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Public Domain Songs

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TLesser Known Public Domain SongsT List of 335


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
1 - 3  $5 ea
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Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
Taffy Was a Welshman
V - Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house, And stole a piece of beef. PD Reprint
Take 'Em In
Est 1900 PD Reprint
Take a Dance
1765 PD Reprint
Take A Little Tip From Father
Popular Song
1912 - w.m. Irving Berlin, Ted Snyder PD Reprint
Take Back the Heart
1895 - Claribel PD Reprint
Take Back Your Gold
1897 PD Reprint
Take Joy Home
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Take Me Back To Babyland
Popular Song
1909 - m. Pat Rooney, w. Frank J. Tannehill PD Reprint
Take Me Back To New York Town
Popular Song
1907 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling PD Reprint
Take Me Back To The Garden Of Love
Popular Song
1911 - m. Nat Osborne, w. E. Ray Goetz PD Reprint
Take Me Back To Your Heart Again
Popular Song
1905 - m. Frank J. Richmond, w. Collin Davis PD Reprint
Take Me Home
1885 - w.m. Raymond PD Reprint
Take Me In Your Arms Again
Popular Song
1912 - w.m. Charles K. Harris PD Reprint
Take Me To The Land Of Jazz
Popular Song
1919 - m. Pete Wendling, w. Edgar Leslie, Bert Kalmar V - It was down in Tennessee That the Jazzy melody Originated then waited for popularity C - Take me to the land of Jazz, Let me hear that kind of blues that Memphis has. I want to step, To a tune that full of ginger and pep PD Reprint
Take Me To The Midnight Cake Walk Ball
Popular Song
1915 - w.m. Eddie Cox, Arthur Jackson, Maurice Abrahams PD Reprint
Take Me Up With You, Dearie
Popular Song
1909 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Junie McCree PD Reprint
Take My Love to Rosalie
PD Reprint
Take Nabandji
Folk Song
1905 V - Thata nabandji N - Southeast Africa. Piano Arrangement by Samuel Cooleridge-Taylor. PD Reprint
Take Your Time
Popular Song
1907 - m. Joe Jordan, w. Harrison Stewart PD Reprint
Taking of Teach
1700's - Benjamin Franklin PD Reprint
Tale Of A Bumblebee
Popular Song
1901 - m. Gustav Luders, w. Frank Pixley PD Reprint
Tale Of The Kangaroo
Popular Song
1900 - m. Gustav Luders, w. Frank Pixley PD Reprint
Tale Of The Seashell
Popular Song
1902 - m. Gustav Luders, w. Frank Pixley PD Reprint
Tale Of The Turtle Dove
Popular Song
1904 - m. Gustav Luders, w. Frank Pixley PD Reprint
Tale The Church Bells Tolled
Popular Song
1907 - m. Egbert Van ASlstyne, w. Harry H. Williams PD Reprint
Tales of Hoffman
Offenbach PD Reprint
Talking Union
PD Reprint
Popular Song
1905 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
Tammanyor the Indian Chief
1794 - Hewitt PD Reprint
Tanguay Rag
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Tantivy! Tantivy! Tantivy!
