
At A Mississipi Cabaret 1914 - m. Albert Gumble, w. A. Seymour Brown PD Reprint
At Dawning 1906 - m. Charles Wakefield Cadman, w. Nelle Richmond Eberthart V - When the dawn flames in the sky I love you; When the birdling wak and cry, I love you PD Reprint
At Peace With The World 1926 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
At Sundown 1927 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
At the Ball, That's All 1913 - w.m. J. Leubrie Hill P - Ziegfield Follies of 1913 - 1913, Musical Variety PD Reprint
At The Devil's Ball 1913 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - I had a dream, last night, That filled me full of fright: I dreamt that I was with the Devil below, In his great big fiery hall. C - At the Devil's Ball, At the Devil's Ball I saw the cute Mrs. Devil, so pretty and fat, Dress'd in a beautiful fireman's hat; PD Reprint
At The End Of The Road 1924 - w. Ballard MacDonald, James F. Hanley PD Reprint
Au Revoir, But Not Good Bye 1917 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Lew Brown V - Though you're leaving me today, never fear. In my thoughts you'll always be every near. C - Au revoir but not Good Bye, soldier boy. Brush that tear drop from you eye, Soldier boy. PD Reprint
Aunt Hagar's Children Blues 1921 - w. Lt. J. Tim Brymm, m. W.C. Handy V - Old Deacon Splivin', his flock was givin' The way of livin' right, Said he 'No wingin' no ragtime singin' tonight'. Up jumped Aunt Hagar and shouted with all her might C - . . . Let the congregation join while I sing those lovin' Aunt Hagar's Blues. PD Reprint
Avalon 1920 - w.m. Al Jolson, Vincent Rose V - Ev'ry morning mem'ries stray Across the sea where flying fishes play And as the night is falling I find that I'm recalling C - I found my love in Avalon Beside the bay. I left my love in Avalon and sail'd away. I dream of her and Avalon From dusk 'till dawn PD Reprint
Avalon Town 1928 - w. Grant Clarke, m. Nacio Herb Brown PD Reprint
Ave Maria ~ Gounod 1859 - m. Bach, Gounod, w. Gounod PD Reprint
Away Down South In Heaven 1928 - w. Bud Green, m. Harry Warren PD Reprint
Baby Doll w.m. Armstrong and Clark PD Reprint
Baby Face 1926 - w.m. Benny Davis, Harry Akst PD Reprint
Baby, Won't You Please Come Home 1919 - w.m. Clarence Williams, Charles Warfield V - I've got the blues I feel so lonely,I'd give the world if I could only make you understand C - Baby won't you please come home . . . I have tried in vain, nevermore to call your name, When you left you broke my heart, That will never make us part PD Reprint
Back Home Again in IndianaSee Indiana (Back Home Again In)
Back In Your Own Back Yard 1928 - w.m. Dave Dreyer, Al Jolson, Billy Rose PD Reprint
Back To The Carolina You Love 1914 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Grant Clarke PD Reprint
Back, Back To Baltimore 1904 - m. Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Harry H. Williams PD Reprint
Bag Of Rags 1912 PD Reprint
Bagdad 1912 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Anne Caldwell, James O'Dea PD Reprint
Bagdad (J.Yellen,M.Ager) 1924 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milton Ager PD Reprint
Ballin' the Jack 1913 - m. Chris Smith, w. Jim Burris V - Folks in Georgia's 'bout to go insane Since that new dance down in Georgia came, I'm the only person who's to blame I'm the party introduced it there, so! C - First you put your two knees close up tight, Then you swing 'em to the left, then you sway em to the right PD Reprint
Bam Bam Bamy Shore 1926 - m. Mort Dixon, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Bambalina 1923 - m. Vincent Millie Youmans (1898 - 1946), Herbert P. Stothart (1885 - 1949), w. Otto Abels Harbach (1873 - 1963), Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein, II (1895-1960) P - Wildflower - 1923, Broadway V - Wilt thou come with me to the fair? Bambalina will be there. Who is Bambalina what sort of man is he? He's fiddler man by trade, Both beloved by man and maid. C - When we're dancing at the fair we have to watch and keep aware, When good ol Bambalina calls a stop; That means I must stand still in your arms and hold your hand still. PD Reprint
Band Played On 1895 - m. Charles B. Ward, w. John F. Palmer V - Matt Casey formed a social club that beat the town for style, And hired for a meeting place a hall. C - Casey would waltz with a strawberry blond, and the band played on. He'd glide cross the floor with the girl he adored, and the Band played on. PD Reprint
Bandana Days 1921 - w.m. Eubie Blake & Noble Sissle PD Reprint
Barcelona 1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Polchard Evans PD Reprint
Barney Google 1923 - w.m. Con Conrad (1891-1938), Billy Rose (1899-1966) V - Who's the most important man this country ever knew. Who's the man our Presidents tell all their troubles to. C - Barney Google with his Goo Goo Googlyeyes. Barney Google had a wife three times his size. She sued Barney for divorce, Now he's living with his horse. PD Reprint
Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee 1912 - m. Henry I. Marshall, w. Stanley Murphy PD Reprint
Beale Street Blues 1917 - w.m. W.C. Handy V - I've seen the lights of gay Broadway C - I'd rather be here than any place I know PD Reprint
Beautiful Annabelle Lee 1920 - m. George Meyer, w. Alfred Bryan PD Reprint
Beautiful Dreamer 1864 - Stephen Collins Foster V - Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me, Starlight and dew drops are waiting for thee; Sounds of the rude world heard in the day, Lull'd by the moonlight, have all pass'd away! C - Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me! Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me. PD Reprint
Beautiful Garden of Prayer 1920 PD Reprint
Beautiful Ohio 1918 - m. Robert A. King, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
Because ~ Guy d'Hardelot 1902 - w. Edward Teschemacher, m. Guy d'Hardelot N - m. pseudonym of Helen Guy or Mrs. W.I. Thodes PD Reprint
Because I Love You 1926 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Because My Baby Don't Mean Maybe Now 1928 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Bedelia 1903 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome V - There's a charming Irish lady with a roguish winning way, Who has kept my heart a bumpin' and a jumpin' night and day. C - Bedelia, I want to steal ye, Bedelia I love you so, I'll be your Chauncey Olcott If you'll be my Molly O'. PD Reprint
Bells of St Mary's 1917 - m. A. Emmett Adams, w. Douglas Furber PD Reprint
Beloved 1928 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Joe Sanders PD Reprint
Beside A Babbling Brook 1923 - m. Walter Donaldson (1893-1947), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) V - When I was younger I used to hunger to climb up the ladder of life. Now that I've grown up I might as well own up it's not worth the worry and strife. C - I'd be more than satisfied if I could hide away beside a babbling brook Rippling waters call me far away to a quiet shady nook. PD Reprint
Best Things In Life Are Free 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Bicycle Built for TwoSee Daisy Bell
Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now 1924 - m. Milton Ager (b. October 6, 1893; d. May 6, 1979), w. Jack Yellen (b. January 1, 1970; d. April 17, 1991) V - In the town of Louisville, They've got a man called Big Bad Bill; I want to tell you he sure was tough; Brother he was rough. C - Big Bad Bill is sweet William now; Married life has changed him somehow. He's the man they all used to fear; Now the people call him Willie dear. PD Reprint
Big Bass Viol 1910 - w.m. M.T. Bohannon V - There once lived a man in the town of Missoula. His name was Augustus Miles. He was known miles around as a Lalapalousa, At playing the big bass viol. C - Zum, zum, zum, sounds forth his big bass viol. Zum,zum,zum He plays it all the while, There ne'er a lute nor harp or flute with tones so soft or mild. PD Reprint
Big Boy 1924 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milton Ager PD Reprint
Bill 1928 - m. Oscar Hammersteinm. m. Jerome Kern P - Show Boat PD Reprint
Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home 1902 - w.m. Hughie Cannon (1877-1912) V - On one summer's day, Sun was shining fine. The lady love of old Bill Bailey was hanging clothes on de line in her back yard, and weeping hard. C - Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? She moans the whole day long; I'll do de cooking, darling, I'll pay de rent; I knows I've done you wrong. PD Reprint
Billy 1911 - w.m. Joe Goodwin, James Kendis, Herman Paley PD Reprint
Bimini Bay 1921 - m. Richard Whiting, w. Gus Kahn, Raymond Egan PD Reprint
Bird In A Gilded Cage 1900 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Arthur Lamb V - The ballroom was filled with fashions throng, It shone with a thousand lights, And there was a woman who passed along, The fairest of all the sights. C - She's only a bird in a gilded cage, A beautiful sign to see, You may think see's happy and free from care, She's not, though she seems to be PD Reprint
Bird on Nellie's Hat m. Alfred Solman, w. Arthur Lamb PD Reprint
Birth of Passion 1910 - m. Karl L. Hoschna, w. Otto Hauerbach P - Madame Sherry - 1910, French Vaudeville PD Reprint
Birth Of The Blues 1926 - w. B.G. De Sylva, Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Bit O' Blarney 1904 - m. J. Fred Helf, w. Will Heelan PD Reprint
Black Bottom 1926 - w. B.G. De Sylva, Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Black Bottom Stomp 1926 - m. Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton PD Reprint
Blaze Away March 1901 - m. Abe Holzmann PD Reprint
Blue (and Broken-Hearted) 1922 - m. Lou Handman, w. Grant Clarke & Edgar Leslie V - I used to think I could live without you, But I admit that I changed my mind. I go to sleep and I dream about you, And thru' the day you can always find me. C - Blue because we're parted, Blue and broken hearted, There was a time I was jolly, You know the reason I am melancholy, Blue and oh! so lonely. PD Reprint
Blue Danube Blues 1921 - m. Jerome Kern, w. Anne Caldwell P - Good Morning Dearie - 1921, PD Reprint
Blue Room 1926 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers PD Reprint
Blue Skies 1927 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me 1919 - m. Carey Morgan, w. Charles McCarron V - What is that song about kisses, What is that song about smiles, If I could have my way I'd sing a song today C - There are Blues that you get from worry. There are Blues that you get from pain. And there are Blues when you're lonely PD Reprint
Boola Boola 1901 - w.m. Billy Johnson, Bob Cole, Allen M. Hirsch V - Well here we are, well here we are: Just watch us rolling up a score. We'll leave those fellows behind so far, They won't want to play us any more. C - Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola. When we're through with those poor fellows, they will holler 'Boola Boola' N - Yale University PD Reprint
Breezin' Along With The Breeze 1926 - w.m. Haven Gillespie, Seymour Simmons, George Whiting PD Reprint
Broadway Rose 1920 - m. Otis Spencer, Martin Fried, w. Eugene West PD Reprint
Broken Hearted (Here I Am) 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Broken Hearted Melody 1923 - m. Isham Edgar Jones (1894-1956), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) V - Out of the dear long ago, I hear a song sweet and low. Drifting it seems, out of the dreams, Dreams that we used to know, dear. C - Just a broken hearted melody, Just a song that ends with a sigh. Like the sweet refrain you sang to me on the night we said good-bye, Dear. PD Reprint
Brown Eyes, Why Are You Blue? 1925 - w. Alfred Bryan, m. George W. Meyer PD Reprint
Budweiser's A Friend Of Mine 1907 - m. Seymour Furth (1877? - 1932), w. Vincent Bryan (1878 - 1937) V - The poets may sing of the friends who will cling to you, When you are gloomy and blue. But I have one friend who will stick to the end, Just the dearest friend I ever knew. C - Bud, Budweiser's a friend of mine, Friend of mine, yes, a friend of mine. What care I, if the sun don't shine, While I've got Budweiser. PD Reprint
Button Up Your Overcoat 1928 - w. Bud DeSylva, Lew Brown, w. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
By Heck 1914 - m. S.R. Henry, w. J. Wolfe Gilbert V - Old Josh who care to town from Oskaloosa To sell his oldest milking bridle cow, Said he 'now she's a reg'lar lallapaloosa' . . C - Oh! What a town, makes me feel just like a clown, Here I'm walking up and down with a cow By Heck! Wow! PD Reprint
By the Beautiful Sea 1914 - m. Harry Carroll, w. Harold Atteridge V - Joe and Jane always together, Said Joe to Jane 'I love Summer weather, So let's go to that beautiful sea.' C - By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea, You and I, you and I, oh! how happy we'll be. When each wave comes a rolling in PD Reprint
By the Light of the Silvery Moon 1909 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Edward Madden V - Place park, Scene dark, Silv'ry moon is shining thro' the trees; Cast two, me, you, Sound of kisses floating on the breeze. C - By the light of the silvery moon, I want to spoon, To my honey I'll croon love's tune. Honeymoon keep a shining in June PD Reprint
By The Light Of The Stars 1925 - w.m. George A. Little, Arthur Sizemore, Larry Shay PD Reprint
By the Waters of Minnetonka 1914 - w. J.M. Cavanass, m. Thurlow Lieurance N - a.k.a. Moon Dear PD Reprint
Bye Bye Blackbird 1926 - w. Mort Dixon, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-I-N-O-P-L-E 1928 - w.m. Harry Carleton PD Reprint
C'Est Vous [It's You] 1927 - w.m. Abner Greenberg, Abner Silver, Harry Richman PD Reprint
Calico Rag PD Reprint
California 1922 - w.m. Cliff Friend, Con Conrad V - California let me speak my mind. I've been waiting for a long long time. I've got a sneaky feeling I'll be stealing To your bright and sunny clime. C - My California, Hear your lonesome boy calling. Honest I ain't a-stalling. I want to come home. Just head me crying. PD Reprint
California Here I Come 1924 - w.m. Joseph Meyer, Al Jolson, Bud DeSylva P - Bombo - 1921, Broadway Musical V - When the wintry winds are blowing; And the snow is starting in to fall, Then my eyes turn westward knowing, That's the place I love the best of all. C - California, here I come. Right back where I started from. Where bowers of flowers bloom in the sun. Each morning at dawning, Birdies sing an' ev'ry thing. PD Reprint
Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon 1910 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Nellie Green met Harry Lee At a masquerade the other night C - Call me up some rainy afternoon, I'll arrange for a quiet little spoon PD Reprint
Call Of The South 1924 - w.m. Irving Berlin P - Music Box Revue 1925 PD Reprint
Camptown Races 1850 - Stephen Collins Foster V - De Camptown ladies sing dis song Doo-dah! doo-dah! De Camptown race-track five miles long. Oh! doo-dah day! C - Gwine to run all night! Gwine to run all day! I'll bet my money on de bobtail nag, Somebody bet on de bay. PD Reprint
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man 1928 - w. Oscar Hammerstein II, m. Jerome Kern PD Reprint
Can't Yo' Heah Me Callin' Caroline 1914 - m. Caro Roma, w. William H. Gardner PD Reprint
Can't You See I'm Lonely 1905 - m. Harry Armstrong, w. Felix Feist PD Reprint
