FLesser Known Public Domain SongsF List of 86

IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.
| A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
| J | K | L
| M | N | O
| P | Q | R
| S | T | U
| V | W | X
| Y | Z |
Title | V=Verse C=Chorus N=Note P=Production w=Words m=Music |
1 - 3 $5 ea 4 up $4 ea | |
Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years. | |||
Faculty Song College |
PD Reprint | ||
Fading Still Fading Traditional |
Portugese | PD Reprint | |
Fain I Would Traditional |
1650 | PD Reprint | |
Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady College |
PD Reprint | ||
Fair and Softly Traditional |
1728 | PD Reprint | |
Fair Helen of Kirkconnel Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Fair House of Joy Traditional |
1645 - Tobias Hume | PD Reprint | |
Fair One's Choice Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Fair Quaker of Deal Traditional |
1728 | PD Reprint | |
Fair Radcliffe College |
N - Radclilffe College | PD Reprint | |
Fair Smith College |
N - Smith College | PD Reprint | |
Fair Transgressor College |
PD Reprint | ||
Fair Wells College |
N - Wells College | PD Reprint | |
Fairmount Fond Fairmount College |
N - Fairmount College | PD Reprint | |
Fairy Ring Children |
V - Let us laugh and let us sing, Dancing in a merry ring; We'll be fairies on the green, Playing round the fairy queen. | PD Reprint | |
Fairy Ship Children |
V - A ship, a ship a sailing, a sailing on the sea, And it was deeply laden, With pretty things for me | PD Reprint | |
Faithful Comrade Children |
V - I had a faithful comrade, cone better you'd ne'er fin. And when the drumbeats called to war | PD Reprint | |
Falling Leaves Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
False Alarm College |
PD Reprint | ||
False Lamkin Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
False Phillis Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Far Away ~ Bliss Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Far Away in the South College |
PD Reprint | ||
Farewell ~ Silcher Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Farewell Dear Home Traditional |
1890 | PD Reprint | |
Farewell Forever College |
PD Reprint | ||
Farewell My Harp Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Farewell Song Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Farewell to Alma Mater College |
N - The Student's Farewell | PD Reprint | |
Farewell, Nancy Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Farmer Children |
V - Shall I show you how the farmer sows his barley and wheat | PD Reprint | |
Farmer Giles Traditional |
Traditional | PD Reprint | |
Farmyard Song Children |
V - Come out, snow white lambkin, come out, calf and cow, come Puss, with your kitten | PD Reprint | |
Fatal Rose Of Red Popular Song |
1900 - w.m. J. Fred Helf, Ed Gardenier | PD Reprint | |
Feast of Lanterns Children |
V - Tching-a-ring-a-ring-tching, Feast of Lanterns, What a lot of chopsticks, bombs and gongs | PD Reprint | |
Feasting on Milk and Honey and Wine Spiritual |
V - Feasting on milk and honey and wine | PD Reprint | |
Fhir a Bhata Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Fiddle-de-dee Children |
V - Fiddle-de-dee, Fiddle-de-dee, The fly has married the bumble bee. | PD Reprint | |
Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal | See Low Bridge Everybody Down | ||
Fight Away College |
PD Reprint | ||
Filipino Shuffle Popular Song |
1899 - m. H.F. Odell | PD Reprint | |
Fill Up Your Glasses College |
PD Reprint | ||
Fired College |
PD Reprint | ||
Firmly Stand My Native Land Traditional |
Nagoli | PD Reprint | |
Fit's Come on Me Now Traditional |
1686 | PD Reprint | |
Flag of the Free Children |
V - Flag of the free, fairest to see, Borne thro' the strife and the thunder of war | PD Reprint | |
Flat Foot Jake Traditional |
1859 | PD Reprint | |
Flight Traditional |
1777 | PD Reprint | |
Fling Forth Our Banner College |
N - Brown and Blue | PD Reprint | |
Floating Mid the Lilies College |
PD Reprint | ||
Floating Mid the Lillies College |
PD Reprint | ||
Fluffy Ruffles Traditional |
Duane Crabb | PD Reprint | |
Fluttering Leaves Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Follow Me Full of Glee Children |
V - Children go, to and fro, In a merry pretty row. Footsteps light, faces bright, 'This a happy happy sight C - Singing merrily, merrily, merrily . . . Follow me, full of glee, Singing merrily. | PD Reprint | |
Football King College |
PD Reprint | ||
Football Song College |
N - Leland Stanford Jr University | PD Reprint | |
For Lincoln We Will Ever Stand College |
N - Lincoln University | PD Reprint | |
For Love of Wooster College |
N - University of Wooster | PD Reprint | |
For Old Times Sake Popular Song |
1900 - w.m. Charles K. Harris | PD Reprint | |
For Sale, A Baby Popular Song |
1903 - w.m. Charles K. Harris | PD Reprint | |
For The Flag Instrumental, Keyboard |
1903 - m. J. Bodewalt Lampe N - March Two-Step | PD Reprint | |
Forsaken College |
PD Reprint | ||
Forsaken Koschat Traditional |
Koschat V - Forsaken, forsaken, forsaken am I; Like a stone in the causeway, my buried hopes lie; I go to the churchyard, my eyes till with tears . . . | PD Reprint | |
Forsaken Maid Traditional |
Thomas Smart | PD Reprint | |
Forty Years On College |
PD Reprint | ||
Fountain in the Park Traditional |
1884 - w.m. Ed Haley V - While strolling in the park one day, All in the merry month of May, A rouguish pair of eyes they took me by surprise, in a moment my poor heart the(sic) stole away. N - a.k.a. While Strolling Through the Park | PD Reprint | |
Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing Traditional |
1688 | PD Reprint | |
Fowler Traditional |
Mozart | PD Reprint | |
Fox Traditional |
Traditional | PD Reprint | |
Fox and Goose Children |
V - Fox, you've stolen my great gander, Better bring him back. There's a hunter watching yonder, He is on your track, | PD Reprint | |
Fox Jumped Over the Parson's Gate Traditional |
Traditional | PD Reprint | |
Freckles Popular Song |
1919 - m. Milt Ager, Cliff Hess, w. Howard Johnson | PD Reprint | |
Fred Heltman's Rag Traditional |
1918 - Fred Heltman | PD Reprint | |
Free Mason Traditional |
1778 | PD Reprint | |
Freiheit Traditional |
w. c1813, - w. Max von Schenkendorf, m. Karl Groos | PD Reprint | |
French Cradle Song Children |
V - Hush my baby sleep; Soon my little child will slumber, Hush don't even peep | PD Reprint | |
Freut euch des Lebens Traditional |
1793 - w M Usteri, m. H G Mageli | PD Reprint | |
Frisco Rag Traditional |
1909 - Harry Armstrong | PD Reprint | |
Fritz and Spitz Children |
V - Come, Come, my little Spitz, dear, and sit here, I say! | PD Reprint | |
Frog Legs Rag Traditional |
James Scott | PD Reprint | |
Frog's Wooing Children |
V - It was the frog lived in the well, Heigh Ho says Rowley | PD Reprint | |
Frohsinn Traditional |
1802 - w. A. Von Kotzebue, m. F. Himmel | PD Reprint | |
Fruhlingsglaubet Traditional |
1811 - w. L. Uhland, m. Franz Schubert | PD Reprint | |
Fruhlingsgruss Heine Traditional |
c1830 - Mendelssohn | PD Reprint | |
Full Fathom Five Traditional |
Shakespeare | PD Reprint | |
Furlo Girl College |
PD Reprint |