HLesser Known Public Domain SongsH List of 227

IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.
| A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
| J | K | L
| M | N | O
| P | Q | R
| S | T | U
| V | W | X
| Y | Z |
Title | V=Verse C=Chorus N=Note P=Production w=Words m=Music |
1 - 3 $5 ea 4 up $4 ea | |
Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years. | |||
H 2 S O 4 College |
PD Reprint | ||
H 2 S O 4 on K Cl O 3 College |
PD Reprint | ||
Ha Ha Ha Ha College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hackensack Reel Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hai, Johnny Roach Traditional |
1859 - Dan Emmett | PD Reprint | |
Hail Beloit College |
N - Beloit College | PD Reprint | |
Hail Lafayette College |
N - Lafayette College | PD Reprint | |
Hail Pennsylvania College |
N - University of Pennsylvania | PD Reprint | |
Hail Smiling Morn Traditional |
Spofforth | PD Reprint | |
Hail Stanford Hail College |
N - Leland Stanford Jr. University | PD Reprint | |
Hail Thee Our Bethany College |
N - Bethany College | PD Reprint | |
Hail to Denver University College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hail to Juniata College |
N - Juniata College | PD Reprint | |
Hail to Old I.U. College |
N - Indiana University | PD Reprint | |
Hail, Mary Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hail! Hail! Hail! Spiritual |
V - Oh look up yander, what I see, I'm on my journey home. C - Children, hail, hail, hail! I'm gwine jine saints above . . . I'm on my journey home. | PD Reprint | |
Halfe Hannikin Traditional |
1650 | PD Reprint | |
Hallelu, Hallelu Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hallelujah Spiritual |
V - O, I've been to the sea, and I've done been tried, Been downinto the sea . . . and I've been baptized. C - Hallelujah and a hallelujah! Hallelujah Lord! I been down into the sea. | PD Reprint | |
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Ham And! Traditional |
Arthur Marshall | PD Reprint | |
Hambleton's Round Traditional |
1713 | PD Reprint | |
Hame, Hame, Hame! Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hamilton's Song College |
N - Hanilton College | PD Reprint | |
Hamlet Was A Melancholy Dane Popular Song |
1902 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome | PD Reprint | |
Hand That Rocked My Cradle Rules My Heart Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Hand That Rocks the Cradle Traditional |
1895 | PD Reprint | |
Handel SM Traditional |
1890 - Handel | PD Reprint | |
Handful of Earth from Mother's Grave Traditional |
1883 | PD Reprint | |
Handicap March Traditional |
1895 | PD Reprint | |
Hannah, Won't You Open That Door Popular Song |
1904 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling | PD Reprint | |
Hans und Liesel Traditional |
1845 - m. Franz von Woyna | PD Reprint | |
Happy Are We Tonight College |
PD Reprint | ||
Happy Captive Traditional |
1777 | PD Reprint | |
Happy Days in Dixie Traditional |
1896 | PD Reprint | |
Happy Kitten Children |
V - See the happy kitten, playing with the knittin', How she rolls the ball about | PD Reprint | |
Happy Land Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Happy Lover Traditional |
1890 | PD Reprint | |
Happy Morning Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Happy Peasants Traditional |
Schumann | PD Reprint | |
Happy Rag Ragtime, Music Hall |
1913 - R.G. Grady | PD Reprint | |
Harbor of Lost Dreams Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Harbor Of Love Popular Song |
1911 - m. Charlotte Blake, w. Earl C. Jones | PD Reprint | |
Hard Times in the Mill Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hard to Rise Again Spiritual |
V - Jesus, my all to heaven is gone, Hally, O haly, O hallelu! He whom I fix my hopes upon, Hard to rise again. C - O Saten comes like a busy ole man. Hally, O haly, O hallelu! He gets you down at de footy of de hill. Hard to Rise Again. | PD Reprint | |
Hard Trials Spiritual |
V - De fox hav hole in de groun', An' de bird hab nest in de air, An' ebry t'ing hab a hiding place, But we, poor sinner, hab none. C - Now ain't dat hard trials, great tribulation, Ain't dat hard. | PD Reprint | |
Hardy Norseman Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hare's Maggot Traditional |
1701 | PD Reprint | |
Harem Scarem Rag Traditional |
George L. (Lem) Trombley | PD Reprint | |
Hares on the Mountains Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hark ! Hark ! The Dogs Do Bark Children |
V - Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark, Beggars are coming to town; | PD Reprint | |