Can't You Take It Back And Change It For A Boy? 1911 - w.m. Thurland Chattaway PD Reprint
Canadian Capers 1915 - w.m. Gus Chandler, Bert White, Harry Cohen PD Reprint
Cannon Ball Blues 1926 - m. Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton PD Reprint
Caprice Viennois m. Fritz Kreisler PD Reprint
Careless LoveSee Loveless Love
Carolina In The Morning 1922 - m. Walter Donaldson (1893-1947), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) PD Reprint
Carolina Moon 1928 - w.m. Benny Davis, Joe Burke PD Reprint
Carrie (Marry Harry) 1909 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Junie McCree PD Reprint
Carry Me Back To Old Virginny 1878 - w.m. James A. Bland V - Carry me back to old Virginny, There's where the cotton and the corn and taters grow. There's where the birds warble sweet in the springtime, There's where this old darkey's heart am long'd to go. PD Reprint
Casey Jones 1909 - m. Eddie Newton, w. T. Lawrence Seibert V - Come all you rounders if you want to hear a story about a brave Engineer. Casey Jones was the Rounders name On a six eight wheeler boys he won his fame. C - Casey Jones! mounted to the cabin. Casey Jones with his orders in his hand. Casey Jones mounted to the cabin and he took his farewell trip to that Promised land. PD Reprint
Casey Would Waltz with the Strawberry BlondeSee The Band Played On
Cecilia 1925 - w. Herman Ruby, m. Dave Dreyer PD Reprint
Chanticleer Rag 1910 - m. Albert Gumble, w. Edward Madden PD Reprint
Charleston 1923 - w.m. Cecil Mack (1873-1944), James P. (Jimmy) Johnson (1894 - 1955) P - Runnin' Wild - 1923, Broadway V - Carolina, Carolina, At last they're got you on the map, With a new tune, Funny blue tune, With a peculiar snap! C - Charleston! Charleston! Made in Carolina, Some dance, Some pruacm I'll say, There's nothing finer than the Charleston, Charleston PD Reprint
Charley, My Boy 1924 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Ted FioRito PD Reprint
Charmaine 1926 - w.m. Erno Rapee, Lew Pollack PD Reprint
Cheatin' On Me 1925 PD Reprint
Cheer Up, Mary 1906 - w.m. Jack Kendis, Harry Armstrong PD Reprint
Cherie 1921 - m. Irbing Bibo, w. Leo Wood PD Reprint
Cherie, I Love You 1926 - w.m. Lillian Rosedale Goodman PD Reprint
Cherry 1928 - w.m. Don Redman PD Reprint
Chicago Breakdown 1926 - m. Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton' PD Reprint
Chicago, That Toddlin' Town 1922 - w.m. Fred Fisher V - I got a gal, I got a pal, I got a chance, I got a dance, waiting for me. I'm goin' to make, right to the lake, There with the boys, in Illinois, I'll want to be. C - Chicago, Chicago, That todd'ling town, That todd'ling town. Chicago, Chicago, I'll show you around. I love it PD Reprint
Chicken Reel 1910 - m. Joseph M. Daly, w. Joseph Mittenthal PD Reprint
Chili Bean 1920 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Lew Brown V - In the land of Eenie meenie minie mo, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! not long ago Lived a girl named Chili, and the fellows loved her so C - Oh! You lean and lanky Chili Beanie eenie minie mo. You know we love you so. We love your ja da, um ta da da PD Reprint
China Boy 1922 - w. Phil Boutelje, m. Dick Winfree PD Reprint
Chinatown My Chinatown 1910 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome V - When the town is fast asleep, And it's midnight in the sky C - Chinatown, my Chinatown, Where the lights are low PD Reprint
Chiquita 1928 - w. L. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Mabel Wayne PD Reprint
Chloe 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Neil Moret PD Reprint
Chong, He Come From Hong Kong 1919 - w.m. Harold Weeks PD Reprint
Christmas Day 1910 - m. Gustav Holst PD Reprint
Christopher Robin Is Saying His Prayers m. H. Fraser-Simson , w. A.A. Milne V - Little boy kneels at the foot of the bed, Droops on the little hands little gold head, Hush! Hush! Whisper who dares! Christopher Robin is saying his prayers. PD Reprint
Ciribiribin 1909 - m. Alberto Pestalozza, w. Rudolf Thaler V - When through vale and dale I'm wand'ring; Only one name follows me, And while list'ning to its rhythm To my ear 'tis melody C - Ciribiribin, a name of mystery that in my heart doth lie, Ciribiribin, It echoes constantly as days and nights roll by. PD Reprint
Clap Yo' Hands 1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. Georgia Gershwin PD Reprint
Climbing Up The Ladder Of Love 1926 - w. Raymond Klages, m. Jesse Greer PD Reprint
Close Your Eyes 1925 PD Reprint
Coal Black Mammy 1921 - m. Ivy St. Helier, w. Laddie Cliff PD Reprint
Cohen On The Telephone 1914 - w. Joe Hayman PD Reprint
Collegiate 1925 PD Reprint
Colonel Bogey March 1916 - m. Kenneth J. Alford N - March used in 1957 Movie, Bridge on the River Kwai PD Reprint
Colorado 1924 - w. Walter Hirsch, m. Harold A. Dellon PD Reprint
Come After Breakfast, Bring 'Long Your Lunch 1909 - w.m. James T. Brymn, Chris Smith, Jim Burris PD Reprint
Come Along My Mandy 1910 - w.m. Tom Mellor, Alfred J. Lawrence, Harry Gifford P - Jolly Bachelors - 1910, PD Reprint
Come Back to Erin 1866 - Claribel PD Reprint
Come Down, Ma Evenin' Star 1902 - m. John Stromberg, w. Robert B. Smith PD Reprint
Come On Spark Plug 1923 - w.m. Billy Rose (1899-1966), Con Conrad (1891-1938) V - The horses at the post! They're off and running neck and neck. Ev'ry one's a nervous wreck! Who's showing all that speed? What's that blanket that I see; Who else could it be. C - Come on you Spark Plug. I'm praying 'whoa! giddy-ap, giddy-ap, don't lose. Baby needs a pair of shoes.' PD Reprint
Come Out Of The Kitchen, Mary Ann 1917 - w.m. James Kendis, Charles Bayha V - Mary Ann was a picture fan But she worked hard all day. Washing dishes, still she had wishes To star in a photo play C - Come out of the kitchen Mary darlin', Come out of the kitchen Mary Ann. Why waste your time cooking Irish stew When Mary Pickford and Theda Barra will step aside for you. PD Reprint
Come Take A Trip In My Airship 1904 - m. George Evans, w. Ren Shields PD Reprint
Come to the Moon 1919 - m. George Gershwin, w. Ned Wayburn, Lou Paley V - Hello ev'rybody, I have come to take you back with me To a land of liberty C - Come to the moon, I'll lead the way to Spoonland There earthly troubles vanish like bubbles PD Reprint
Come, Josephine, in My Flying Machine 1910 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Alfred Bryan PD Reprint
Copenhagen 1924 - w. Walter Melrose m. Charlie Davis V - Way down in Old New Orleans You will find shoulder shakin' queens And when they roll their eyes You wake up in paradise. C - Professer man won't you play Copenhagen 'cause that's one tune sure has got me runnin' wild. Nobody knows how that tune burns up my clothers So Hey Hey Hey Syncopate all night long. PD Reprint
Coquette 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Carmen Lombardo, John Green PD Reprint
Cossack Love Song [Don't Forget Me] 1926 - w. Otto Harbach, Oscar Hammerstein II, m. Herbert Stothart, George Gershwin P - Song of the Flame PD Reprint
Covered Wagon Days 1923 - w.m. Will Morrissey (1887-1957), Joe Burrowes P - Covered Wagon - 1923, Silent Movie V - In the days of 'forty-nine', There was no one who'd decline, The call out West where all the best of fortune seemed to shine. C - Old covered wagon days. Gold draggin' in their ways. Your deeds in history play Parts that grip the hearts of our nation. PD Reprint
Crazy Blues 1920 - w.m. Perry Bradford V - I can't sleep at night I can't eat a bite 'Cause the one I love He don't treat me right. It makes me feel so blue I don't know what to do. C - 'Cause my love has been refused. So now I got the Crazy Blues. PD Reprint
Crazy Rhythm 1928 - w. Irving Caesar, m. Joseph Meyer, Roger Wolfe Kahn PD Reprint
Crazy Words, Crazy Tune 1927 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milt Ager PD Reprint
Crinoline Days 1922 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Cross Your Heart 1926 - w. Bud DeSylva, m. Lewis E. Gensler PD Reprint
Cry Baby Blues PD Reprint
Cuban Moon 1920 - m. Joe McKiernan, w. Norman Spencer PD Reprint
Cuddle Up A Little Closer, Lovey Mine 1908 - m. Karl Hoschna, w. Otto Harbach PD Reprint
Cup Of Coffee, A Sandwich, And You! 1926 - w. Al Durbin, Billy Rose, m. Joseph Meyer PD Reprint
Curse of an Aching Heart 1913 - m. Al Piantadosi, w. Henry Fink PD Reprint
Daddy Has A Sweetheart And Mother Is Her Name 1912 - m. Dave Stamper, w. Gene Buck V - Daddy's is love with a dear lady fair, I've been watching him day by day. He calls here his sweetheart and jewel so rare, She smiles in her loving way. C - Daddy has a sweetheart And he's head and heels in love, I have often watched him kiss her While the moon peeped from above PD Reprint
Daisy Bell 1892 - w.m. Henry Dacre C - Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true. I'm half crazy over the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, 'Cause I can't afford a carriage . . . N - a.k.a. Bicycle Built For Two PD Reprint
Dance of the Snowflakes PD Reprint
Dancing Tambourine 1927 - w. Phil Ponce, m. W.C. Polla PD Reprint
Danny Boy 1913 - m. Old Irish Air, w. Fred E. Weatherly V - Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side. The summer's gone, and all the roses falling, It's you, it's you must go, and I must abide. PD Reprint
Dapper Dan 1921 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Lew Brown PD Reprint
Dardanella 1919 - m. Felix Bernard, Johnny S. Black, w. Fred Fisher PD Reprint
Daring Young Man on the Flying TrapezeSee The Flying Trapeze
Darktown Dancin' School m. Albert Gumble, w. Jack Yellen PD Reprint
Darktown Strutters' Ball 1917 - w.m. Shelton Brooks PD Reprint
Darling Nellie Gray 1856 - w.m. B. R. Hanby V - There's a low green valley on the old Kentucky shore Where we whil'd many happy hours away; A-sitting and singing by the little cottage door Where dwelt my lovely Nellie Gray. C - Oh, my poor Nelly Gray, they have taken you away, And I'll never see my darling any more; I am sitting by the river and I'm weeping all the day, For you've gone from the old Kentucky shore. PD Reprint
Dat's The Way To Spell Chicken 1902 - w.m. Bob Slater, Sidney Perrin PD Reprint
Daughter of Rosie O'Grady 1918 - m. Walter Donaldson, w. Monty C. Brice PD Reprint
Dawn Of The Century March 1900 - m. E.T. Paull PD Reprint
Day Dreams, Visions Of Bliss 1910 - m. Heinrich Reinhardt, w. Robert B. Smith P - Spring Maid - 1910, Viennese Operetta PD Reprint
Dead Man Blues 1926 - m. Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton PD Reprint
Dear Little Boy of Mine 1918 - m. Ernest Ball, w. J. Keirn Brennan PD Reprint
Dear Old Girl 1903 - m. Theodore F. Moss, w. Rich H. Buck PD Reprint
Dear Old Pal of Mine 1918 - m. Lt. Gitz Rice, w. Harold Robe PD Reprint
Dear Old Southland 1921 - m. Turner Layton, w. Henry Creamer PD Reprint
Dearest, You're the Nearest to My Heart 1922 - m. Harry Akst, w. Benny Davis PD Reprint
Deep In My Heart Dear 1924 - w. Dorothy Donnelly, m. Sigmund Romberg PD Reprint
Desert Song 1926 - w. Otto Harbach, Oscar Hammerstein II, Frank Mandel, m. Sigmund Romberg PD Reprint
Destiny Waltz m. Sydney Banes PD Reprint
Diane 1928 - w.m. Erno Rapee & Lew Pollack PD Reprint
Did You Mean It 1927 - w.m. Phil Baker, Sid Silvers, Abe Lyman PD Reprint
Did You Mean It? 1928 - w.m. Phil Baker, Sid Silvers, Abe Lyman PD Reprint
Diga-Diga-Do 1928 - w. Dorothy Fields, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
Dinah 1925 - w. Same Lewis, Joe Young, m. Harry Akst PD Reprint
Dirty Hands! Dirty Face! 1923 - m. James Vincent Monaco (1885-1945), w. Al Jolson (1886-1950), Grant Clarke & Edgar Leslie P - Bombo - 1921, Broadway Musical V - Wonderful pals are always hard to find, Some folks have one, Some folks have none. I was alone for years, but fate was kind And in the end, Sent me a friend. C - Dirty Hands, Dirty face, leads the neighbors a chase but his smile, is as cute as can be. Making noise, breaking toys, always fights with the boys PD Reprint
Dixie Made Us Jazz Band Mad 1920 - w.m. Howard Johnson, William K. Wells, Irwin Dash PD Reprint
Dixie Volunteers w.m. Edgar Leslie, Harry Ruby PD Reprint
Dizzy Fingers 1923 - m. Zez Confrey (1895-1971) PD Reprint
Do Do Do 1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Do It Again (Please Do It Again) 1922 - m. George Gershwin, w. B.G. De Sylva P - French Doll - 1922, Musical V - Tell me, tell me, what did you do to me? I just got a thrill that was new to me C - Oh, do it again! I might say no no no no no, but do it again PD Reprint
Does the Spearmint Lose Its Flavor 1924 - w. Billy Rose, Marty Bloom, m. Ernest Breuer P - The Student Prince PD Reprint
Doin' The New Low Down 1928 - w. Dorothy Fields, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
Doin' The Racoon 1928 - w. Raymond Klages, m. J. Fred Coots PD Reprint
Doll Dance 1926 - m. Nacio Herb Brown PD Reprint
Don't Be Like That 1928 - w.m. Archie Gottler, Charles Tobias, Maceo Pinkard PD Reprint
Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You 1915 - m. James Morgan, w. Thomas Hoier PD Reprint
Don't Blame It On Broadway 1913 - m. Bert Grant, w. Joe Young, Harry Williams PD Reprint
Don't Bring Lulu 1925 PD Reprint
Don't Get Married Any More, Ma 1907 - m. Henry E. Pether, w. Fred W. Leigh PD Reprint
Don't Hold Everything 1928 - w.m. Bud DeSylva, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Don't Mind the Rain 1924 - w.m. Chester Conn, Ned Miller PD Reprint
Don't Take Me Home 1908 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
Don't Wake Me Up [Let Me Dream] 1926 - w. L. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Mable Wayne, Abel Baer PD Reprint
Doo Wacka Doo 1924 - w.m. Clarence Gaskill, Walter Donaldson, George Horther V - Billy McCoy was a boy who could play, you bet, Oh, how they swaged when he played on his old cornet. He's got a smile and a cute little style that's all his own. C - Doo Wack-a Doo, wack-a-doo, wack-a doo, Nothing to it but it's sweet, That tune goes right to your feet. PD Reprint
Doodle Doo Doo 1924 - w.m. Art Kassel, Mel Stitzel PD Reprint
Down Among the Sheltering Palms 1915 - m. Abe Olman, w. James Brockman PD Reprint
Down Among The Sugar Cane 1908 - m. Cecil Mack, Chris Smith, w. Avery & Hart PD Reprint
Down By the Old Mill Stream 1910 - w.m. Tell Taylor PD Reprint
Down By The Winegar Woiks 1926 - w.m. Don Bestor, Roger Lewis, Walter Donovan PD Reprint
Down Hearted Blues 1923 - m. Lovie Austin, w. Alberta Hunter V - Gee! but its hard to love someone When that someone don't love you. I'm so disgusted, heart broken too, I've got the down hearted blues. C - Cause he mistreated me and he drove me from his door . . . But the good book say you'll reap just what you sow. PD Reprint
Down In Dear Old New Orleans 1912 - m. Con Conrad, Jay Whidden, w. Joe Young PD Reprint
Down in Honky Tonky Town PD Reprint
Down In Jungle Town 1908 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Edward Madden PD Reprint
Down In The Valley (Birmingham Jail) PD Reprint
Down On The Brandywind 1904 - m. James B. Mullen, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
Down on the FarmSee I Want To Go Back To Michigan (Down On The Farm)
Down the Trail to Home Sweet Home PD Reprint
Down Went McGinty 1889 - w.m. Joseph Flynn V - Sunday morning just at nine, Dan McGinty dress'd so fine. Stood looking up at a very high stone wall; C - Down went McGinty to the bottom of the wall. And tho' he won the five, He was more dead than alive. PD Reprint