1782 - Malbrouk N - a.k.a. Hunt Song PD Reprint
Tapping at the Garden Gate
1885 - New PD Reprint
1860s PD Reprint
Tar's Farewell
1885 - Adams PD Reprint
1841 - m. Frederic Chopin (1810 - 1849) N - Traditional Italian Dance PD Reprint
Popular Song
1892 - m. Arnoldo Sartorio PD Reprint
Tariff Hornpipe
1823 PD Reprint
Tarpaulin Jacket
Traditional PD Reprint
Teacher's Lament
PD Reprint
Popular Song
1904 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Cecil Mack PD Reprint
Teasing Rag
Ragtime, Music Hall
1912 - Paul Pratt PD Reprint
N - Massachusetts Institute of Technology PD Reprint
Tedesco Polka
1849 PD Reprint
Tee Birks o' Aberfeldy
1788 - w. Robert Burns, m. Traditional Scots V - Now simmer blinks on flowery braes, And o'er the chrystal streamlets plays; Come let us spend the lightsome days In the birks of Aberfeldy. C - Bonnie lassie, will ye go, will ye go, will, ye go . . . To the birk's o' Aberfeld PD Reprint
Telegraph Song
1865 PD Reprint
Telephone March
1890's PD Reprint
Telephone Me Baby
1899 PD Reprint
Tell All the World, John
V - What kind o' shoes are those you wear, I know the other world's not like this; That you can walk up in the air? . . . C - Tell all the world, John . . . I know the other world's not like this. PD Reprint
Tell Bruddah Lijah
V - O Sinnah! Ain you tired of sinnin'? Lay down you load ob hell An come along to Jesus! C - No harm, No harm! Tell Bruddah 'Lijah! No harm, No harm! Come along to Jesus! PD Reprint
Tell Jesus
V - I went up on de mountain, I did'nt go dere for t' stay, But when my soul got happy, Den I stayed all day. C - Tell Jesus, done, done all I can . . . I can't do no more. PD Reprint
Tell Me
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Tell Me (Why Nights Are Lonely)
Popular Song
1919 - m. Max Kortlander, w. J. Will Callahan PD Reprint
Tell Me Little Gypsy
Popular Song
1920 PD Reprint
Tell Me With Your Eyes
Popular Song
1904 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Arthur Lamb PD Reprint
Tell Me, Little Gypsy
Popular Song
1920 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Tell Me, Pretty Maiden
Popular Song
1900 - m. Leslie Stuart, w. Owen Hall P - Floradora V - Tell me pretty maiden, Are there any more at home like you? There are a few, kind sir, but simple girls and proper too. PD Reprint
Tell My Jesus "Morning"
PD Reprint
Temperance Anthem
1899 PD Reprint
Temperance Call
1899 PD Reprint
1849 PD Reprint
Tempest of the Heart
1885 - Verdi PD Reprint
Temple Bells
1903 PD Reprint
Ten Commandments
PD Reprint
Ten Little Fingers And Ten Little Toes
Popular Song
1921 - m. Ira Schuster, Ed Nelson, w. Harry Pease, Johnny White PD Reprint
Ten Little Indians
V - One little, two little, three little Indians, Four little, five little, six little Indians, PD Reprint
Ten Little Niggers
V - Ten little niggers, going out to dine, One choked his little self, and then there were nine. PD Reprint
Ten Thousand Men of Harvard
PD Reprint
Tennessee Farmer
1823 PD Reprint
Tennessee Jubilee
PD Reprint
Tennessee Tantalizer
PD Reprint
Tessie, You Are The Only, Only, Only
Popular Song
1902 - w.m. Will R. Anderson PD Reprint
Thamama HullaI
1806 PD Reprint
Thank God For A Garden
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Thank God, I Am An American
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Thanks Be To God
Popular Song
PD Reprint
That 's What 's the Matter
1862 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
That Baboon Baby Dance
Popular Song
1911 - m. Joe Cooper, w. Dave Oppenheim PD Reprint
That Beautiful Rag
Popular Song
1910 - m. Ted Snyder, w. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
That Daffydil Rag
Popular Song
1912 - w.m. Bill Mueller, Frank Mueller PD Reprint
That Demon Rag
PD Reprint
That Dreamy Italian Waltz
Popular Song
1910 - m. Al Piantadosi, w. Joe McCarthy PD Reprint
That Hand Played Rag
Silverman and Ward PD Reprint
That Italian Rag
Popular Song
1910 - m. Al Piantadoso, w. Edgar Leslie PD Reprint
That Lovin' Rag
Popular Song
1907 - m. Bernie Adler, w. Victor H. Smalley PD Reprint
That Madrid Rag
1911 - Julius Lenzberg PD Reprint
That Mellow Melody
Popular Song
1912 - m. George W. Meyer, w. Sam Lewis PD Reprint
That Mezmerizing Mendelssohn Tune
Popular Song
1909 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
That Minor Strain
Popular Song
1910 - m. Ford Dabney, w. Cecil Mack PD Reprint
That Naughty Waltz
Popular Song
1919 - m. Sol P Levy, w. Edwin Stanley PD Reprint
That Old Girl Of Mine
Popular Song
1913 - m. Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Earl C. Jones PD Reprint
That Old Irish Mother of Mine
Popular Song
1920 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. William Jerome PD Reprint
That Railroad Rag
Popular Song
1911 - m. Ed Bimberg, w. Nat Vincent PD Reprint
That Red Head Gal
Popular Song
1922 - m. Henry Lodge, w. Fred Fisher PD Reprint
That Scandalous Rag
PD Reprint
That Teasin' Rag
1909 - Joe Jordan PD Reprint
That Universal Rag
Popular Song
PD Reprint
That Was Before I Met You
Popular Song
1911 - m. George Meyer, w. Alfred Bryan PD Reprint