Hark I Hear a Voice College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hark the Lark Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hark! Hark! The Lark Traditional |
Shakespeare | PD Reprint | |
Hark! I Hear a Voice Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Harlaem Waltz Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Harlem Rag Traditional |
Tom Turpin | PD Reprint | |
Harmony Blues Popular Song |
1917 - J Bodewalt Lampe N - Fox Trot (no lyrics) | PD Reprint | |
Harmony Club Waltz Ragtime, Music Hall |
1896 - m. Scott Joplin (1867 - 1917) | PD Reprint | |
Harvard Every Day College |
PD Reprint | ||
Harvard Hymn College |
PD Reprint | ||
Harvard Sovereign Mother College |
PD Reprint | ||
Harvard's Day College |
N - Harvard university | PD Reprint | |
Harvardiana College |
PD Reprint | ||
Haste Thee Jolly Boatman "Fra Diavolo" Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hasten Lord the Glorious Time Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Haul on the Bowlin' Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Haymaking Song Children |
V - Boys and girls come out today, We must go a making hay. Heigh-o, Heigh-o, out a making hay. | PD Reprint | |
Hazazaa Popular Song |
1913 - m. Emmerich Kalman, w. C.C.S. Cushing, E.P. Heath P - Sari - 1913, | PD Reprint | |
Hazel Dell Traditional |
Root | PD Reprint | |
He Arose Spiritual |
V - They crucified my Savior and nailed Him to the cross. . . And the Lord will bear my spirit home. C - He 'rose . . . He 'rose from the dead, And the Lord shall bear my spirit home. | PD Reprint | |
He Done His Level Best College |
PD Reprint | ||
He Goes To Church On Sunday Popular Song |
1907 - m. E. Ray Goetz, w. Vincent Bryan | PD Reprint | |
He Is King Of Kings Spiritual |
V - He built a platform in the air. No man works like Him; He meets the saints from ev'rywhere; No man works like Him. C - He is King of kings, He is Lord of lords. Jesus Christ, the first and the last, No man works like Him. | PD Reprint | |
He Laid Away A Suite Of Gray Popular Song |
1900 - m. Ben Janson, w. Edward W. Wicks | PD Reprint | |
He May Be Old But He's Got Young Ideas Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
He Raises A Poor Lazarus Spiritual |
V - Oh, He raise a poor Lazarus, He raise him from de dead, While many were standin' by. Jesus loosen' de man from under de groun' An' tell him Go Prophesy | PD Reprint | |
He Walked Right In, Turned Around Popular Song |
1906 - m. Maxwell Silver, w. Ed Rose | PD Reprint | |
He Was Nervous College |
PD Reprint | ||
He'd Say Ooh-La-La! Wee Wee Popular Song |
1919 - m. Harry Ruby, w. George Jessel | PD Reprint | |
He's A Cousin Of Mine Popular Song |
1906 - m. Chris Smith, Silvio Hein, w. Cecil Mack | PD Reprint | |
He's Me Pal Popular Song |
1905 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Vincent Bryan V - I know a lad and when I feel bad He drives me troubles away. When he's your friend he's yours to de end, No matter what others may say. C - He's me pal, he's me pal, Dere ain't nobody else I can see. I know he's dead tough, but his love ain't no bluff, He'd share his last dollar with me. | PD Reprint | |
He's the Lord Of Lords Spiritual |
V - I will not let you go my Lord, No one can work like Him; Until you come and bless my soul, No one can work like Him. C - Why, He's the Lord of lords, And the King of kings, Why Jesus Christ is the first and the last, No one can work like Him. | PD Reprint | |
Health Traditional |
1650 | PD Reprint | |
Health to All Good Fellows College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hear De Lambs a-Cryin' Spiritual |
V - Our Savior spoke dese words so sweet: 'Oh, shepherd, feed-a my sheep', said 'Peter if ye love me feed my sheep', 'Oh, shepherd, feed-a my sheep' C - You hear de lambs a-cryin', Hear de lambs a-cryin' . . . Oh, shepherd, feed-a my sheep. | PD Reprint | |
Hear Dem Bells College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hear Me Praying Spiritual |
V - Like Peter when you said to him . . Feed my sheep . . .Feed my lambs C - Lord, oh, hear me praying, Lord, . . I want to be more holy ev'ry day. | PD Reprint | |
Hear The Angels Singin' Spiritual |
V - We're marchin' up to Hebben, its a happy time, Hear de angels singin' C - Oh, sing all de way . . . sing all de way, my Lord, Hear de angels singin' | PD Reprint | |
Hear Them Bells Traditional |
1880 | PD Reprint | |
Hear Those Soothing Sounds Traditional |
Beethoven | PD Reprint | |
Heart Bowed Down Traditional |
Balfe | PD Reprint | |
Heart of a Sailor Traditional |
Adams | PD Reprint | |
Heart of Oak College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hearts Are Trumps Popular Song |