Down Where the Wurzburger Flows 1902 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
Down Yonder 1921 - w.m. L. Wolfe Gilbert V - Railroad train, Railroad train, Hurry some more. Put a little steam on, just like never before. C - Down yonder someone beckons to me, Down yonder someone reckons on me. I seem to see a race in memory. Between the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee. PD Reprint
Dream Girl 1924 - w. Rida Johnson Young m. Victor Herbert P - The Dream Girl N - a.k.a. My Dream Girl PD Reprint
Dream House 1928 - w. Earle Foxe, m. Lynn F. Cowan PD Reprint
Dreaming 1906 - m. J. Anton Daily, w. L.W. Heiser PD Reprint
Dreams m. Harry Von Tilzer (1872-1946)w. Andrew B. Sterling PD Reprint
Drifting And Dreaming 1926 - w. Haven Gillespie, m. Egbert Van Alstyne, Erwin R. Schmidt, Loyal Curtis PD Reprint
Drill Ye, Tarriers, Drill 1888 - w.m. Thomas F. Caset V - Oh ev'ry morn at seven o'clock There are twenty tarriers on the rock, The boss come along and says 'be still And put all your power in the cast steel drill'. C - Then, drill, ye tarriers, drill . . . Oh it's work all day without sugar in your tay when ye work beyant on the railway, And drill, ye tarriers, drill. and drill, and drill! PD Reprint
Drink Drink Drink (Student Prince) 1924 - W. Donothy Donnelly, m. Sigmund Romberg P - The Student Prince PD Reprint
Dusky Stevedore 1928 - w. Andy Razaf, m. J.C. Johnson PD Reprint
El Choclo 1913 - A. G. Villoldo N - Tango Argentino PD Reprint
Elsie from Chelsea 1896 - Harry Dacre PD Reprint
End Of The Road 1924 - w.m. Harry Lauder & William Dillon PD Reprint
Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee PD Reprint
Entry Of The Gladiators 1897 - m. Julius Fucik N - Well known circus theme, March, a.k.a. The Gladiator's Entry, Thunder and Blazes PD Reprint
Erie CanalSee Low Bridge Everybody Down
Ev'ry Little Bit Helps 1904 - m. Fred Fisher, w. George Whiting PD Reprint
Every Day Is Ladies' Day To Me 1906 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Henry Blossom PD Reprint
Every Little Bit Added To What You've Got 1907 - w.m. William A. Dillon, Lawrence M. Dillon V - When I was a boy my father said to me, Always try to be a Carnegie, Save up ev'ry penny boy, that you may earn, And you may in turn have money to burn; C - Ev'ry little bit added to what you've got makes just a little bit more. That's the lesson I learned at school that two and two make four. Save up your pennies and all your rocks PD Reprint
Every Little Movement 1910 - m. Karl Hoschna, w. Otto A. Hauerbach V - No longer does the lithesome miss, Cavort in catchy waltz, The two-step and the ragtime bliss, She found alas was false. C - Ev'ry little movement has a meaning all its own, Ev'ry tho't and feeling by some posture can be shown. PD Reprint
Everybody Loves My Baby 1924 - w.m. Jack Palmer & Spencer Williams V - I'm as happy as a king Feelin' good-n' ev'ry thing I'm just like a bird in spring To to let it out. C - Ev'rybody loves my baby, But my baby don't love nobody but me. Nobody but me. Ev'rybody wants my baby, But my baby don't want nobody but me. PD Reprint
Everybody Rag With Me 1914 - m. Grace LeBoy, w. Gus Kahn PD Reprint
Everybody Shimmies Now 1918 - m. Joe Gold, Edmund S. Penney, w. Eugene West PD Reprint
Everybody Step 1921 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Everybody Two Step (Song) 1912 - m. Wallie Herzer, w. Earl C. Jones PD Reprint
Everybody Wants A Key To My Cellar 1919 - m. Billy Baskette, Lew Pollack, w. Billy Rose PD Reprint
Everybody Works But Father 1905 - w.m. Jean Havez V - Every morning at siz o'clock I go to my work, Overcoat buttoned up 'round my neck no job would I shirk. C - Everybody works but father And he sits around all day, Feet in front of the fire Smoking his pipe of clay. Mother takes in washing So does sister Ann, Everybody works at my house but my old man. PD Reprint
Everybody's Crazy 'Bout The Doggone Blues 1918 - m. Turner Layton, w. Henry Creamer V - Blues ain't nothing but the easy going heart disease, Brother stop your moanin', Blues can't make you warmer if you're bound to freeze C - Ev'ry body's crazy 'bout the doggone blues, but I'm happy, yes happy. Ev'ry body's crazy but if I must choose, no doggone blues for mine. PD Reprint
Everybody's Doing It Now 1911 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Honey, honey, cant you hear? Funny, funny music dear; Ain't the funny strain Goin' to your brain? Like a bottle of wine, fine C - Ev'rybody's doin' it, doin' it, doin' it . . . See that ragtime couple over there, Watch them throw their shoulders in the air PD Reprint
Everything Is Hotsy-Totsy Now 1925 PD Reprint
Everything Is Peaches Down in Georgia 1918 - m. Milt Ager, George W. Meyer, w. Grant Clarke PD Reprint
Faded Love Letters 1923 - m. Luella Lockwood Moore (1864-1927), William E. Dulmage (1883-1953), w. Richard W. Pascoe (1888-1968) V - When all the world seems so merry and bright, I'm dreaming of days past recall, Wond'ring if someone can see me tonight, As the tears from my eyes gently fall. C - Faded old love letters, They mean the world to me, Each night I read them over, They are my rosary. PD Reprint
Fallen Leaf 1922 - m. Frederic Knight Logan, w. Virginia K. Logan V - Dimly fade the stars at dawn, Softly glows the morning's ray, Thru the pines the West wind blows, Over mountains gray. C - Thru the forest Lone I'm roaming, My heart's calling, Fallen Leaf, With the dawning, I am coming To thy lodge, Fallen Leaf. PD Reprint
Fare Thee Well, Mollie Darling 1902 - m. Kerry Mills, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
Farewell Blues 1923 - w.m. Rappolo ~ Leon Rappolo V - Sadness just makes me sigh. I've come to say goodbye. Altho I go I've got those farewell blues. C - Those farewell blues make me years That parting kiss seems to burn. Farewell dearie Some day I will return.. PD Reprint
Farewell Happiness [Addio Felicita] 1927 - w. B.U. Canetti, m. Nicola Valente PD Reprint
Fas', Fas' World PD Reprint
Fascinating Rhythm 1924 - w. Ira Gershwin m. George Gershwin. P - Lady Be Good V - Got a little rhythm. A rhythm, a rhythm That Pit-a-pats through my brain. So darn persistent, The day isn't distant When it'll drive me insane. C - Fascinating Rhythm. You've got me on the go! Fascinating Rhythm I'm all aquiver. What a mess you're making! The neighbors want to know why I'm always shaking Just like a flivver. PD Reprint
Fascination Waltz 1905 - m. F.D. Marchetti, w. Maurice de Feraudy V - Jet'ai rencontre simplement, Et tu n'as rien fair pour cher cher a me plaire N - a.k.a. Fascination and Fascination Valse PD Reprint
Feather Your Nest 1920 - w.m. James Kendis, James Brockman, Howard Johnson PD Reprint
Feather Your Next PD Reprint
Fidgety Feet 1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Fido Is A Hot Dog Now 1914 - m. Raymond Walker, w. Charles McCarron, Thomas J. Gray PD Reprint
Fifteen Miles on the Erie CanalSee Low Bridge Everybody Down
Fifty Million Frenchmen [Can't Be Wrong] 1927 - w. Willie Rasking & Billy Rose, m. Fred Fisher PD Reprint
Finlandia PD Reprint
Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue 1925 - w. Lewis & Young, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Five Little Brown Jugs PD Reprint
Floating Along 1906 - m. Edward Buffington, w. C.C. Pillsbury N - Published Separately as Song and Two Step PD Reprint
Floreine Waltz PD Reprint
Flying Arrow 1906 - m. Abe Holzmann N - March and Two Step PD Reprint
Flying Trapeze 1868 - m. Alfred Lee, w. George Leybourne V - Once I was happy, but now I'm forlorn. Like an old coat that is tatter'd and torn. C - He'd float through the air with the greatest of ease. A daring young man on the flying Trapeze. PD Reprint
Fol-The-Rol-Lol 1902 - w.m. Fred W. Leigh, Fred Murray V - I just learnt a comical ditty, From some of my friends in the City; The verses are short And I think that you ought To admit that the chorus is pretty. C - With a fol-the-rol-lol, fol-the-rol-lol ! Fol-the-rol-lol-the-rol-lad-dy. Fol-the-rol-lol, fol-the-rol-lol ! Fol-the-rol-lol-the-rol-lad-dy. PD Reprint
Follow The Swallow 1924 - w. Billy Rose, Mort Dixon, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Following The Sun Around 1927 - w. Joe McCarthy, m. Harry Tierney PD Reprint
For Me and My Gal 1917 - m. George Meyer, w. Edgar Leslie, E. Ray Goetz PD Reprint
For My Sweetheart 1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
For You A Rose 1917 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
Forever Is A Long, Long Time 1916 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Darl MacBoyle PD Reprint
Forgive Me 1927 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milt Ager PD Reprint
Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway 1905 - w.m. George M. Cohan V - The West, so they say, is the home of the jay, And Missouri's the state that can grind them. This may all be, but just take it from me, You don't have to go out West to find them. C - Only forty-five minutes from Broadway, think of the changes it brings. For the short time it takes, what diff'rence it makes,In the ways of the people and things. PD Reprint
Four Kings March 1901 - m. C.W. Dalbey, Ellis Brooks,A.F. Weldon,W.H. Scouton PD Reprint
From the Land of the Sky Blue Water 1909 - m. Charles W. Cadman, w. Nellie R. Eberhart PD Reprint
Gambling Man 1902 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome V - Bill Williams was a gambling man one of the reckless kind, A gamer sport in all the world I'm sure you couldn't find. C - One day its milk and honey, Next day hustling round for money, Ev'ry gamblin' man he knows Easy comes and easy goes. PD Reprint
Games Of Childhood Days 1908 - w.m. Will J. Harris, Harry I. Robinson PD Reprint
Garden In The Rain 1928 - w. James Dyrenforth, w. Carroll Gibbons PD Reprint
Garden Of Roses 1909 - m. Johann C. Schmid, w. J.E. Dempsey PD Reprint
Garland Of Old Fashioned Roses 1912 - m. E. Clinton Keithley, w. C.H. Musgrove PD Reprint
Gee, But I Hate To Go Home Alone 1922 - w.m. Joe Goodman, James F. Hanley PD Reprint
Gee, But It's Great to Meet a Friend from Your Old Home Towm 1910 - m. James McGavisk, w. William Tracey PD Reprint
General Pershing m. Carl D. Vandersloot PD Reprint
Georgia 1922 - m. Walter Donaldson, w. Howard Johnson N - NOT Georgia On My Mind, 1930, Hoagy Carmichael PD Reprint
Get Out And Get Under The Moon 1928 - w. Charles Tobias, William Jerome, m. Larry Shaw PD Reprint
Ghost Of The Violin 1912 - m. Ted Snyder, w. Bert Kalmar PD Reprint
Giannina Mia 1912 - m. Rudolf Friml, w. Otto Harbach PD Reprint
Gimme A Little Kiss, Will Ya, Huh? 1926 - w.m. Roy Turk , Jack Smith, Maceo Pinkard PD Reprint
Girl Friend 1926 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers PD Reprint
Girl of Mine PD Reprint
Girl Of My Dreams 1928 - w.m. Sunny Claplp PD Reprint
Give Me A Night In June 1927 - w.m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
Give My Regards to Broadway 1904 - w.m. George M. Cohan PD Reprint
Glen Rose March and Two Step PD Reprint
Glow-Worm 1907 - m. Paul Lincke, w. Lilla Cayley Robinson V - When the night falls silently, the night falls silently on forests dreaming, Lovers wander forth to see, they wander forth to see the bright stars gleaming; C - Shine, little glow-worm glimmer, shine little glow-worm glimmer! Lead us, lest too far we wander, Love's sweet voice is calling yonder! PD Reprint
Go 'Long Mule 1924 - w.m. Henry Creamer, Robert King N - Novelty Song - 22 Verses PD Reprint
Golden Days 1924 - m. Sigmund Romberg. P - The Student Prince V - Down where the necktar flows swiftly alone Nestles a town that is famous in song, Laughing lads roam thro' its streets so quaint, No one's a sinner much less a saint. C - Golden days in the sunshine of our happy youth. Golden days full of innocence and full of truth! In our hearts we remember them all else above. Golden days of youth and love! PD Reprint
Good Bye Boys 1913 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling, William Jerome V - Good bye old pals I'm going far away, 'Tis duty calls me and I must obey. C - Good bye boys, I'm going to be married tomorrow, Good bye boys, I'm going from sunshine to sorrow. PD Reprint
Good Bye Broadway, Hello France 1917 - m. Billy Baskette, w. C. Francis Reisner, Billy Davis PD Reprint
Good Bye Dolly Gray 1900 - m. Paul Barnes, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
Good Bye Eliza Jane 1903 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling V - Look a'here Liza, listen to me You ain't the gal you promised to be Didn't you say you always would be true, oo, oo, oo, oo C - Good-bye Eliza Jane, I'm gwine a' for to leave you. Well, you know when I go, that I was the fellow with the dough, dough, dough PD Reprint
Good Man Is Hard to Find 1918 - w.m. Eddie Green V - My heart's sad and I am all forlorn, My man's treating me mean, I regret the day that I was born, And that man of mine I've ever seen. C - A good man is hard to find, You always get the other kind. Just when you think that he is your pal, You look for him and find him fooling 'round some other gal. PD Reprint
Good Morning, Mister Zip-Zip-Zip 1918 - w.m. Robert Lloyd V - You come from ev'ry quarter, From North, South, East and West. To clear the way to freedom For the land we love the best. C - Good morning, Mister Zip-Zip-=Zip. With you hair cut just as short as mine. Good morning, Mister Zip-Zip-Zip, You're surely looking fine.. PD Reprint
Good News 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Goodbye, Girls, I'm Through 1914 - m. Ivan Caryll, w. John Golden PD Reprint
Goodbye, My Lady Love 1904 - w.m. Joe Howard V - So you're going away Because your heart has gone astray, And you promised me That you would always faithful be. C - Good bye, my lady love. Farewell, my turtle dove, You are the idol and darling of my heart. PD Reprint
Grandpa's Spells 1923 - m. Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1891-1941) PD Reprint
Great Rock Island Line 1882 - w.m. J.A. Roff N - Early version of The Wabash Cannonball. Very similar chorus, but not the same tune as best known today. PD Reprint
Gulf Coast Blues 1923 - w.m. Clarence Williams V - I've been blue all day. My man's gone away. He left his mamma cold. For another gal I'm told. C - Man that I love he has left me in this town. The man I love has gone, left me in this town. And if it keeps on snowing I will be Gulf Coast bound. PD Reprint
Gwine to Run All NightSee Camptown Races
Hail Hail the Gang's All Here 1908 - m. Theodore F. Morse, Arthur Sullivan, w. D.A. Esrom V - A gang of good fellows are we, are we, are we. With never a worry you see, you see, you see. C - Hail! hail! The gang's all here. What the deuce do we care, what the deuce do we care, Hail! Hail! we're full of cheer, What the deuce do we care, Bill! PD Reprint
Half of It, Dearie Blues 1924 - w. Ira Gershwin m. George Gershwin. P - Lady Be Good PD Reprint
Halfway To Heaven 1928 - w. Al Dubin, m. Russel Robinson PD Reprint
Hallelujah! 1927 - w. Leo Robin & Clifford Grey, m. Vincent Youmans PD Reprint
Happy Birthday To You 1896 - m. Mildred and Patty Hill, w. Patty Hill C - Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear [friend]. Happy Birthday To You. N - a.k.a. Good Morning To All alternate verse.