That Wilson Chum of Mine
N - Wilson College PD Reprint
That Wonderful Mother Of Mine
Popular Song
1918 - m. Walter Goodwin, w. Clyde Hager PD Reprint
That's an Irish LullabySee Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral
That's Gratitude
Popular Song
1907 - m. Sheppard Camp, w. George A. Norton PD Reprint
That's How I Need You
Popular Song
1912 - m. Al Piantadosi, w. Joe McCarthy, Joe Goodman PD Reprint
That's My Idea Of You
Popular Song
1917 - m. Ted Garton, w. W.R. Garton PD Reprint
That's The Song Of Songs For Me
Popular Song
1915 - m. Nat Osborne, w. Joe Goodwin PD Reprint
That's What The Rose Said To Me
Popular Song
1907 - m. Leo Edwards, w. B. F. Barnett PD Reprint
That's What's the Matter
PD Reprint
That's Where My Money Goes
1901 PD Reprint
That's Why They Call Me 'Shine'
Popular Song
PD Reprint
That's Yiddisha Love
Popular Song
1910 - w.m. James Brockman PD Reprint
1914 - Lew Pollack N - Rag Time One Step with no lyrics. PD Reprint
Thee St. Stephens
N - St. Stephens College PD Reprint
Then I'd Be Satisfied With Life
Popular Song
1902 - w.m. George M. Cohan PD Reprint
Then I'll Stop Loving You
Popular Song
1913 - m. Al Piantadosi, w. Joe Goodwin, Joe McCarthy PD Reprint
Then You'll Remember Me
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Then You'll Remember Me Balfe
1885 - Balfe PD Reprint
There Are All My Father's Children
PD Reprint
There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea
1862 - w. George Cooper, m. Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
There Grows a Bonnie Briar-bush
PD Reprint
There is Joy in Ev'ry Day
V - There is joy in every day, In our work and in our play. PD Reprint
There Is Rest
1890 - L.M. Beal PD Reprint
There Never Was A Girl Like You
Popular Song
1907 - m. Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Harry H. Williams PD Reprint
There She Stands, a Lovely Creature
PD Reprint
There Was a Crooked Man
V - There was a crooked man, and he went a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile. PD Reprint
There Was a Little Girl Who had a Little Curl
Mother Goose PD Reprint
There Was A Man in Our Town
V - There was a main in our town, And he was wondrous wise; PD Reprint
There Was a Tree Stood in the Ground
PD Reprint
There Was an Old Woman and What Do You Think ?
1765 V - There was an old woman, and what do you think? She lived upon nothing but victuals and drink; PD Reprint
There Were Ten Virgins
V - There were ten Virgins when de Bridegroom come, There were ten Virgins, there were ten Virgins, There were ten Virgins when He come. C - . . . An five of them were wise . . . And five of them were foolish . . . And de foolish said to de wise . . . PD Reprint
There Were Three Books
PD Reprint
There Were Three Crows
1885 PD Reprint
There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town TonightSee A Hot Time in the Old Town
There'll Come A Time
Popular Song
1911 - w.m. Shelton Brooks PD Reprint
There's A Broken Heart For Every Light On Broadway
Popular Song
1915 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Howard Johnson PD Reprint
There's a College They Call Princeton
PD Reprint
There's A Dark Man Coming With A Bundle
Popular Song
1905 - w.m. Burt Leighton, Frank Leighton PD Reprint
There's A Girl In Havana
Popular Song
1911 - m. Irving Berlin, A. Baldwin Sloane, w. E. Ray Goetz PD Reprint
There's A Girl In The Heart Of Maryland
Popular Song
1913 - m. Harry Carroll, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
There's a Good Time Coming
1846 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
There's A Little Spark Of Love Still Burning
Popular Song
1914 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Joe McCarthy V - There was a fire burning in my heart, Burning for years and for years, Your love and kisses gave that flame a start, I put it out with my tears. C - There's a little spark of love still burning, down in my heart for you. There's a longing there for your returning, I want you! I do! PD Reprint
There's a Meeting Here Tonight
PD Reprint
There's A Quaker Down In Quaker Town
Popular Song
1916 - m. Alfred Solman, w. David Berg PD Reprint
There's A Song in the Air
Christmas, Holiday
1904 - w. Josiah G. Holland, m. Karl P. Harrington V - There's a song in the air! There's a star in the sky! There's a mother's deep prayer and a baby's low cry! And the star rains its fire while the beautiful sing, For the manger of Bethlehem cradles a King! PD Reprint
There's Eqypt In Your Dreamy Eyes
Popular Song
1917 - m. Herbert Spencer, w. Fleta Jan Brown PD Reprint
There's No North Or South Today
Popular Song
1901 - w.m. Paul Dresser PD Reprint
There's Preaching Here
V - There is preaching here, there is preaching there, I believe within my soul there's preaching everywhere. C - Run, mourner, run! Low, says the Bible, Run mourner run, Low, is the way. PD Reprint
There's Someone More Lonesome Than You
Popular Song
1916 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Lou Klein PD Reprint
There's Where My Heart Is Tonight
1899 PD Reprint
These Things Shall Be!