1899 - m. I.W. Young | PD Reprint | |
Heartsease Traditional |
1650 | PD Reprint | |
Heather Bell Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Heave Away Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Heaven Bell A-Ring Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Heaven Bells Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Heaven Bells Ringin' and I'm A-going Home Spiritual |
V - O de heav'n bells a-ringin' and my mother's going', goin' home . . . a climbin' up Zion's hill. C - O de heav'n bells a-ringin' and I'm a going', goin' home . . . a climbin' up Zion's hill. | PD Reprint | |
Heaven Bells Ringin' In My Soul Spiritual |
V - Nobody knows who I am . . Walked around from door to door, What to do I did not know. Heav'n bells a-ringin' in my soul! C - O de heav'n bells ringin'! De sing sol singin'! Heav'n bells a-ringin' in my soul! | PD Reprint | |
Heavenly Thoughts Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Heavens Resound Traditional |
m. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)w. Andreas Hofer V - The heav'ns resound with His praises eternal, In might and glory they combine | PD Reprint | |
Heavy Heart Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Heidelberg College |
N - Heidelberg University | PD Reprint | |
Heidelberg (Stein Song) Popular Song |
1902 - m. Gustav Luders, w. Frank Pixley | PD Reprint | |
Heidenroslein Traditional |
w. 1771, m - w. Goethe, m. Heinrich Werner | PD Reprint | |
Heil dir im Siegerkranz Traditional |
1790 - w. Heinrich Harries, m. Henry Carey | PD Reprint | |
Heimliche liebe Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hell Cat March College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hello Frisco Hello Popular Song |
1915 - m. Louis A. Hirscho, w. Gene Buck | PD Reprint | |
Hello, Hawaii, How Are You Popular Song |
1915 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Bert Kalmar, Edgar Leslie | PD Reprint | |
Hello! Summer ! Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Helmaredi Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Her Eyes Don't Shine Like Diamonds Traditional |
1894 | PD Reprint | |
Her Mother Came Too Popular Song |
m. Ivor Novello, w. Dion Titheradge V - I seem to be the victim of a cruel jest, It dogs my footsteps with the girl I love the best. She's just the sweeting thing that I have known, But still we never get the chance to be alone. C - We lunch at Maxim's-And her mother comes too! How large a snack seems-When her mother comes too! | PD Reprint | |
Her Name Is Rose Popular Song |
1899 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Irene Franklin | PD Reprint | |
Here Come the Doggone Elis College |
PD Reprint | ||
Here Come the Elis College |
PD Reprint | ||
Here Comes My Daddy Now Popular Song |
1912 - m. Lewis F. Muir, w. L. Wolfe Gilbert | PD Reprint | |
Here we are Traditional |
1863 - Dan Emmett | PD Reprint | |
Here We Come Gath'ring Nuts in May Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Here We Go Around This Ring Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Here'a a Health to King Charles College |
PD Reprint | ||
Here's a Health Unto His Majesty Traditional |
Traditional | PD Reprint | |
Here's to Nassau Hall College |
PD Reprint | ||
Here's To You College |
PD Reprint | ||
Here's Your Hat, What's Your Hurry Popular Song |
1903 - m. Nat Osborne, w. Bartley Costello | PD Reprint | |
Herne Bay Dance Traditional |
1836 | PD Reprint | |
Hey Boys Up Go We Traditional |
1650 | PD Reprint | |
Hey Rube! Traditional |
1891 | PD Reprint | |
Hickory Reel Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Higgilty Piggilty Children |
V - Higgilty Piggilty, my black hen. She lays eggs for gentlemen. | PD Reprint | |
High Barbaree Traditional |
1801 | PD Reprint | |
High Daddy Traditional |
1863 - Dan Emmett | PD Reprint | |
High Germany Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hike Song of 1917 College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hillsdale and the Blue College |
N - Hillsdale College | PD Reprint | |
Hindenburg Blues Traditional |
1918 - Sanders Reynolds | PD Reprint | |
Hindustan Popular Song |
1918 - m. Harold Weeks, w. Oliver G. Wallace | PD Reprint | |
Hip Hobart College |
N - Hobart College | PD Reprint | |
His Last Thoughts Were of You Traditional |
1894 | PD Reprint | |
Hither Dear Husband Traditional |
1728 - John Gay | PD Reprint | |
Ho! Every Sleeper Waken Traditional |
V - H0! Ev'ry sleeper waken! The sun is in the sky. Com, rise, come come, And hear the cuckoo cry. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Wake up! Be spry! N - Round | PD Reprint | |