Placed in public domain by judicial judgment of USDC Central Court of California
PD Reprint
Happy Days and Lonely Nights 1928 - w. Billy Rose, m. Fred Fisher PD Reprint
Happy-Go-Lucky-Lane 1928 - w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Hard Hearted Hannah 1924 - w.m. Jack Yellen,Milton Ager, Bob Bigelow, Charles Bates PD Reprint
Harrigan 1907 - w.m. George m. Cohan PD Reprint
Has Anybody Seen Kelly? 1909 - w.m. C.W. Murphy, Will Letters, William C. McKenna PD Reprint
Hawaiian Butterfly 1917 - m. Billy Baskette, Joe Santly, w. George A. Little PD Reprint
He Loves It 1922 - m. Pete Wendling, w. Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie V - Fools there were, fools there are and fools there'll always be. But the greated fool of all, you see, Has the flat across the hall from me. C - She hits him on the chin ev'ry time he comes in and he loves it, how loves it. He's the 'Perfect Fool' there was . PD Reprint
He'd Have To Get Under--Get Out and Get Under 1913 - m. Maurice Abrahams, w. Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie PD Reprint
He's a Devil In His Own Home Town 1914 - w.m. Grant Clarke, Irving Berlin V - I've got an Uncle by the name of Jerry. He's got a farm a great big farm C - He's a devil in his own home town, on the level, He's as funny as a clown PD Reprint
He's A Rag Picker 1914 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
He's The Hottest Man in Town 1924 - w.m. Owen Murphy, Jay Gorney PD Reprint
Heav'n Heav'n (I Got A Robe) PD Reprint
Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl 1909 - m. Baldwin Sloane, w. Edgar Smith PD Reprint
Hello Bluebird 1926 - w.m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
Hello Central, Give Me Heaven 1901 PD Reprint
Hello Hawaii How Are You 1915 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Bert Kalamnar, Edgar Leslie PD Reprint
Hello, Aloha, How Are You? 1926 - w. I. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Abel Baer PD Reprint
Hello, Central, Give Me Heaven 1901 - w.m. Charles K. Harris PD Reprint
Hello, Central, Give Me No Man's Land 1918 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Hello! Ma Baby 1899 - w.m. Howard and Emerson V - I've got a little baby, but she's out of sight. I talk to her across the telephone. C - Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello ma ragtime gal! Send a kiss by wire. Baby my heart's on fire! PD Reprint
Here Comes The Show Boat 1927 - w. Billy Rose, m. Maceo Pinkard PD Reprint
Hesitation Waltz 1914 - m. McNair Ilgenfritz N - a.k.a Original Hesitation Walta PD Reprint
Hiawatha 1903 - m. Neil Moret, w. James O'Dea N - Published separately as song and piano solo PD Reprint
Hiawatha's Melody of Love 1920 - m. George Meyers, w. Alfred Bryan, Artie Mehlinger PD Reprint
High Society March 1901 - Porter Steele N - Originally published as a march, became a Jazz standard. Lyrics written by Walter Melrose are not performed. PD Reprint
Hinky Dinky Parlay-Voo V - The Cavalry say they won the war, Parlez-vous . . . The Cavalry say they did it all, Shooting craps in empty stall, Hinckey Dinckey Parlez-vous.. C - Oh, Madamoiselle from Marmentiers, Parlez-vous . . She ain't been kissed for forty years, Hinkey Dinkey Parlez-vous. N - a.k.a.Hinckey Dinckey Parlez-Vous PD Reprint
Hitchy Koo 1912 - m. Lewis F. Muir, Maurice Abrahams, w. L. Wolfe Gilbert PD Reprint
Holy City 1892 - m. Stephen Adams, w. F.E. Weatherly V - Last night I lay a-sleeping, There came a dream so fair C - Jerusalem, Jerusalem . . . PD Reprint
Home in Pasadena 1923 - m. Harry Warren, w. Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie V - Oh! You railway station. Oh! You pullman train! Here's my reservation For my destination Far beyond the western plain. C - Home in Pasadena, Home where grass is greener. Where honey bees hum melodies And orange tress scent the breeze. PD Reprint
Honest and Truly 1924 - w.m. Fred Rose PD Reprint
Honey 1928 - w.m. Seymour Simmons, Haven Gillespie, Richard Whiting PD Reprint
Honey, I'm Waiting 1905 - w.m. Ted S. Barron PD Reprint
Honeysuckle And The Bee 1901 - m. William H. Penn, w. Albert H. Fitz PD Reprint
Horses 1926 - w.m. Richard A. Whiting, Byron Gay PD Reprint
Horsey Keep Your Tail Up 1923 - w.m. Walter Hirsch, Bert Kaplan V - Reuben is so silly. He will never wear a hat. Tho' the sun is shining, He don't give a darn for that. C - Oh, Horsey! keep yer tail up . . . Why don't you make it rise? Tell me how you get that way, You mean 'Yes' and say 'Neigh, neigh' PD Reprint
Hot Lips 1922 - w.m. Henry Busse, Henry Lange, Lou Davis V - There's a boy that's in out band And how he blows that horn C - He's got hot lips When he plays Jazz, He draws out steps, Like no one has. PD Reprint
Hot Time in the Old Town 1896 PD Reprint
How About Me? 1928 - w.m Irving Berlin PD Reprint
How Come You Do Me Like You Do 1924 - w.m. Roy Bergere, Gene Austin PD Reprint
How Many Times 1926 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm 1919 - m. Walter Donaldson, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
How'd You Like to Spoon With Me 1905 - m. Jerome Kern, w. Edward Laska PD Reprint
I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None o' This Jelly Roll 1919 - w.m. Spencer Williams, Clarence Williams V - Lil' Willie Green from New Orleans a greedy boy was he, For he always wanted a lot a kids, Just to keep him company C - I ain't gonna give nobody none o' this jelly roll, I wouldn't give you piece o' cake to save your soul. My mama told me today When she went away To be a good boy . . . PD Reprint
I Ain't Got Nobody (And Nobody Cares for Me) m. Spencer Williams, Dave Peyton, w. Roger Graham V - Say, had a sweetheart once I loved, And I was happy as could be; But now he's gone and left me here For someone else, you see. C - I Ain't Got Nobody, And Nobody Cares for Me. That's why I'm sad and lonely. Say, won't you take a chance with me? N - Early publications credited words David Young, music Charles Wakefield which is believed to be in error. PD Reprint
I Belong To Glasgow 1921 - w.m. Will Fyffe V - I've been wi' a few o' ma cronies, One or two pals o' ma ain. We went in a hotel, where we did very well, And then we came out once again. C - I belong to Glasgow, dear old Glasgow town! But what's the matter wi' Gasgow? For it's going round and round. PD Reprint
I Can't Believe That You?re In Love With Me 1927 - w.m. Clarence Gaskill & Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
I Can't Do Without You 1928 - m. Spencer Williams PD Reprint
I Can't Give You Anything But Love 1928 - w. Dorothy Fields, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
I Can't Tell Why I Love You But I Do 1900 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Will D. Cobb V - On a summer's day in the month of May, a story sweet was toid, By a lonesome lad, With a heart grown sad, To a lass with a heart grown cold. C - I can't tell why I love you, but I do-oo-oo. This world is full of maids the same as you-oo-oo But something I can't tell, Seems to hold me in its spell . . . PD Reprint
I Cried For You 1923 - w.m. Arthur Free, Gus Anaheim, Abe Lyman V - I remember other days how I used to weep Over things yhou said to me I couldn't even sleep. You forgot your promises ev'ry single vow. All you did was laugh at me but things are diff'rent now. C - I cried for you, Now it's your turn to cry over me. Ev'ry road has a turning That's one thing you're learning, I cried for you, What a fool I used to be. PD Reprint
I Don't Want To Get Well 1917 - m. Harry Jentes, w. Harry Pease, Howard Johnson PD Reprint
I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard 1894 - m. Philip Wingate, w. H. W. Petrie V - Once there lived side by side, two little maids. Used to dress just alike, hair down in braids C - I don't want to play in your yard, I don't like you any more. You'll be sorry when you see me, sliding down our cellar door. You can't holler down our rain barrel, you can't climb our apple tree . . . PD Reprint
I Faw Down An' Go Boom! 1928 - w.m. Leonard Stevems, James Brockman PD Reprint
I Get The Blues When It Rains 1928 - w.m. Marcy Klauber PD Reprint
I Just Can't Make My Eyes Behave 1906 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
I Just Roll Along 1928 - w. Jo Trent, m. Peter DeRose PD Reprint
I Just Roll Along (Havin' My Ups and Downs) 1927 - w. Jo Trent, m. Peter DeRose PD Reprint
I Know That You Know 1927 - w. Anne Caldwell, m. Vincent Youmans PD Reprint
I Love A Piano 1915 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - As a child I went wild when a band played, How I ran to the man when his hand swayed. Clarinets were my pets and a slide trombone I thought was simply divine. C - I love a piano, I love a piano, I love to hear somebody plan upon a piano, A grand piano, It simply carries me away. I know a fine way to treat a Steinway PD Reprint
I Love Life 1923 - m. Mana-Zucca, w. Irwin M. Cassel V - I want to live and drink of life's fullness, Take all it can give; I love life, Ev'ry moment count To glory in its sunshine And revel in its fount. PD Reprint
I Love My Baby 1926 - w. Bud Green, m. Harry Warren PD Reprint
I Love You - Je T'aime! 1923 - m. Harry Archer, w. English: Harlan Thompson, French: Paul Combis P - Little Jessie James - 1923, Broadway V - Lovers always sing The same familiar thing, 'I love you', I love you, I do.' How nice it would be To do it deff'rently, But now that I'm singing to you: C - 'I love you, I love you', is all that I can say. 'I love you, I love you', the same old words I'm saying in the same old way. PD Reprint
I Love You So (Merry Widow Waltz) 1907 - m. Franz Lehar, w. Adrian Ross PD Reprint
I Love You Truly 1906 - w.m. Carrie Jacobs-Bond PD Reprint
I Miss My Swiss 1925 PD Reprint
I Must Have That Man 1928 - w. Dorothy Fields,. m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
I Never Knew [That Roses Grew] 1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Ted Fiorito PD Reprint
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream 1928 - w.m. Howard Johnson, Billy Moll, Robert King PD Reprint
I Still Love You 1928 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milt Ager PD Reprint
I Used to Love You, But It's All Over Now 1920 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Lew Brown V - I used to bless the day I first met you, I planned so many things for just us two. But now its plain to see that you have never cared for me. C - I used to love you, but its all over now, All over now, You know it's all over town that you threw me down, But you shouldn't let that kind of story go 'round. PD Reprint
I Wanna Be Loved by You 1928 - w. Bert Kalmer, m. Harry Ruby, Herbert Stothart PD Reprint
I Want A Girl Just Like the Girl That Married Dear Old Dad 1911 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Will Dillon PD Reprint
I Want To Be Happy 1924 - w. Irving Caesar, m. Vincent Youmans P - No, No Nanette PD Reprint
I Want To Go Back To Michigan (Down On The Farm) 1914 - w.m. Irving Berlin N - a.k.a. Down on the Farm PD Reprint
I Want What I Want When I Want It 1905 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Henry Blossom PD Reprint
I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate 1922 - w.m. Armand J. Piron V - Went to a dance with my sister Kate, ev'ry one there said she danced so great C - I Wish I could Shimmy like my sister Kate, She shivers like the Jelly on a plate PD Reprint
I Won't Say I Will But I Won't Say I Won't 1923 - m. George Gershwin, w. B.G. De Sylva, Arthur Francis P - Little Miss Bluebeard - 1923, Broadway 1923-1924 V - You're a very naughty boy when you ask me for a kiss, I'm dismayed, A little bit afraid. C - I Won't Say I Will But I Won't Say I Won't! I don't say I doi but I don't say I don't! Kissing of any kind Never was on my mind. PD Reprint
I Wonder What's Become Of Sally? 1924 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milt Ager PD Reprint
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now 1909 - m. Joseph E. Howard, Harold Orlob, w. Wil M. Hough, Frank R. Adams P - Prince Of To-Night - 1909, V - You have loved lots of girls in the sweet long ago, And each one has meant heaven to you You have vowed your affection to each one in turn, And have sworn to them all you'd be true; C - I wonder who's kissing her now, I wonder who's teaching her how, Wonder who's looking into her eyes, Breathing sighs, telling lies; PD Reprint
I'd Climb The Highest Mountain 1926 - w.m. Lew Brown, Sidney Clare PD Reprint
I'd Leave Ma Happy Home for You 1899 PD Reprint
I'd Love To Live In Loveland With A Girl Like You 1910 - w.m. W.R. Williams, Leon M. Block, Harry I. Alford PD Reprint
I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time 1920 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Neville Fleeson V - I'm writing you dear, just to tell you, In September, you remewmber . . . C - I'll be with you in apple blosson time, I'll be with you to change your name to mine PD Reprint
I'll Build a Stairway to Paradise 1922 - m. George Gershwin, w. Ira Gershwin, Bud DeSylva P - Scandals - 1922, Musical V - All you preachers Who delight in panning the dancing teachers Let me tell you there are a lot of features Of the dance that carry you through C - I'll build a stairway to Paradise With a new step ev'ry day! I'm going to get there at any price Stand aside I'm on my way! PD Reprint
I'll Get By (As Long As I Have You) 1928 - w. Roy Turk, m. Fred Ahlert PD Reprint
I'll See You In My Dreams 1924 - w. Gus Kahn m. Isham Jones PD Reprint
I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen 1876 PD Reprint
I'm A Little Blackbird Looking for a Bluebird 1924 - w. Grant Clarke & Roy Turk m. George W. Meyer & Arthur Johnson PD Reprint
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows 1918 - m. Harry Carroll, w. Joe McCarthy V - At the end of the rainbow there's happiness, And to find it how often I've tried, But my life is a race, just a wild goose chase, And my dreams have all been denied. C - I'm always chasing rainbow, Watching for clouds drifting by. My schemes are just like all my dreams, Ending in the sky. PD Reprint
I'm Bringing A Red, Red Rose 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
I'm Coming, Virginia 1927 - w. Will Marlon Cook, m. Donald Heywood PD Reprint
I'm Falling in Love with Someone 1910 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Rida Johnson Young PD Reprint
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles 1919 - m. John W. Kellette, w. James Kendis, James Brockman, Nat Vincent V - I'm dreaming dreams I'm scheming schemes I'm building castles high. They're born a new their days are few Just like a sweet butterfly. C - I'm forever blowing bubbles. Pretty bubbles in the air. They fly so high nearly reach the sky, Then like my dreams they fade and die. PD Reprint
I'm Goin' South 1923 - w.m. Abner Silver, Harry Woods P - Bombo - 1921, Broadway Musical V - It's just an old time story, One that you've heard before, I left my mammy's fond caress To search the world for happiness. C - Yes, sir! I'm goin' South, Taste the sugar cane right in my mouth, All the world is sweet away down South Where I spent my happy days. PD Reprint
I'm Gonna Charleston Back to Charleston 1925 PD Reprint
I'm In Love Again 1925 - w.m. Cole Porter PD Reprint
I'm Just Wild About Animal Crackers 1926 - w.m. Fred Rich, Sam Coslow, Harry Link PD Reprint
I'm Just Wild About Harry 1921 - w.m. Noble Sissle, Eubie Blake PD Reprint
I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover 1927 - w. Mort Dixon, m. Harry Woods PD Reprint
I'm Nobody's Baby 1921 - w.m. Benny Davis, Milton Ager, Lester Santly V - I used to be my mother's baby, When I was near my Dad went wild C - I'm Nobody's baby, I wonder why, Each night and day I pray the Lord up above, Please send me down somebody to love PD Reprint
I'm On My Way To Mandalay 1913 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Alfred Bryan PD Reprint
I'm Sitting On Top Of The World 1925 - w. Lewis & Young, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