PD Reprint
They All Had A Finger In The Pie
Popular Song
1914 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
They All Love Jack
1885 - m. Stephen Adams, w. F.E. Weatherly V - When the ship is trim and ready, And the jolly days are done, When the last good byes are whisper'd, And Jack aboard is gone C - And the girls must lonely be, Till his ship come back, But if love's the best of all That can a man befall, Why, Jack's the king of all, For they all love Jack. PD Reprint
They Always Pick On Me
Popular Song
1911 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Stanley Murphy PD Reprint
They Called Her Frivolous SalSee My Gal Sal
They Did Not Hear the Bell
1899 PD Reprint
They Didn't Believe Me
Popular Song
1914 - m. Jerome Kern, w. Herbert Reynolds PD Reprint
They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Around
Popular Song
1912 - m. Cy Perkins, w. Webb M. Oungst PD Reprint
They Led My Lord Away
V - The Jews and Romans, in-a one band, Tell me where to find Him' They crucified the Son of Man, Tell me where to find Him. C - They led my Lord away, away, away, They led my Lord away, O tell me where to find Him. PD Reprint
They Tell Me
Popular Song
1895 PD Reprint
They Were All Out Of Step But Jim
Popular Song
1918 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Jimmy's mother went to see her son, Marching along on parade; In his uniform and with a gun, What a lovely picture he made. C - Did you see my little Jimmy marching with the soldiers up the avenue? There was Jimmy just as stiff as starch, Like his Daddy on the seventeenth of March PD Reprint
They Will Not Lend Me A Child
Folk Song
1905 V - A ba boleki nwana N - Southeast Africa. Piano Arrangement by Samuel Cooleridge-Taylor. PD Reprint
They're All Sweeties
Popular Song
1919 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling PD Reprint
They're On Their Way To Mexico
Popular Song
1914 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
They're Wearing 'Em Higher in Hawaii
Popular Song
1916 - m. Halsey K. Mohr, w. Joe Goodwin PD Reprint
Thievish Mouse
V - A story sad I've got to tell about a little Mouse With bright brown eyes who used to scamper PD Reprint
Thine Alone
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Thine Eyes so Blue and Tender
Popular Song
1882 PD Reprint
Third Floor Back
Popular Song
PD Reprint
This Is a Sin-Trying World
V - O, heav'n is so high, and I am so low, I don't know whether I'll ever get to Heav'n or no. C - O, this is a sin trying world. PD Reprint
This Is My Father's World
w. 1901 - w. Maltbie D.Babcock, m. English Melody PD Reprint
This Is The Life
Popular Song
1914 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
This Is the Trouble on the World
PD Reprint
This Letter Is For My Papa
Popular Song
1899 - m. Thos. P. Westendorf PD Reprint
This Rose Brings My Heart To You
Popular Song
1909 - m. Leo Wood, w. Leo Edwards PD Reprint
This World Is Not My Home
V - Did Christ o'er sinners weep? And shall our cheeks be dry? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from ev'ry eye. C - This world is not my home . . . This world's a howling wilderness, This world is not my home. PD Reprint
Those Evening Bells
1885 - Beethoven PD Reprint
Those Ragtime Melodies
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Those Wedding Bells Shall Not Ring Out
1896 PD Reprint
Thou Art My Own Love
PD Reprint
Thou Art the Queen of My Song
1859 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
Thou Thou Reign'st in this Bosom
1849 PD Reprint
Thousand and One Nights
1871 - J. Strauss PD Reprint
Thousand Leagues Away
1885 - Barnby PD Reprint
Three Blind Mice
1609 V - Three blind mice, See how they run! They all ran after the farmer's wife; PD Reprint
Three Cheers for K.S.U.
N - University of Kansas PD Reprint
Three Cheers for T.A. and P.U.
N - Pacific University PD Reprint
Three Cheers for the Red White and Blue
N - University of Pennsylvania PD Reprint
Three Children Sliding
V - Three children sliding on the ice, All on a summer's day PD Reprint
Three Crows
V - Three crows were once who sat on a stone. Fal la, la la la la, But two flew away and then there was one, Fl la, la la, la la PD Reprint
Three Fishers Went Sailing
1885 - Hullah PD Reprint
Three Glasses
PD Reprint
Three Little Darkies
PD Reprint
Three Little Kittens - 2
V - Once upon a time there were three little kittens who lay in a basket of saw-aw-dust; Said the first little kitten unto the other two If you don't get out of this, then I must! N - Chant sung in plainsong. PD Reprint
Three Little Mice
V - Three little mice crept out to see What they could find to have for tea PD Reprint
Three Little Pigs
1885 - Gatty V - A jolly old sow once lived in a sty, And three little piggies had she, And she waddled about saying Umph Umph Umph PD Reprint
Three O'Clock in the Morning
Popular Song
1921 - m. Julian Robledo, w. Dorothy Terriss PD Reprint
Three Ravens
Folk Song
1600s - English Folk Song V - Here were three ravens fat on a tree, Downe a down, hay down hay . . . There were three ravens fat on a tree, they were blacke as they might be. C - With a downe derrie, derrie, derrie, downe, downe. N - Melismata 1611, Thomas Ravenscroft
Popular English and Scottish Ballads, 1882-1898, Francis James Child
PD Reprint
Three Sailor Boys
1885 - Marzials PD Reprint
Three Sons
PD Reprint
Three Wonderful Letters From Home
Popular Song
1918 - m. James F. Hanley, w. Ballard MacDonald, Joe Goodwin PD Reprint
Three Young Politicians
1800's PD Reprint
Thriller! (Rag)
Ragtime, Music Hall
1909 - May Aufderheide PD Reprint
Through All the World
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Through the Village
PD Reprint
Throw Him Down, McCloskey
1890 PD Reprint
Throw Me A Rose
Popular Song
1915 - m. Emmerich Kahlman, w. Herbert Reynolds, P.G. Wodehouse V - I can hear the thunder of that great strange world of wonder Like a voice out in the distance that is calling me C - Throw me a rose, one crimson rose Red as the sky when sunset glows PD Reprint
Throw Out the Life-Line
1899 PD Reprint
Thunder Storm
1899 - Luse PD Reprint
Thy Cheek Is o' the Rose's Hue
PD Reprint
Tickle The Ivories
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Tickled to Death
PD Reprint
Tie That Binds
Popular Song
1901 - w.m. Charles K. Harris PD Reprint
Tie Your Little Bull Outside
Popular Song
1909 - w.m. James Brockman PD Reprint
Tiger Lily
PD Reprint
Tiger Rag
Popular Song
1917 - m. Nick LaRocca, Original Dixieland Jazz Band PD Reprint
Till Eulenspiegel
1895 - R. Strauss PD Reprint
Till My Luck Comes Roilling Along
Popular Song
1922 - w.m. George M. Cohan (1878 - 1942) P - Little Nellie Kelly - 1922, PD Reprint
Till The Clouds Roll By
Popular Song
1917 - m. Jerome Kern, w. Guy Bolton, P.G. Wodehouse PD Reprint
Till The Sands Of The Desert Grow Cold
Popular Song
1911 - m. Ernest Ball, w. George Graff PD Reprint