I'm Sitting Pretty In A Pretty Little City 1923 - w.m. Lou Davis, Henry Santly & Abel Baer V - There's no place like home, you never learn that til you roam. Ev'ry place I'd be that little home kept callin' me C - I'm sittin' pretty in a pretty little city down Georgia way. There are no angels near, But it seems like heaven here. PD Reprint
I'm Sorry Sally 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Ted FioRito PD Reprint
I've Got A Pain In My Sawdust 1909 - m. Herman Wade, w. Henry Warner PD Reprint
I've Got Rings On My Fingers 1909 - m. Maurice Scott, w. R.P. Weston, F.J. Barnes PD Reprint
I've Got The Girl 1927 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
I've Got the Yes We Have No Bananas Blues 1923 - w. Lew Brown, m. James F. Hanley, Robert King V - Lately I've been off my nut. I keep hearing nothing but 'YES! We have no bananas'. And I'd like to find the guy Who composed that lullaby C - I've got the 'YES!' We have no banana blues. I've got the blues. And when I hear it, Oh! how I fear it.; It's just like hearing bad news. PD Reprint
If I Had My Way 1913 - m. James Kendis, w. Lou Klein V - I'd like to make your golden dreams come true, dear, If I only had my way. A paradise this world would seem to you, dear, If I only had my way. C - If I had my way, dear, forever there's be a garden of roses for you and for me, A thousand and one things, dear, I would do, Just for you, just for you. PD Reprint
If I Had You 1928 - w.m. Ted Shapiro, James Campbell, Reginald Connelly PD Reprint
If I Knock the L Out of Kelly 1916 - m. Bert Grant, w. Joe Young, Sam Lewis PD Reprint
If We Can't Be the Same Old Sweethearts 1915 - m. Jimmy Monaco, w. Joe McCarthy C - If We Can't Be the Same Old Sweethearts, We'll Just Be the Same Old Friends PD Reprint
If You Knew Susie 1925 PD Reprint
If You See Sally 1927 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
If You Were The Only Girl in the World 1916 - m. Nat D. Ayer, w. Clifford Grey P - Bing Boys Are Here - 1916, V - Sometimes when I feel bad and things look blue, I wish a girl I had say one like you. C - If I were the only girl in the world, And you were the only boy, Nothing else would matter in world today. PD Reprint
Il Travatore PD Reprint
In A Little Spanish Town 1926 - w. Sam Lewis, You Young, m. Mabel Wayne PD Reprint
In A Monastery Garden PD Reprint
In Good Old New York Town 1899 - w.m. Paul Dresser PD Reprint
In My Merry Oldsmobile 1905 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
In Old New YorkSee The Streets of New York (In Old New York)
In Old New York 1906 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Henry Blosson PD Reprint
In Shadowland 1924 - w. Sam W. Lewis & Joe Young m. Ruth Brooks & Fred E. Ahlert PD Reprint
In the Evening By the Moonlight 1878 - w.m. James A. Bland V - In de ebening by de moonlight when dis darkies work was over, We would gather round de fire, 'till de hoecake it was done C - In de ebening by de moonlight, you could hear us darkies singing, In de ebning by de moonlight, you could hear de banjo ringing PD Reprint
In The Good Old Summertime 1902 - m. George Evans, w. Ren Shields V - There's a time in each year that we always hold dear, Good old summer time; With the birds and the trees-es and sweet scented breezes, Good old summer time C - In the good old summertime, in the good old summertime. Strolling thro' the shandy lanes With your baby mine; You hold her hand and she holds yours . . . PD Reprint
In The Middle Of The Night 1926 - w. Billy Rose, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree 1905 - m. Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Harry H. Williams PD Reprint
Indian Love Call 1924 - w. Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II, m. Rudolf Friml P - Rose Marie V - So echoes of sweet love notes gently fall Thru the forest stillness, as fond waiting Indian lovers call! C - When I'm calling you-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo! Will you answer too-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo? That means I offer my love to you to be you own. N - a.k.a The Call PD Reprint
Indiana (Back Home Again In) 1917 - m. James.F. Hanley, w. Ballard MacDonald V - I have always been a wand'rer, Over land and sea. Yet a moonbeam on the water Casts a spell o'er me C - Back home again in Indiana, And it seems that I can see The gleaming candle light still shining bright Thru the sycamores for me PD Reprint
Indiana Moon 1923 - w. Benny Davis, m. Isham Jones V - Indiana Moon for you I'm pining. Pining ever since I went away. Pretty soon I'm gonna se you shining, For I'm going home today. C - Indiana Moon I miss you. Indiana Moon I'm blue. There's somebody there I long to kiss too, With a heart of love that's ever PD Reprint
Indianola 1917 - w.m. S.R. Henry, Domenico Savino PD Reprint
Iola 1906 - m. Charles L. Johnson N - Intermezzo Two-Step. The chorus of Iola is the melody to the 1940 hit Playmates by Saxie Dowell. Charles L. Johnson sued and there was an out of court settlement. Playmates words were likely stolen from I Don't Want To Play In Y PD Reprint
Ireland Must Be Heaven, for My Mother Came From There 1916 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Joe McCarthy, Howard Johnson V - I've often heard my daddy speak of Ireland's lake and dells, The place must be like Heaven, if it's half like what he tells. C - Ireland must be Heaven, for an angel came from there. I never knew a living soul one half as sweet or fair. PD Reprint
It Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo' 1923 - w.m. Wendell Hall V - Oh! The night was dark and dreary, The air was full of sleet, The old man stood out in the storm, his shoes were full of feet. C - Oh! It ain't gonna rain no mo' no mo'. It ain't gonna rain no mo'. But how in the world can the old folks tell, It ain't a-gonna rain no mo'. PD Reprint
It All Depends On You 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
It Goes Like This That Funny Melody 1928 - w. Irving Caesar, m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
It Had To Be You 1924 - m. Isham Edgar Jones (1894-1956), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) V - Why do I do just as you say. Why must I just give you your way. Why do I sigh. Why don't I forget. It must have been something lovers call fate. C - It had to be you. It had to be you. I wander'd around And finally found The somebody who Could make me be true, could make me be blue. PD Reprint
It Made You Happy When You Made Me Cry 1927 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
It Was Only A Sun Shower 1927 - w. Irving Kahal & Francis Wheeler, m. Ted Snyder PD Reprint
It's A Long, Long Way to Tipperary 1912 - w.m. Jack Judge, Harry H. Williams PD Reprint
It's Nice to Get Up in the Morning 1913 - w.m. Harry Lauder V - O! ye'll never never never thrive lying in yer bed C - O, it's nice to get up in the morning when the sun begins to shine PD Reprint
Italian Street Song 1910 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Rida Johnson Young V - Ah! my heart is back in Napoli, Dear Napoli C - Zing, Zing, zizzy, zizzy,zing, zing, Boom, boom aye PD Reprint
Ja-Da 1918 - w.m. Bob Carleton V - You've heard all about your raggy melodies, Ev'ry thing from opera down to harmony, But I've a little song that I will sing to you C - Ja Da, Ja Da, Ja Da, Ja Dah, Jing, Jing, Jing. . . . That's a funny little bit of melody. It's so soothing and appealing to me. PD Reprint
Japanese Sandman 1920 - m. Richard Whiting, w. Raymond Egan V - Won't you stretch imagination for the moment and come with me. Let us hasten to a nation lying over the western sea. C - Here's the Japanese Sandman Sneaking on with the dew. Just an old second hand man He'll buy your old day from you. He will take every sorrow Of the day that is through PD Reprint
Jazz Me Blues 1921 - w.m. Tom Delaney V - Down in Louisiana in that sunny clime, They play a class of music that is super fine, And it makes no difference if it's rain or shine C - Jazz me, Come on professor and Jazz me. You know I like my dancin' both day and night, And if I don't get my jazzin I Don't feel right PD Reprint
Jealous 1924 - w. Tommy Malie & Dick Finch m. Jack Little PD Reprint
Jealousy [Jalousie - Tango] 1926 - m. Jacob Gade PD Reprint
Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair 1854 - w.m. Stephen Collins Foster V - I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair. Borne, like a vapor, on the summer air. I see here tripping where the bright streams play, Happy as the daisies that dance on her way. C - I long for Jeanie and my heart bows low, Never more to find here where the bright waters flow. PD Reprint
Jeannine, I Dream Of Lilac Time 1928 - w. I. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Nat Shilkret PD Reprint
Jelly Roll Blues 1915 - Ferd [Ferdinand] Morton N - No lyrics. PD Reprint
Jimtown Blues 1925 - w. Fred Rose, m. Charlile Davis PD Reprint
Joan Of Arc They Are Calling You 1917 - m. Jack Wells, w. Alfred Bryan, Willie Weston PD Reprint
Joe Turner Blues 1915 - w.m. W.C. Handy V - You'll never miss the water till your well runs dry, You'll never miss Joe Turner tile he say 'Good Bye'. Sweet Babe, I'm goin' to leave you and the time ain't long C - You will be sorry, be sorry from your heart. Sorry to your heart, Some day when you and I must part. And ev'ry time you hear a whisle blow PD Reprint
Josephine, My Jo 1901 - m. James T. Brymn, w. Cecil Mack PD Reprint
June Brought The Roses 1924 - w. Ralph Stanley m. John Openshaw PD Reprint
June Night 1924 - w. Cliff Friend m. Abel Baer PD Reprint
Just A Baby's Prayer At Twilight 1918 - m. M.K. Jerome, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Just A Bird's Eye View Of My Old Kentucky Home 1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Just A Bird's-Eye View Of My Old Kentucky Home 1927 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Just A Cottage Small [By A Waterfall] 1926 - w. B.G. DeSylva, m. James F. Hanley PD Reprint
Just A Girl That Men Forget 1923 - w.m. Al Dubin, Fred Rath, Joe Garron V - Dear little girl, they call you a Vamp, A flapper with up to date ways. You may shine brightly just like a lamp, You'll burn out one of these days. C - You're the kind of girl that men forget, Just a toy to enjoy for a while. For when men settle down they always get an old fashioned girl With an old fashioned smile. PD Reprint
Just A Little Drink 1925 PD Reprint
Just A Memory 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Just Another Day Wasted Away [Waiting For You] 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Just Around The Corner 1926 - w. Dolph Singer, m. Harry Von Tilzer PD Reprint
Just Like A Butterfly That's Caught In The Rain 1927 - w.m. Harry Woods & Mort Dixon PD Reprint
Just Like A Melody Out Of The Sky 1928 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Just Once Again 1927 - w.m. Walter Donaldson & Paul Ash PD Reprint
Just We Two 1924 - w. Dorothy Donnelly m. Sigmund Romberg P - The Student Prince PD Reprint
K-K-K-Katy 1918 - w.m. Geoffrey O'Hara V - Jimmy was a soldier brave and bold, Katy was a maid with hair of gold, Like an act of fate Kate was standing at the gate, Watching all the boys on dress parade. C - K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy, You're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore. When the m-m-m-moon shines, Over the cow shed, I'll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door. PD Reprint
Kansas City Stomp 1923 - Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1890-1941) PD Reprint
Kashmiri Love Song PD Reprint
Kathleen Mavoureen 1840 - m. F. Nicholls Crouch, w. Mrs. Crawford V - Kathleen Mavoureen! the grey dawn is breaking, The horn of the hunter is heard on the hill C - . . thou voice of my heart? It may be for years, and it may be forever, Then why art thou silent Kathleen Mavoureen? PD Reprint
Katinka 1926 - w. Ben Russell, m. Henry Tobias N - NOT Katinka, 1915, w. Oscar Hauerbach, m. Rudolf Friml PD Reprint
Keep On The Sunny Side 1906 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Jack Drislane V - One little boy, one little girl, sat gazing at the moon. Boy's head bowed down, face wore a frown, girl whispered 'why don't we spoon' C - Keep on the sunny side and let dull care pass you by. Just figure out you're a long time dead, Don't start to worry or sigh. PD Reprint
Keep Smiling At Trouble 1924 - w. Al Jolson & B. G. De Sylva m. Lewis E. Gensler PD Reprint
Keep Sweeping The Cobwebs Off Of The Moon 1927 - w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young, m. Oscar Levant PD Reprint
Keep The Home Fires Burning 1915 - m. Ivor Novello, w. Lena Guilbert Ford C - Keep the Home-Fires Burning 'Till the Boys Come Home PD Reprint
Kentucky Home 1914 - m. Eugene Platzmann N - Fox Trot PD Reprint
King For A Day 1928 - w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young, m. Ted FloRito PD Reprint
King Porter Stomp 1924 - Jelly Roll Morton PD Reprint
Kinkajou 1927 - w. Joe McCarthy, m. Harry Tierney PD Reprint
Kiss in the Dark 1922 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Bud DeSylva PD Reprint
Kitten on the Keys 1921 - m. Zez Confrey PD Reprint
L'Amour Toujours L'Amour 1922 - m. Rudolf Friml, w. Catherine Chisholm Cushing V - Ah, love, you've found me at last In my heart is a song. C - L'amour Toujours l'Amour. Love, now last, you've found me. PD Reprint
La Paloma 1864 PD Reprint
La Rosita 1923 - w. Allan Stuart m. Paul Dupont (Pseud. of Walter Haenschen) V - Tinkling guitar strums a song 'neath a balcony. Glimmering stars glean their silvery light. Slowly the moon rises high o'er the peaceful lea. C - Sweet girl of my dreams hear my song I implore you, Soul of my soul, hear my gay serenade. Deep in my heart I will always adore you. PD Reprint
Lamplit Hour PD Reprint
Last Night I Dreamed You Kissed Me 1928 - w. gus Kahn, m. Carmen Lombardo PD Reprint
Laugh, Clown Laugh! 1928 - w. Sam Lewis & Joe Young, m. Ted FloRito PD Reprint
Lazy 1924 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella 1928 - w. Irving Kahal & Francis Wheeler, m. Sammy Fain PD Reprint
Let It Rain! Let It Pour! (I'll Be In Virginia In The Morning) 1925 PD Reprint
Let Me Call You Sweeetheart 1910 - m. Leo Friedman, w. Beth Slater Whitson V - I am dreaming Dear of you Day by day. Dreaming when the skies are blue When they're gray C - Let me call you 'Sweetheart' I'm in love with you. Let me hear you whisper that you love me too. Keep the lovelight glowing in your eyes so true. . . PD Reprint
Let Me Linger Longer In Your Arms 1924 - w. Cliff Friend m. Abel Baer PD Reprint
Let the Rest of the World Go By 1919 - m. Ernest Ball, w. J. Keirn Brennan PD Reprint
Let's Do It (Let's Fall In Love) 1928 - w.m. Cole Porter PD Reprint
Let's Tallk About My Sweetie 1926 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Li'l Liza Jane 1916 - w.m. Ada DeLachau PD Reprint
Liebesfreud (Love's Joy) 1911 - m. Fritz Kreisler PD Reprint
Limehouse Blues 1922 - m. Philip Braham, w. Douglas Furber V - In limehouse where yellow chinkies love to play, In limehouse where you can hear those blues all day C - Oh Limehousekid Oh Oh. Oh Limehouse kid Going the way that the rest of them did PD Reprint
Lindbergh, The Eagle of The U.S.A. 1927 - w.m. Howard Johnson & Al Sherman PD Reprint
Linger Awhile 1923 - w. Harry Owens m. Vincent Rose V - The time is coming soon to say good bye, A time of sadness it will be. But Honey listen to my parting sigh, And linger on a while with me. C - The stars shine above you. Yet linger a while' They whisper 'I love you' So linger awhile. PD Reprint
Listening 1924 - Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Little Brown Church 1865 - w.m. William S. Pitts V - There's a church in the valley by the wildwood, No lovelier place in the dale. No spot is so dear to my childhood, as the liitle brown church in the vale. C - Come to the church by the wildwood, Oh come to the church in the dale. No spot is so dear to my childhood, as the liitle brown church in the vale. PD Reprint
Little Jazz Bird 1924 - w. Ira Gershwin m. George Gershwin P - Lady Be Good PD Reprint