Popular Song
1920 - m. Harry Ruby, w. Bert Kalmar PD Reprint
Times Is Mighty Hard
PD Reprint
Tinker 's Song
1890 - Dibdin PD Reprint
Tip Top Tipperary Mary
Popular Song
1914 - m. Harry Carroll, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
Popular Song
1908 - m. J. Fred Helf, w. Leo Curley, James Fulton PD Reprint
1795 - w. E. Schikaneder, m. J. Haibel PD Reprint
Tis All That I Can Say
1885 - Temple PD Reprint
Tis But a Little Faded Flower
1885 - Thomas PD Reprint
Tis Midnight Hour
1885 PD Reprint
Tis the Last Rose of SummerSee The Last Rose of Summer
Tishomingo Blues
Popular Song
1918 - w.m. Spencer Williams V - Oh, Mississippi, Oh, Mississippi, My heart cries out for you in sadness. I want to be where the wintry winds don't blow. C - I'm going to Tishomingo because I'm sad today. I wish to linger way down old Dixie way. Oh my weary heart cries out in pain. PD Reprint
Gilbert, Sullivan PD Reprint
Popular Song
PD Reprint
To Anacreon in Heaven
1780-1783 PD Reprint
To Baby Land
V - How many miles to babyland? Any one can tell; Up one flight, to your right, Please to ring the bell. PD Reprint
To Bed To Bed Say Sleepy Head
V - To bed, to bed, says Sleepy Head; let's stay a while says Slow. PD Reprint
To Have, To Hold, To Love
Popular Song
1913 - m. Ernest Ball, w. Daryl McBoyle PD Reprint
To Make Men Free
1899 PD Reprint
To Market To Market
V - To market, to market, to buy a fat pig; Home again, home again, jiggety jig. PD Reprint
To Maxim's Then I go
PD Reprint
To My Little Flower
V - Someone gave to me a flower, And I placed it in a bower, Where the birdies come and sing, Sitting round it in a ring. PD Reprint
To Princeton
PD Reprint
To the Bravest
PD Reprint
To the Corps That Has No Equal
PD Reprint
To The End Of The World With You
Popular Song
1908 - m. Ernest Ball, w. George Graff, Dave Reed PD Reprint
To the Land of My Own Romance
PD Reprint
To The Rising Sun
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Toast to Harvard
N - Harvard University PD Reprint
Toast to Lehigh
N - Lihigh University PD Reprint
Toast to Wisconsin
N - University of Wisconsin PD Reprint
Toboggan Song
PD Reprint
Tod 's Assembly
1749 PD Reprint
Today Is Monday
V - Today is Monday, Today is Monday, Monday bread and butter, All you hungry soldiers, We wish the same to you! N - WWI Soldier Song PD Reprint
Tolling Bells
1899 PD Reprint
Tom and Jerry Rag
PD Reprint
Tom Bowling
1885 - Dibdin V - Here a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling, The darling of our crew, No more he'll hear the tempest howling, For death has broach'd him too. PD Reprint
Tom The Piper's Son
V - Tom, Tom, the piper's son, stole a pig, and away he run ! The pig was eat, And Tom was beat, Which sent him howling down the street. PD Reprint
Tom Tom the Piper's Son
1765 PD Reprint
Tom-Big-Bee River
PD Reprint
Tombigbee River
PD Reprint
Tombigbee River (Gum Tree Canoe)
1885 PD Reprint
Tommy and His Gun
PD Reprint
m. Samuel S. Wesey 1810-1876, w. Simon N. Patten V - O God of all the Maker, Thy gift as seer display, Reveal to us the glory Of Thye long promise day. PD Reprint
Too Late! Too Late!
1885 - Lindsay PD Reprint
Too Much Mustand (Tres Moutarde)
Popular Song
1911 - m. Cecil Macklin, w. Allen Roberts PD Reprint
Too Much Raspberry
Sydney K. Russell PD Reprint
Too Old to Work
PD Reprint
1915 - Felix Arndt PD Reprint
Topical Song
PD Reprint
Touch and Take
1752 PD Reprint
1773 PD Reprint
Town Talk
1917 - Elmer Olson PD Reprint
Town Where I Was Born
Popular Song
1905 - w.m. Paul Dresser PD Reprint
Trackin' 'Em Down
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Transit of Venue
1883 - m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
Travel On
PD Reprint
Tread, Tread the Green Grass, Star, Star, Star
PD Reprint
V - The tree's early leafbuds were bursting their brown, Shall I taken them away? Said the Frost sweeping down. PD Reprint
Tree in the Wood
PD Reprint
Popular Song
1922 PD Reprint
Trees They Do Grow High
PD Reprint
1721 - Trenchmore PD Reprint
Treue liebe
1827 - w. Helmina von Chezy, m. from a folksong Friedrich Kucken PD Reprint
Triangle Song
N - Princeton University PD Reprint
Tribute to Wesleyan
N - Illinois Wesleyan University PD Reprint
1922 - Zez Confrey PD Reprint
Trip O 'er Tweed
1713 PD Reprint
Trip to Canterbury
1798 PD Reprint
Trip to Highgate
1770 PD Reprint
Trip to Kilburn
1728 PD Reprint
Trip to Paris
1728 PD Reprint
Trip to the Jubilee
1698 PD Reprint
Trip to Tunbridge
1795 PD Reprint
Trip to Virginia. A
1750 PD Reprint
Triple Cheer
PD Reprint
Popular Song
1920 - m. Irving Weill, w. Paul Cunningham, Al Dubin PD Reprint
Troika Rushing
PD Reprint
Trois Gymnopedies
Satie PD Reprint
Trombone Johnsen
E.J. Stark PD Reprint
Popular Song
1904 - m. W.C. Powell, w. Harry H. Williams PD Reprint
Troubadour Rag
James Scott PD Reprint
Troubadour Song
N - Nanon PD Reprint
Will B. Morrison, C.D. Crabb PD Reprint
Trouble of the World
V - I want to be my Fader's chil'en . . . Roll, Jordan, roll. C - O ain't you done wid de trouble ob de world, Ah! troulbe ob de world, Ah! Say ain't you done wid de trouble ob de world. Ah, Roll, Jordan, roll. PD Reprint
Trouble Rag
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Troubled In Mind
V - In the morning I am troubled. Fo'day! I am troubled in my mind! C - Now I'm troubled in mind! S'm so troubled in min! I ask good Lord to show me the wya, To ease my troubled mind. PD Reprint
Trouville Canter
Hughe Woolford PD Reprint
True Heart
Popular Song
1908 - m. Ernest Ball, w. George Graff PD Reprint
True Lover's Farewell
PD Reprint
Trust in the Lord
w.m. Frederick M. Lynk, K.. Malar V - Trust, my dear soul, alway, trust in the Lord, He has never broken His own pledged word. PD Reprint
Trusting I Call
Popular Song
1891 PD Reprint
Try Try Again
V - Tis a lesson you should heed, Try, try again. If at first you don't succeed, Try try again. PD Reprint
Tuck Me to Sleep in My Old 'Tucky Home
Popular Song
1921 - m. George Meyer, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Tulip Time
Popular Song
1919 - m. Dave Stamper, w. Gene Buck PD Reprint
Turn Back Pharaoh's Army
V - Gwine to write to Massa Jesus, To send some valiant soldiers. C - To turn back Pharoah's army, Hallelu! To turn back Pharoah's army, Hallelujah! To turn back Pharoah's army, Hallelu! PD Reprint
Turn Back The Universe And Give Me Yesterday
Popular Song
1916 - m. Ernest Ball, w. J. Keirn Brennan PD Reprint
Turn Sinner, Turn O
PD Reprint
Turn Ye to Me
PD Reprint
Traditional Sussex PD Reprint
Twenty Years Ago
1885 - m. William Willing V - I've wander'd to the village, Tom, I've sat beneath the tree, Upon the school house playing ground, which selter'd you and me. PD Reprint
Twenty-ninth of May
1686 PD Reprint
PD Reprint
Twilight Dreams
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Twinkling Stars are Laughing Love
1885 - Ordway PD Reprint
Two Ballots
1899 PD Reprint
Two Blue Eyes
Popular Song
1907 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Edward Madden PD Reprint
Two Dirty Little Hands
Popular Song
1906 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
Two Hands
PD Reprint
Two Is Company, Three Is A Crowd
Popular Song
1902 - w.m. Christ Smith, Elmer Bowman PD Reprint
Two Little Baby Shoes
Popular Song
1907 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Edward Madden PD Reprint
Two Little Flies
PD Reprint
Two Little Girls in Blue
1893 PD Reprint
Two Little Love Bees
Popular Song
1910 - m. Heinrich Reinhardt, w. Robert B. Smith PD Reprint
Two Lovely Black Eyes
1886 - Chas Coburn PD Reprint
Two Magicians
PD Reprint
Two Pictures
1899 PD Reprint
Two Roses
1885 - Werner PD Reprint
Tyrolien Waltz
1849 PD Reprint
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