Little White House At The End Of Honeymoon Lane 1926 - w. Eddie Dowling, m. James F. Handley PD Reprint
Londonderry AirSee Danny Boy
Lonesome And Sorry 1926 - w.m. Benny Davis, Con Conrad PD Reprint
Lonesome Blues 1916 - Perry Bradford V - Want someone to love me, want someone to hug me now, Want someone to squeeze me, want someone to teach me how C - Woke up this morning feeling awfully blue, Ain't got no one to tell my trouble to. The fortune teller Has told me little fellow, That I am lonely, lonely PD Reprint
Lonesome Road 1928 - w. Gene Austin, m. Nathaniel Shilkret PD Reprint
Lonesomest Girl In Town 1926 - w. Al Dubin, m. Jimmy McHugh, Irving Mills PD Reprint
Look for the Silver Lining 1920 - m. Jerome Kern, w. Bud DeSylva V - Please don't be offended if I preach to you a while, Tears are out of place in eyes that were meant to smile. C - Look for the silver lining When e'er a cloud appears in the blue. Remember somewhere the sun is shining And so the right thing to do is make it shine for you. PD Reprint
Looking At The World Through Rose Colored Glasses 1926 - w.m. Tommy Malie, Jimmy Steiger PD Reprint
Lorena 1857 - m. J. P. Webster, w. Rev. H. D. L. Webster V - The years creep slowly by, Lorena, More than we ever dared to tell; The snow is on the grass again, The sun's low down the sky, Lorena, The frost gleams where the flow'rs have been. N - Well Known Background Music in Movie 'Gone With The Wind' PD Reprint
Louisville Lou 1923 - w. Jack Yellen m. Milton Ager V - Folks, you've heard of scandalous vamps; History is full of love makin' champs. But if you crave a brand new thrill Come and meet the vamp of Louisville. C - They call the lady Louisville Lou. Oh, what that vampin' baby can do! She is the most heart breakin'est shimmy shakin'est That the world ever knew. PD Reprint
Lousiana 1928 - w. Andy Razaf, Bob Schafer, m. Sammy Fain PD Reprint
Love Me Or Leave Me 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Love Will Find A Way ~ Blake 1921 - w.m. Noble Sissle, Eubie Blake V - Come, dear, and don't let out faith weaked, Let's keep our love fires burning bright. Your love for me is heavenly beacon, Guiding me through love's darkest night. C - Clouds will soon roll by Though fate may lead us astray My dearie, mark what I say-- Love will find a way. PD Reprint
Love Will Find A Way ~ Graham 1917 - m. Harold Fraser-Simson, w. Harry Graham V - Poor captive So you say I might be rich and free, If I would but betray The friends who trust in me! Vain is the web your cunning weaves! What care I for rewards, reprieves . . . C - What e`er befall, I still recall that sunlit mountain side! Where hearts are true and Love`s the only guide; If faithful to my trust I stay, No fate can fill me with dismay! PD Reprint
Love's Joy (Liebesfreud)See Liebesfreud (Love's Joy)
Loveless Love 1921 - m. W. C.Handy, w. W. C. Handy V - Love is like a gold brick in a bunco game. Like a bank note with a bogus name. Both have caused many downfalls. Love has done the same. C - Love, oh love, oh loveless love Has set out hearts on goalless goals. From milkless milk, and silkless silk, We are growing used to soulless souls N - a.k.a. Careless Love. Likely from folksong known as early as 1895, it became an early jazz classic. PD Reprint
Lover Come Back To Me 1928 - w. Oscar Hammerstein II, m. Sigmund Rombert PD Reprint
Low Bridge Everybody Down 1913 P - Thomas S. Allen V - I got a mule and her name is Sal C - Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal PD Reprint
Lucky Day 1926 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Lucky In Love 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Lucky Lindy 1927 - w. I. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Abel Abuer PD Reprint
M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I 1916 - m. Harry Tierney, w. Bert Hanlon, Bennie Ryan PD Reprint
M-O-T-H-E-R 1915 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Howard Johnson V - I've been around the world, you bet, But I never went to school, Hard knocks are all I seem to get, Perhaps I've been a fool. C - M is for the million things she gave me, O means only that she's growing old, T is for the tears were shed to save me, H is for her heart of purest gold . . . PD Reprint
Ma! He's Making Eyes at Me 1921 - m. Con Conrad, w. Sidney Clare PD Reprint
MacNamara's Band PD Reprint
Magnolia 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Make Believe 1928 - m. Oscar Hammersteinm. m. Jerome Kern P - Show Boat PD Reprint
Makin' Whopee 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Mama Goes Where Papa Goes 1923 - w. Jack Yellen m. Milton Ager PD Reprint
Mama Loves Papa 1923 - w.m. Cliff Friend & Abel Baer PD Reprint
Mama's Gone, Goodbye 1924 - w.m. A. J. Piron & Peter Bocage PD Reprint
Man I Love 1924 - w. Ira Gershwin m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Mandalay (Burtnett,Lyman,Arnheim) 1924 - w.m. Earl Burtnett, Abe Lyman & Gus Arnheim PD Reprint
Mandy Make Up Your Mind 1924 - w. Grant Clarke & Roy Turk m. George W. Meyer P - Dixie To Broadway PD Reprint
Manhattan 1925 PD Reprint
Manhattan Serenade 1928 - m. Louis Alter, w. 1942 PD Reprint
March of the Toys 1903 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Glen MacDonough P - Babes in Toyland - 1903, Musical PD Reprint
Margie 1920 - m. Con Conrad, J. Russel Robinson, w. Bennie Davis PD Reprint
Marie 1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Mary Ann 1928 - w. Benny Davis, m. Abner Silver PD Reprint
Mary Lou 1926 - w.m. Abe Lyman, George Waggner, J. Russel Robinson PD Reprint
Mary's A Grand Old Name 1905 - w.m. George M. Cohan PD Reprint
Maytime 1924 - w. Buddy DeSylva, m. Vincent Rose PD Reprint
Me And My Shadow 1927 - w. Billy Rose, m. Al Jolson & Dave Dreyer PD Reprint
Me And The Man In The Moon 1928 - w. Edgar Leslie, m. James V. Monaco PD Reprint
Me Too 1926 - w.m. Harry Woods, Charles Tobias, Al Sherman PD Reprint
Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis 1904 - m. Kerry Mills, w. Andrew Sterling PD Reprint
Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland 1909 - m. Leo Friedman, w. Beth Slater Whitson PD Reprint
Memories 1915 - m. Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Gus Kahn PD Reprint
Memories OF France 1928 - w. Al Dubin, m. J. Russel Robinson PD Reprint
Memory Lane 1924 - w. B. G. De Sylva m. Larry Spier & Con Conrad PD Reprint
Memphis Blues 1912 - w.m. William C. Handy V - Folks I've just been down, down to Memphis town, That's where the people smile, smile on you all the while. Hospitality, they were good to me C - They got a fiddler there that always slickens his hair, an' folks he sure do pull some bow, And when the big Bassoon seconds to the Trombones croon, croon N - a.k.a. Mr. Crump PD Reprint
Memphis Blues - Song 1908 - m. W. C. Handy, w. George A. Norton P - Honey Boy Minstrels V - Folks, I've just been down, down to Memphis town, That's where the people smile, smile on you all the while C - They got a fidler there that always slickens his hair, an' folks he sure do pull some bow, And when the big Bassoon seconds to the Trombones croon PD Reprint
The Merry Widow Waltz (with lyrics)See I Love You So (Merry Widow Waltz)
Mexicali Rose 1923 - w. Helen Stone, m. Jack B. Tenney V - Mexicali Rose, I'm leaving. Don't feel blue. Mexicali Rose, stop grieving; I love you. C - Mexicali Rose, stop crying; I'll come back to you some sunny day. Ev'ry night you'll know that I'll be pining, Ev'ry hour a year while I'm away. PD Reprint
Midnight Waltz 1925 PD Reprint
Mighty Lak' a Rose 1901 - m. Ethelbert Nevin, w. Frank Stanton PD Reprint
Miss Annabelle Lee 1927 - w.m. Sidney Clare, Lew Pollack, Harry Richman PD Reprint
Missippi Mud 1927 - w.m. Harris Barris PD Reprint
Mississippi Mud 1928 - w.m. Harry Barris PD Reprint
Mon Paradis (Serenade d'Aujourd'hui) 1923 - m. Cuthbert Clarke PD Reprint
Montmartre Rose 1925 PD Reprint
Moon Love 1923 - m. Jerome Kern, w. George Grossmith, Jr., P. G. Wodehouse P - The Beauty Prize PD Reprint
Moonbeam! Kiss Her For Me 1927 - w. Mort Dixon, m. Harry Woods PD Reprint
Moonlight and Roses 1925 - w.m. Edwin H. Lemare, Ben Black, Neil Moret PD Reprint
Moonlight Bay 1912 - m. Percy Weinrich, w. Edward Madden PD Reprint
Moonlight On The Ganges 1926 - w. Chester Wallace, m. Sherman Myers PD Reprint
More We Are Together 1926 - w.m. Irving King N - Based on 'Did You Ever See A Lassie' PD Reprint
Mother Machree 1910 - m. Chauncey Olcott, Ernest Ball, w. Rida Johnson Young V - There's a spot in me heart which no colleen may own, There's a depth in me soul never sounded or known; There's a place in my mem'ry, my life, that you fill, No other can take it, no one ever will. C - Sure, I love the dear silver that shines in your hair, And the kiss the dear fingers, so toil-worn for me, Oh, God bless you and keep you, Mother Machree! PD Reprint
Mountain Greenery 1926 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers PD Reprint
Mountains O' Mourne PD Reprint
Mounties 1924 - w. Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II m. Rudolf Friml P - Rose Marie PD Reprint
Mr. Crump (Memphis Blues)See The Memphis Blues
Mr. Jelly-Lord 1923 - Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1890-1941) PD Reprint
Muddy Water 1927 - w. Joe Trent, m. Peter DeRose & Harry Richman PD Reprint
My Best Girl 1924 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now 1928 - w. Irvin Caesar, m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
My Blue Heaven 1928 - w. George Whiting, m. Walter Donaldson P - Ziegfield Follies of 1927 PD Reprint
My Blue Ridge Mountain Home 1928 - w.m. Carson Robison PD Reprint
My Dream Of The Big Parade 1926 - w. Al Dubin, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
My Gal Sal 1905 - w.m. Paul Dresser PD Reprint
My Heart Stood Still 1928 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers P - Connecticut Yankee PD Reprint
My Isle of Golden Dreams 1919 - m. Walter Blaufuss, w. Gus Kahn V - Out of the mist, lips I have kissed, call tenderly. Out of the west, hands I have pressed, Beckon to me. PD Reprint
My Little Nest Of Heavenly Blue 1926 - w. A.M. Wilner, Heinz Reichert, Sigmund Spaeth, m. Franz Lehar PD Reprint
My Lucky Star 1928 - w.m. Bud DeSylva, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson PD Reprint
My Mammy 1920 - m. Walter Donaldson, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young V - Ev'ry thing seems lonely When you start to roam. The birds are singing the day that you stray But wait until you are further away. C - Mammy, Mammy, The sun shines East, the sun shines West, But I just learned where the sun shines best. Mammy Mammy. PD Reprint
My Man (Mon Homme) 1921 - m. Maurice Yvain, w. Channing Pollock PD Reprint
My Melancholy Baby 1912 - m. Ernie Burnett, w. George A. Norton V - Come sweetheart mine, Don't sit and pine, Tell me of the cares that make you feel so blue. What have I done? Answer me, Hon' C - Come to me, my melancholy baby, Cuddle up and don't be blue; All your fears are foolish fancy, may be, You know dear that I am strong for you. PD Reprint
My Mother's Eyes 1928 - w. I. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Abel Baer PD Reprint
My Mother's Rosary 1915 - m. George Meyer, w. Sam Lewis PD Reprint
My Sweetie Turned Me Down 1925 PD Reprint
My Sweetie Went Away 1923 - w. Roy Turk m. Lou Handman PD Reprint
My Time Is Your Time 1924 - w. Eric Little m. Leo Dance PD Reprint
Nagasaki 1928 - w. Mort Dixon, m. Harry Warren PD Reprint
National Emblem March 1906 - m. E.E. Bagley PD Reprint
Neapolitan Nights 1926 - w. Harrt D. Kerr, m. J.S. Zamecnik PD Reprint
New Kind Of Man With A New Kind Of Love 1924 - w.m. Sidney Clare, Leon Flatow PD Reprint
New Orleans Blues 1925 - Jelly Roll Morton PD Reprint
Ninety-Nine Blues 1920 - w. Henry McCurdy, m. S. Gordon Saunders V - The other night I felt so lonely I had such awful blues Then I went to the phone to try and find her alone C - I've got the blues those 99 blues such awful blues I don't know what to do. But that's my fate Ev'ry time I call that place PD Reprint
No, No, Nora 1923 - w. Gus Kahn PD Reprint
Nobody Knows What A Red-Headed Mama Can Do 1924 PD Reprint
Nobody's Sweetheart 1924 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Billie Meyers, Elmer Schobel P - The Vagabond Lover PD Reprint
Nola 1916 - m. Felix Arndt N - A Silhouette for the Piano PD Reprint
O Katharina 1924 - w. L. Wolfe Gilbert m. Richard Fall PD Reprint
O Perfect Love 1904 - m. Joseph Barnby, w. Dorothy F. Blomfield Gurney V - O Perfect Love . . . all human thought transcending, Lowly we kneel in prayer before Thy Throne, That theirs may be the love which knows no ending N - Several alternate tunes by Harry Burleigh and others. PD Reprint
Oh Didn't It Rain 1923 - w.m. Eddie Leonard V - We came from far away Upon a summer's day, Didn't it Rain. We went to the Polo Grounds To see a baseball game. Didn't it rain. C - Because it Rained. Didn't it rain. The way it rained it was a shame, We'll never go there again, Because it rained. PD Reprint
Oh Gee Oh Gosh Oh Golly I'm In Love 1923 - w. Ole Olson, Chick Johnson, m. Ernest Breuer PD Reprint
Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh! 1917 - m. Abe Olman, w. Ed Rose PD Reprint
Oh Lady, Be Good 1924 - w. Ira Gershwin m. George Gershwin P - Lady Be Good PD Reprint
Oh Miss Hannah 1924 - w. Thekla Hollingsworth m. Jessie L. Deppen PD Reprint
Oh You Beautiful Doll 1911 - m. Nat D. Ayer, w. A. Seymour Brown PD Reprint
Oh, How I Miss You Tonight 1924 PD Reprint
Oh! Didn't He Ramble 1902 - w.m. William H. Handy PD Reprint
Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning 1918 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Oh! Mabel 1924 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Ted Fio Rito PD Reprint
Oh! What A Pal Was Mary 1919 - m. Pete Wendling, w. Edgar Leslie, Bert Kalmar PD Reprint
Ol' Man River 1928 - m. Oscar Hammersteinm. m. Jerome Kern P - Show Boat PD Reprint
Old Fashioned Love 1923 - w. Cecil Mack m. James P. Johnson PD Reprint
Old Grey Mare 1918 - m. Traditional PD Reprint
Old King Tut 1923 - w. William Jerome m. Harry Von Tilzer PD Reprint
Old Man Sunshine 1928 - w. Mort Dixon, m. Harry Warren PD Reprint
Old Rugged Cross PD Reprint
On Miami Shore 1919 - m. Victor Jacobi, w. William LeBaron PD Reprint
On The Beach at Waikiki 1915 - m. Henry Kailimai, w. G.H. Stover PD Reprint
On The Mall 1923 - m. Edwin Franko Goldman PD Reprint
Once In A Blue Moon 1923 - w. Anne Caldwell m. Jerome Kern PD Reprint
One Alone 1926 - w. Oscar Hammerstein II, m. Sigmund Romberg PD Reprint
One I Love Belongs To Someone Else 1924 - w. Gus Kahn m. Isham Jones PD Reprint
Only A Rose 1926 - w. Brian Hooker, m. Rudolf Friml PD Reprint
Orange Grove In California 1923 - w.m. Irving Berlin (1888-1989) PD Reprint
Out Of The Dawn 1928 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Out Where The Blue Begins 1923 - Graff, McHugh, Grant PD Reprint
Over There 1917 - w.m. George m. Cohan PD Reprint
Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag and Smile Smile Smile 1915 - m. Felix Powell, w. George Asaf V - Private Perks is a funny little codger With a smile a funny smile. Five feet none, he's an artful little dodger with a smile a funny smile. C - Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile. While you've a lucifer to light your fag, Smile, boys, that's the style. N - World War 1 marching song. Lucifer was a match, fag was a cigarette, and a kit bag was a canvas duffle bag. PD Reprint
Paddlin' Madelin' Home 1926 - w.m. Harry Woods PD Reprint
Pal Of Mine 1905 - m. Joseph S. Nathan, w. Bartley Costello PD Reprint
Pal Of My Cradle Days 1925 - w. Marshall Montgomery, m. Al Piantadosi PD Reprint
Pal That I Loved Stole the Gal That I Loved 1924 PD Reprint
Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers 1911 - m. Leon Jessel N - a.k.a. The Parade Of The Tin Soldiers. Original Piano Solo Without Lyrics. PD Reprint
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers - Song 1922 - m. Leon Jessel, w. Ballard MacDonald V - The toy shop door is locked up tight and ev'rything is quiet for the night. When suddenly the clock strikes twelve, the fun's begun. C - Her them all cheering, Now they are nearing, There's the captain stiff as starch. Bayonets flashing, Music is crashing, As the Wooden soldiers march. N - a.k.a. 'The Parade Of The Tin Soldiers - Die Parade der Zinnsoldaten. Song With Lyrics. PD Reprint
Parisian Pierot 1924 - w.m. Noel Coward PD Reprint
Pasadena 1924 - Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie, Harry Warren PD Reprint
Pearls 1923 - Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1890-1941) PD Reprint
Peg O' My Heart 1913 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Alfred Bryan PD Reprint
Persian Rug 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Neil Moret PD Reprint
Play A Simple Melody 1914 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - The different lays of now-a-days All set my brain a-whirl. They're not the kind of songs they sang When mother was a girl C - Won't you play a simple melody Like my mother sang to me. One with good old fashioned harmony. Play a simple melody. N - a.k.a. Won't You Play a Simple Melody PD Reprint
Play Gypsies - Dance Gypsies 1926 - w. Julius Brummer, Alfred Grunwald, Harry B. Smith, m. Emmerich Kalman PD Reprint
Play That Barbershop Chord 1910 - m. Lewis Muir, w. William Tracey, Ballard McDonald V - Down in a great big rathskellar where a swell colored fellow by the name of Bill Jefferson Lord played piano while he'd sing a song. C - Mister Jefferson Lord play that Barbershop chord, That soothing harmony, It makes an awful awful awful hit with me. PD Reprint
Please Do It AgainSee Do It Again (Please Do It Again)
Pomp and Circumstance - No 1 in D 1902 - m. Edward Elgar N - March traditionally used for graduation ceremonies. PD Reprint
Poor Papa. He Got Nuthin' At All 1926 - w. Billy Rose, m. Harry Woods PD Reprint
Pop Goes the Weasel 1853 V - All around the cobbler's bench, The monkey chased the weasel; The monkey tho't twas all in fun, Pop goes the weasel. PD Reprint
Pretty Baby 1916 - m. Tony Jackson, Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Gus Kahn PD Reprint
Pretty Girl is Like a Melody 1919 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - I have an ear for music, And I have an eye for a maid. I link a pretty girlie, With each pretty tune that's played. C - A pretty girl is like a melody That haunts you night and day. Just like the strain of a haunting refrain, She'll start upon a marathon And run around your brain. PD Reprint
Prince Of Wails 1924 - m. Elmer Schoebel PD Reprint
Prisoner's Song 1924 - w.m. Guy Massey PD Reprint
Put Away A Little Ray Of Golden Sunshine 1924 - w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young m. Fred Ahlert PD Reprint
Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet 1909 - m. Percy Weinrich, w. Stanley Murphy PD Reprint
Put Your Arms Around Me. Honey 1910 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Junie McCree V - Nighttime am a fallin', ev'rything is still, And the moon am a shining from above. Cupid am a callin', ev'ry Jack and Jill, It's just about the time for making love. C - Put your arms around me honey, hold me tight. Huddle up and Cuddle up with all your might. Oh, babe, Won't you roll dem eyes, Eyes that I just idolize. PD Reprint
Raggedy Ann 1923 - w. Anne Caldwell m. Jerome Kern PD Reprint
Ragging the Scale 1915 - m. Edward B. Claypool PD Reprint
Ragtime Cowboy Joe 1912 - m. Lewis F. Muir, Maurice Abrahams, w. Grant Clarke PD Reprint
Rain 1928 - w.m. Eugene Ford PD Reprint
Ramona 1928 - w. I Wolfe Gilbert, m. Mabel Wayne PD Reprint
Ranger's Song 1927 - w. Joe McCarthy, m. Harry Tierney PD Reprint
Reaching For The Moon 1926 - w.m. Benny Davis & Jessee Greer N - NOT Reaching For The Moon, 1931, w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Ready For The River 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Neil Moret PD Reprint
Red Hot Mama 1924 - w.m. Gilbert Wells, Bud Cooper & Fred Rose PD Reprint
Red Lips, Kiss My Blues Away 1927 - w.m. James V. Monaco, Alfred Bryan, Pete Wendling PD Reprint
Red Wing 1907 - m. Kerry Mills, w. Thurland Chattaway V - There once lived an Indian maid, A shy little prairie maid, Who sang a lay, a long song gay, As on the plain she'd while away the day. C - Now, the moon shines tonight on pretty Red Wing, the breeze is sighing, the night bird's crying, For afar 'neath his star her brave is sleeping, While Red Wing's weeping her heart away. PD Reprint
Rememb'ring 1923 - w.m. Vivian Duncan & Rosetta Duncan PD Reprint
Remember 1925 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Revenge 1928 - w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young, m. Harry Askt PD Reprint
Rhapsody In Blue 1924 - m. George Gershwin N - Harms Music 1924 Publication: Sheet Music PD Reprint
Rings on My FingersSee I've Got Rings On My Fingers
Rio Rita 1927 - w. Joe McCarthy, m. Harry Tierney PD Reprint
Riverboat Shuffle 1925 - m. Hoagy Carmichael & Irving Mills PD Reprint
Roamin' In The Gloamin' 1911 - m. Harry Lauder, w. George Grafton PD Reprint
Rock-A-Bye My Baby Blues 1924 - w. Larry Yoell, m. Billy Hill PD Reprint
Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody 1918 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Rose Marie 1924 - w. Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II m. Rudolf Friml P - Rose Marie PD Reprint
Rose Of Washington Square 1919 - m. James F. Hanley, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
Roses of Picardy 1916 - m. Haydn Wood, w. Frederick E. Weatherly PD Reprint
Roses Of Yesterday 1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Row Row Row 1912 - m. James V. Monaco, w. William Jerome PD Reprint
Royal Garden Blues 1919 - w.m. Clarence Williams, Spencer Williams V - No use of talkin' no use of talkin' You'll start in dog walkin' no matter where. There's jazz-copation blues modulation, Just like a Haitian you'll rip and tear. Most ev'rybody likes the blues. C - Hon, don't you hear that trombone moan? Just listen to that saxophone. You'll hear 'em playin' you'll hear 'em playing. Soon you'll be sayin' 'Hon jazz me round' PD Reprint
Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown (What You Going' to Do When the Rent Comes 'Round?)See What You Goin' To Do When The Rent Comes 'Round
Russian Lullaby 1927 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
s Wonderful 1928 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Sally Of My Dreams 1928 - w.m. Willilam B. Kernell PD Reprint
Sam, The Accordian Man 1927 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Santa Claus Blues 1924 - w.m. Charley Straight, Gus Kahn V - The merry bells are ringing today But they don't mean nothing to me. I hear the children singing to day but I'm as blue as I can be C - No money, no honey to buy a present for me; Nobody, no toddy to make things pleasant for me. PD Reprint
Save Your Sorrow For Tomorrow 1925 PD Reprint
Say It Again [I Don't Believe It But] 1926 - w. Harry Richman, m. Abner Silver PD Reprint
Say It With Music 1921 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Music is a language lovers understand, Melody and romance wander hand in hand. C - Say it with music, Beautiful music. Somehow they'd rather be kissed To the strains of Chopin or Liszt. PD Reprint
School Days 1906 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
Second Minuet 1924 - w. Aubrey Dowdon , m. Maurice Besly PD Reprint
Sentimental Me (And Romantic You) 1925 - Rogers & Hart PD Reprint
Serenade (Student Prince) 1924 - w. Dorothy Donnelly, m. Sigmund Romberg P - The Student Prince PD Reprint
Serenade from the Millions of Harlequin PD Reprint
Seven Or Eleven 1923 - w. Lew Brown m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Shaking The Blues Away 1927 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
She Is Ma Daisy 1905 - m. Harry Lauder, w. J.D. Harper PD Reprint
She's Funny That Way 1928 - w. Richard Whilting m. Neil Moret PD Reprint
Sheik of Araby 1921 - m. Ted Snyder, w. Harry B. Smith, Francis Wheeler PD Reprint
Shine 1924 - w. Cecil Mack & Lew Brown m. Ford T. Dabney PD Reprint
Shine On, Harvest Moon 1908 - w.m. Jack Norworth, Nora Bayes V - The night was mighty dark so you could hardly see, For the moon refused to shine, Couple sitting underneath a willow tree, For love they pine. C - Oh, sing one, shine on harvest moon up in the sky, I ain't had no lovin' since April, January, June or July PD Reprint
Show Me The Way 1924 - w. Bennie Davis, m. Ted Lewis, Frank Ross PD Reprint
Show Me The Way To Go Home 1925 - Irving King PD Reprint
Shreveport Stomp 1925 - Jelly Roll Morton PD Reprint
Side By Side 1927 - w.m. Harry Woods PD Reprint
Sidewalk Blues 1926 - m. Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton PD Reprint
Silver Moon 1927 - w. Dorothy Donnelly, m. Sigmund Romberg PD Reprint
Silver Threads Among The Gold 1873 - m. H.P. Danks, w. Eben E. Rexford V - When your hair is silver white, And your cheeks no longer bright, With the roses of the May; I will kiss your lips and say C - Darling, I am growing old, Silver threads among the gold, Shine upon my brow today, Life is fading fast away PD Reprint
Since Ma Is Playing Mahjong 1924 - w.m. Billy Rose, Con Conrad PD Reprint
Sipping Cider Thru A Straw 1919 - w.m. Carey Morgan and Lee David V - When sweetest girl I ever saw, Was selling cider in a groc'ry store. C - Thipping thider thru a thtraw, We sat there for hours or more. PD Reprint
Sittin' In A Corner 1923 - w. Gus Kahn m. George W. Meyer PD Reprint
Sleep 1923 - w.m. Earl Lebieg PD Reprint
Sleepy Head 1926 - Benny Davis & Jesse Greer - Seller on Vacation PD Reprint
Sleepy Time Gal 1926 - w. Joseph R. Alden, Raymond B. Egan, m. Ange Lorenzo, Richard B. Whiting PD Reprint
Sleepy Valley 1928 - w. Andrew Sterling, m. Nachio Herb Brown P - The Rainbow Man, film PD Reprint
Slow River 1927 - w. Henry Myers, m. Charles M. Schwab PD Reprint
Smile Will Go A Long Long Way 1923 - w.m. Benny Davis, Harry Akst PD Reprint
Smilin' Through 1918 - w.m. Arthur A Penn PD Reprint
So Am I 1925 - w. Ira Gershwin m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
So Blue 1927 - w.m. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, Ray Henderson PD Reprint
So Long, Oo-Long (How Long You Gonna Be Gone?) 1920 - w.m. Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby PD Reprint
Sobbin' Blues 1923 - w.m. Art Kassel PD Reprint
Some of These Days 1910 - w.m. Shelton Brooks V - Two sweethearts in a country town, the neighbors say, Lived happily the whole day long, Until one day he told her he must go away; C - Some of these days You'll miss me, honey, Some of these days You'll feel so lonely; You'll miss my hugging, You'll miss my kissing PD Reprint
Some Other Day, Some Other Girl 1924 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Isham Jones PD Reprint
Some Sweet Day 1923 - w. Gene Buck m. Dave Stamper & Louis A. Hirsch V - Ever since I've been here I've been kind of lonely, Every little dear leaves me by my only. But I just feel that some sweet day I'll meet a girl that likes my way. C - Some sweet day some cutie'll Come my way, some beauty, And she may lead me astray. PD Reprint
Somebody Knows 1915 - w.m. Harry Von Tilzer PD Reprint
Somebody Loves Me 1924 - w. Ballard MacDonald, B. G. De Sylva, m. George Gershwin P - George White's Scandals of 1924 PD Reprint
Somebody Stole My Gal 1918 - w.m. Leo Wood PD Reprint
Someone To Watch Over Me 1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Sometime 1925 PD Reprint
Sometimes I'm Happy 1927 - w. Irving Caesar, m. Vincent Youmans PD Reprint
Song Is Ended 1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Song Is Ended (But The Melody Lingers On) 1927 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Song Of The Flame 1926 - w. Otto Harbach, Oscar Hammerstein II, m. Herbert Stothart, George Gershwin P - Song of the Flame PD Reprint
Song Of The Vagabonds 1926 - w. Brian Hooker, m. Rudolf Friml P - The Vagabond King PD Reprint
Song Of The Wanderer 1927 - w.m. Neil Moret PD Reprint
Song That Stole My Heart 1913 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew B. Sterling PD Reprint
Sonny Boy 1928 - w.m. Al Jolson, Bud DeSylva, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Spain 1924 - w. Gus Kahn m. Isham Jones PD Reprint
St. Louis Blues 1914 - w.m. William C. Handy V - I hate to see de evening sun go down . . .Cause ma baby he done lef dis town. Feelin' tomorrow lak ah feel today I'll pack my trunk make ma git away C - Got de St. Louis Blues jes blue as ah can be. Dat man got a heart lak a rock cast in the sea. Or else he woulden't gone so far from me. N - a.k.a. Saint Louis Blues PD Reprint
Stella 1923 - w.m. Al Jolson, Benny Davis & Harry Akst PD Reprint
Streets of New York (In Old New York) N - a.k.a. In Old New York PD Reprint
Strike Up the Band - Here Comes a Sailor 1900 - m. Charles B. Ward, w. Andrew Sterling PD Reprint
Sugar Blues 1919 - m. Clarence Williams, w. Lucy Fletcher V - Have you heard these blues What I'm going to sing to you When you hear em they will thrill you thro' and thro' C - I've got the Sugan Blues. Every body's singing the Sugar Blues. The whole town is ringing I love me coffee I love my tea PD Reprint
Sunday 1926 - w.m. Ned Miller, Chester Conn, Jule Styne, Bennie Krueger PD Reprint
Sunshine 1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Sunshine Of Your Smile 1915 - m. Lillian Ray, w. Leonard Cooke PD Reprint
Swanee 1919 - m. George Gershwin, w. Irving Caesar PD Reprint
Swanee Butterfly 1925 PD Reprint
Swanee River Moon 1921 - w.m. H. Pitman Clarke PD Reprint
Sweet Adeline See You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet Adeline
Sweet And Low-Down 1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Sweet Georgia Brown 1925 PD Reprint
Sweet Indiana Home 1922 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Sweet Little You 1924 - w.m. Irving Bibo PD Reprint
Sweet Lorraine 1928 - w. Mitchell Parish, w. Cliff Burwell PD Reprint
Sweet Mamma (Papa's Getting' Mad) 1920 - s.m. Fred Rose, George A. Little, Peter L. Frost PD Reprint
Sweet Rosie O'Grady 1896 - w.m. Maude Nugent V - Just down around the corner of the street where I reside, There lives the cutest little girl that I have ever spied. C - Sweet Rosie O'Grady, My dear little Rose, She's my steady lady, Most ev'ry one know, And when we are married, How happy we'll be PD Reprint
Sweet Sue (Just You) 1928 - w. Will J. harris, m. Victor Young PD Reprint
Sweetheart Of All My Dreams (I Love You) 1928 - w.m. Art Fitch, Kay Fitch, Bert Lowe PD Reprint
Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi PD Reprint
Sweethearts on Parade 1928 - w. Charles Newman, m. Carmen Lombardo PD Reprint
Swingin' Down the Lane 1923 - w. Gus Kahn m. Isham Jones V - There's a nightingale callin'; Out where moonbeams are fallin', He's makin' love to a red, red rose C - Ev'rybody hand in hand, Swingin' down the lane, Ev'rebody feelin' grand, Swingin' down the lane. PD Reprint
Syncopated Walk 1914 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Strange, but there's a change In how the people walk these days. Yes! You must confess that ever since the dancing craze ev'ry body has a syncopated walk. C - Look at 'em doin' it. That syncopated walk. Look at 'em doin' it. I know who introduced it. Wait'll he reaches you. Wait'll he teaches you. PD Reprint
Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do w.m. Porter Grainger, Everett Robbins V - There ain't nothin' I can do nor nothin' I can say, That folks don't criticise me, But I'm gonna do just as I want to any way, And don't care if they despise me. C - Tain't nobody's biz-ness if I do. PD Reprint
Take Me Out To The Ball Game 1908 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Jack Norworth V - Katy Casey was baseball mad, Had the fever and had it bad; Just to root for the home town crews, ev'ry sou Katie blew C - Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd, Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, I don't care if I never get back PD Reprint
Take Your Girlie To The Movies (If You Can't Make Love At Home) 1919 - m. Pete Wendling, w. Edgar Leslie, Bert Kalmar V - Beatrice Fairfax gives advice to anyone in love C - Take your girlie to the movies if you can't make love at home PD Reprint
Take Your Tomorrow (And Give Me Today) 1928 - w. Andy Razaf, m. J.C. Johnson PD Reprint
Tamiami Trail 1926 - w.m. Cliff Friend, Joseph H. Santly PD Reprint
Tea For Two 1924 - w. Irving Caesar m. Vincent Youmans PD Reprint
Teddy Bear's Picnic 1907 - m. John W. Bratton N - Lyrics NOT PD. Lyrics added in 1932, Jimmy Kennedy PD Reprint
Tell Her In The Springtime 1925 - w.m. Irving Berlin P - Music Box Revue 1925 PD Reprint
Tell Me With A Melody 1923 - w.m. Irving Berlin (1888 - 1989) PD Reprint
Temptation Rag 1909 - m. Henry Lodge, w. Lou Weslyn PD Reprint
Ten Little Miles From Town 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Elmer Schoebel PD Reprint
Thanks For The Buggy Ride 1926 - w.m. Jules Buffano PD Reprint
That Big Rock Candy Mountain 1928 - w.m. Billy Mack PD Reprint
That Certain Feeling 1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
That Certain Party 1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
That Haunting Melody 1911 - w.m. George M. Cohan PD Reprint
That International Rag 1913 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
That Mysterious Rag 1911 - w.m. Irving Berlin, Ted Snyder PD Reprint
That Old Gang of Mine 1923 - w. Billy Rose & Mort Dixon m. Ray Henderson V - I've got a longin' way down in my heart. For that old gang that has drifted apart. They were the best pals that I ever had, I never thought I'd want them so bad. C - Gee, but I'd give the world to see that old gang of mine. I can't forget than old quartette that sand 'Swet Adeline'. PD Reprint
That Tumbledown Shack in Athlone 1918 - m. Monte Carlo, Alma M. Sanders, w. Richard W. Pascoe PD Reprint
That's A Plenty 1909 - w.m. Bert Williams,Henry Creamer V - Twas in a hen coop one dark night I stopped to rest myself; And to my great surprise I spied some pullets on a shelf C - Mister, Mister, Oh listen like a friend No use to argue, just let the matter end. PD Reprint
That's an Irish LullabySee Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral
That's My Weakness Now 1928 - w.m. Bud Green, Sam Stept PD Reprint
Then I'll Be Happy 1926 - w. Sidney Clare, Lew Brown, m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town TonightSee A Hot Time in the Old Town
There's A Little Bit Of Bad in Every Good Little Girl 1916 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Grant Clarke V - Nobody ever sings about the bad girls, because the bad girls are sad And ev'ry body sings about the good girls because the good girls are glad. C - There's a little bit of bad in ev'ry good little girl. They're not to blame. Mother Eve was very, very good, But even she raised Cain. PD Reprint
There's A Long, Long Trail 1913 - m. Zo Elliott, w. Stoddard King V - Nights are growing very lonely, Days are very long. C - There's a long, long trail a-winding into the land of my dreams. PD Reprint
There's A New Star In Heaven Tonight 1926 - w. Irving Mills, J. Keirn Brennan, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
There's A Rainbow Around My Shoulder 1928 - w.m. Al Jolson, Billy Rose, Dae Dreyer PD Reprint
There's Everything Nice About You 1927 - w. Alfred Bryan & Arthur Terker, m. Pete Wendling PD Reprint
There's Yes! Yes! In Your Eyes 1924 - w. Cliff Friend m. Joseph H. Santly PD Reprint
They Called Her Frivolous SalSee My Gal Sal
They Go Wild Simply Wild Over Me 1917 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Joe McCarthy V - I hate to talk about myself, But here's one time I must. Your confidence I'll trust, I have to speak or bust. C - They go wild simply wild over me, They go mad just as mad as they can be. No matter where I'm at, All the ladies thin or fat . . . Ev'ry night how they fight over me. PD Reprint
Thinking Of You [I've Grown So Lonesome] 1926 - w. Paul Ash, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Thou Swell 1928 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers PD Reprint
Till We Meet Again 1918 - m. Richard A. Whiting, w. Raymond B. Egan V - There's a song in the land of the lily Each sweetheart has heard with a sigh Over high garden walls This sweet echo falls As a soldier boy whispers good bye C - Smile the while you kiss me sad adieu When the clouds roll by I'll come to you.Then the skies will seem more blue Down in lovers lane PD Reprint
Tin Roof Blues 1923 - w. Walter Melrose, m. New Orleans Rhythm Kings PD Reprint
Ting-A-Ling [Waltz Of The Bells] 1926 - w. Addy Britt, m. Jack Little PD Reprint
Together 1928 - w.m. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Together, We Two 1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Tonight You Belong To Me 1926 - w. Billy Rose, m. Lee David PD Reprint
Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral 1913 - w.m. James.Royce Shannon V - Over in Killarney, Many years ago, Me Mither sang a song to me In tones so sweet and low. Just a simple little ditty, In her good ould Irish way C - Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Hush now, don't you cry! Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, That's an Irish Lullaby. PD Reprint
Toot, Toot, Tootsie 1922 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Dan Russo PD Reprint
Totem-Tom-Tom 1924 - w. Oscar Hammerstein II & Otto Harbach m. Rudolf Friml P - Rose Marie PD Reprint
Toyland 1903 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Glen MacDonough V - When you've grown up my dears, And are as old as I, You'll often ponder on the years That roll so swiftly by, my dears, That roll so swiftly by . . . C - Toyland. Toyland. Little girl and boy land. While you dwell within it, You are ever happy then. Childhood's joy-land. Mystic merry Toyland, Once you pass it's borders, You can never return again. PD Reprint
Trail of the Lonesome Pine 1913 - m. Harry Carroll, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
Turkey in the Straw 1834 N - Originally known as Zip Coon PD Reprint
Twelfth Street Rag 1916 - m. Euday L. Bowman N - Ragtime Arrangement Only - No Lyrics PD Reprint
Twelfth Street Rag - Song 1919 - m. Euday L. Bowman, w. James S. Sumner V - In a certain city where the girls are cute and pretty C - First you slide and then you glide, then shimmie for a while PD Reprint
Two Black Crows, Parts 1 And 2 1927 - w. George Noran & Charles Mack PD Reprint
Ukelele Lady 1925 PD Reprint
Under The Anheuser Bush 1903 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling V - Talk about the shade of the sheltering palms, Praise the bamboo tree and its wide spreading charms, There's a little bush that grows right here in town . . . C - Come, come, come and make eyes with me, Under the Anheuser Bush. Come, Come, drink some PD Reprint
Under The Moon 1927 - w. Francis Wheeler & Evelyn Hiller, m. Ted Snyder PD Reprint
Up In The Clouds 1928 - w. Bert Kalmar,. m. Harry Ruby PD Reprint
Valencia 1926 - w. Lucien Boyer, Jacques Charles, Clifford Grey, m. Jose Padilla PD Reprint
Varsity Drag 1927 - w.m. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Vive L'AmourSee Vive la Compagnie
Vive la Compagnie 1818 or earlier - English Traditional V - Let Bacchus to Venus libations pour fast, Vive la compagnie. And let us make use of our time to the last, Vive la compagnie. C - Vive la, vive la, vive l'amour, vive la, vive la, vive l'amour, Vive l'amour, vive l'amour, Vive la compagnie. PD Reprint
Wait 'Til the Sun Shine Nellie 1905 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling PD Reprint
Wait Till My Ship Comes In 1898 - m. Max S. Witt, w. George Taggart PD Reprint
Waitin' For The Evenin' Mail 1923 - Billy Baskette PD Reprint
Waiting for the Robert E. Lee 1912 - m. Lewis F. Muir, w. L. Wolfe Gilbert PD Reprint
Waltz Me Around Again, Willie 1906 - m. Ren Shields, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
Wang Wang Blues 1921 - m. Gus Mueller, Buster Johnson, Henry Busse, w. Leo Wood PD Reprint
Was it A Dream? 1928 - w.m. Larry Spice, Sam Coslow PD Reprint
Washington and Lee Swing PD Reprint
Way Down Yonder in New Orleans 1922 - w.m. Henry Creamer, Turner Layton V - Guess! Where do you think I'm going when the winds start blowing strong? Guess! Where do you think I'm going when the nights start growing long? C - Way down yonder in New Orleans In the land of dreamy scenes There's a garden of Eden. That's what I mean. PD Reprint
West Of The Great Divide 1924 PD Reprint
What Do We Do On a Dew-Dew-Dewy Day? 1927 - w.m. Howard Johnson, Charles Tobias, Al Sherman PD Reprint
What Does It Matter 1927 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
What Has Become Of Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo 1924 - w.m. Al Dubin, Irving Mills, Jimmy McHugh, Irwin Dash V - Do you ever think of the time when all of the boys went 'cross the sea, To the land of Wee Wee Wee, Where they rolled with Sweet Marie C - What has become of 'Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo'? . . . Maybe she still is true to you and true to the rest of the army, too. Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo N - Has 26 verses. PD Reprint
What You Goin' To Do When The Rent Comes 'Round 1905 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling C - Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown, What You Goin' To Do When The Rent Comes 'Round PD Reprint
What'll I Do 1924 - w.m. Irving Berlin P - Music Box Revue of 1923 PD Reprint
When Clouds Have Vanished And Skies Are Blue 1923 - w.m. George M. Cohan (1878 - 1942) P - The Rise of Rosy O'Reilly PD Reprint
When Day Is Done 1927 - w. Bud DeSylva, m. Robert Katscher PD Reprint
When Do We Dance 1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling 1912 - m. Ernest Ball, w. Chauncey Olcott, George Graff V - There's a tear in your eye, And I'm wondering why, For it never should be there at all. C - When Irish eyes are smiling, Sure it's like a morn in Spring. In the lilt of Irish laughter, You can hear the angels sing. PD Reprint
When It's Night Time In Italy, It's Wednesday Over Here 1923 - w.m. James Kendis, Lew Brown PD Reprint
When June Comes Along With A Song 1923 - w.m. George M. Cohan (1878-1942) PD Reprint
When My Baby Smiles at Me 1919 - m. Bill Munro, w. Andrew Sterling, Ted Lewis PD Reprint
When My Sugar Walks Down The Street 1924 - w.m. Gene Austin, Jimmy McHugh & Irving Mills PD Reprint
When The Red Red Robin Comes Bob Bob Bobbin' 1926 - w.m. Harry Woods PD Reprint
When the Saints Go Marching In 1896 - Origin Unknown, Likely Black Spiritual V - Thro' the shining gate, Where the angels wait, When the saints are marching in, The Redeemer shall come And be crowned at home, When the saints are marching in. C - When the saints are marching in, When the saints are marching in, Joyful songs of salvation thro' the sky shall ring, When the saints are marching in. N - A hymn published in 1896, When the Saints Are Marching In, James M. Black, is similar but far from exact. There is no known exact publication with a copyright date of 1922 or earlier, but it is widely accepted to be in the public domain. PD Reprint
When You and I Were Seventeen 1924 - w. Gus Kahn m. Charles Rosoff PD Reprint
When You and I Were Young, Maggie 1866 - w. George W. Johnson, m. James Austin Butterfield V - I wandered today to the hill, Maggie, To watch the scene below! The creek and the creaking old mis, Maggie, As we used to long a go. C - Maggie, Since you and I were young. PD Reprint
When You Walked Out Someone Else Walked Right In 1923 - w.m. Irving Berlin (1888 - 1989) V - My honey do you remember 'twas a December day, I said that you would repent the day that you went away. C - When you walked out someone else walked right in. Someone with good news stepped right in your shoes. PD Reprint
When You Wore a Tulip and I Wore a Big Red Rose 1914 - m. Percy Weinrich, w. Jack Mahoney PD Reprint
When You're Smiling 1928 - w.m. Mark Fishgerm Joe Goodwin, Karry Shay PD Reprint
Where Do You Work-a John? 1926 - w.m. Mortimer Weinberg, Charley Marks, Harry Warren N - Push-a Push-a Push' Comic Song with Many Verses PD Reprint
Where is The Song Of Songs For Me? 1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Where The Lazy Daisies Grow 1924 - w.m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow 1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Harry Warrem PD Reprint
Where'd You Get Those Eyes 1926 - w.m. Walter Donaldson, Abe Lyman PD Reprint
Whiffenpoof Song 1909 - m. Tod Galloway, w. Meade Minnigerode, George S. Pomeroy V - From the tables down at Mory's, to the place where Judas dwells, to the dear old Temple Bar we love so well. C - We are poor little lambs who have gone astray. Baa Baa Baa. We are little black sheep who have lost our way. Baa Baa Baa. PD Reprint
Whispering 1920 - m. John Schonberger, w. Malvin Schonberger V - Honey I have something to tell you And it's worthwhile listening to C - Whispering while you cuddle near me, Whispering so no one can hear me. PD Reprint
Whispering Hope 1868 - w.m. Alice Hawthorne V - Soft as the voice of an angel, Breathing a lesson unheard. Hope with a gentle persuasion, Whispers her comforting word C - Whispering Hope, Oh how welcome thy voice. Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice. N - Alice Hawthorne is pseudonymn for Septimus Winner PD Reprint
Who Takes Care of the Caretaker's Daughter 1925 PD Reprint
Who? 1926 - m. Jerome Kern PD Reprint
Who'll Buy My Violets 1923 - w. E. Ray Goetz m. Jose Padilla PD Reprint
Who's Sorry Now? 1923 - w. Bert Kalmar & Harry Ruby, m. Ted Snyder P - A Night In Casablanca - The Marx Brothers V - You smiled when we parted, It hurt me somehow, I thought there were was nothing worthwhile. The tables are turning And you're crying now C - Who's sorry now? . . .Whose heart is aching for breaking each vow? Who's sad and blue? Who's crying too? Just like I cried over you. PD Reprint
Why Did I Kiss That Girl? 1924 - w. Lew Brown m. Robert A. King & Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Why Do I Love You? [Gershwin] 1925 - w. Ira Gershwin, Bud DeSylva, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Why Do I Love You? [Kern] 1928 - w. Oscar Hammerstein II, m. Jerome Kern P - Show Boat PD Reprint
Wild Flower 1923 - w. Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II m. Vincent Youmans & Herbert Stothar PD Reprint
Wolverine Blues 1923 - w.m. Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton, Benjamin Spikes & John C. Spikes PD Reprint
Wreck On The Southern Old 97 1924 - w.m. Henry Whitter V - They gave him up his order at Monroe Vaginia, saying Steve you're way behind time. This is not 'Thirty Eight' but it's 'Old Ninety-seven', You must put her in Spencer on time. N - a.k.a. Wreck Of The Old 97 (1944) PD Reprint
Yankee Rose 1927 - w. Sidney Holden, m. Abe Frankel PD Reprint
Yearning (Just For You) 1925 PD Reprint
Yellow Dog Blues 1914 - m. W. C. Handy PD Reprint
Yes Sir! That's My Baby 1925 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Yes! We Have No Bananas 1923 - w.m. Frank Silver & Irving Cohn V - There's a fruit store on out street. It's run by a Greek. And he keeps good thing to eat. But you should hear him speak. C - YES! We have no bananas. We have no bananas today. We've string beans and HONions, cabBAHges and scallions And all kind of fruit and say PD Reprint
You Don't Like It, Not Much 1927 - w.m. Chester Conn, Art Kahn, Ned Miller PD Reprint
You Took Advantage Of Me 1928 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers P - Present Arms, show PD Reprint
You'll Never Miss Your Mother Until She's Gone 1923 - Sung by Ethel Waters PD Reprint
You're a Real Sweetheart 1928 - w. Irving Caesar, m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
You're Just A Flower From An Old Bouquet 1924 PD Reprint
You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet Adeline 1903 - m. Harry Armstrong, w. Richard Gerard Husch PD Reprint
You've Got To See Mama Ev'ry Night 1923 - w.m. Con Conrad & Billy Rose PD Reprint
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