Ho! Westward Ho! Traditional |
1850 - Ossian Dodge | PD Reprint | |
Hobson's Reel Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hog-Drivers We Air (And Kin We Git Lodgin' Here?) Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Holborn March Traditional |
1742 | PD Reprint | |
Hold Me Popular Song |
1920 - w.m. Art Hickman, Ben Black V - I must confess that I like you But there is something amiss. Tell me did it ever strike you That a maid like a man to steal a kiss C - Hold me Fold me right in your arms. It's your affection I crave. Tease me Squeeze me tight in your arms Until I promise to behave. | PD Reprint | |
Hold Out to the End Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hold the Fort Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hold the Wind (I Got My Jesus) Spiritual |
V - I got my Jesus, going to hold Him fast, Hold the wind, Don't let it blow. C - Hold the wind! Hold the wind! . . . Don't let it blow! | PD Reprint | |
Hold the Wind (Talk About Me) Spiritual |
V - Talk about me just as much as you please, Hold the wind, don't let it blow C - Hold the wind! Hold the wind! . . Don't let it blow! | PD Reprint | |
Hold Your Light Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hole in the Wall Traditional |
1698 | PD Reprint | |
Holy Bible Spiritual |
V - Holy Bible, Holy Bible . . . book divine, book divine. C - Before I'd be a slave, I'd be buried in my grave, And go home to my Father and be saved. | PD Reprint | |
Holy Ghost with Light Divine Traditional |
Gottschalk | PD Reprint | |
Holy Moses Traditional |
Cy Seymour | PD Reprint | |
Holy Night Children |
V - Holy night, peaceful night, Thro' the darkness beams a light, Yonder where they sweet vigils keep | PD Reprint | |
Holyoke College |
N - Mount Holyoke College | PD Reprint | |
Home Again Blues Popular Song |
1920 - w.m. Harrt Akst, Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Home Home Can I Forget Thee? Children |
V - Home, home, can I forget thee? Dear, dear, dearly lov'd home. C - Home, home, home, home, dearest and happiest home. | PD Reprint | |
Home to our Mountains Traditional |
Verdi | PD Reprint | |
Home Waltz Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Homeland Traditional |
Sullivan | PD Reprint | |
Homesick Popular Song |
1922 - w.m. Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Homeward Bound Traditional |
w. W.F. Warren, m. C.S. Harrison V - Out on an ocean all boundless we ride, We're homeward bound, homeward bound; Tossed on the waves of a rough, restless tide | PD Reprint | |
Honey Boy Popular Song |
1907 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Jack Norworth | PD Reprint | |
Honey Man Popular Song |
m. Al Piantadosi, w. Joe McCarthy | PD Reprint | |
Honey Rag Traditional |
1909 - Egbert Van Alstyne | PD Reprint | |
Honeymoon March Traditional |
1894 | PD Reprint | |
Hoo-oo Ain't You Coming' Out Tonight Popular Song |
1907 - w.m. Herbert Ingraham | PD Reprint | |
Hoop de Dooden Do Traditional |
Nish V - Some hundred years ago or so, Good ole Massa set me free | PD Reprint | |
Hoorah for the Army Team College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hop-Picker's Feast Traditional |
1786 | PD Reprint | |
Hope Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Hope Waltz Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Horseshoe Medley College |
PD Reprint | ||
Horseshoe Rag Traditional |
Julia Lee Niebergall | PD Reprint | |
Horsheshoe Song College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hot Chocolate Rag Traditional |
1908 - Malvin A. Franklin, Arthur Lange | PD Reprint | |
Hot-House Rag Traditional |
1914 - Paul Pratt | PD Reprint | |
Hottentot Love Song Popular Song |
1906 - w.m. Silvio Hein | PD Reprint | |
Hours There Were Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
How Can I Bear to Leave Thee College |
PD Reprint | ||
How Can I Leave Thee Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
How Can I Leave Thee ! Children |
German Folk Song V - How can I leave thee! How can I from thee part! Thou only hast my heart | PD Reprint | |
How Can I Leave Thee ? College |
PD Reprint | ||
How Dry I Am Popular Song |
1921 - m. Tom A. Johnstone, w. Will B. Johnstone | PD Reprint | |
How Firm a Foundation Hymn |
PD Reprint | ||
How Gentle God's Commands Children |
m. H.G. Nageli, w. P. Doddridge V - How gentle God's commands! How kind His precepts are! Come cast your burdens on the Lord | PD Reprint | |
How Happy is the Child Children |
M. Bruck V - How happy is the child who hear, Instruction's warning voice, And who celestial wisdom makes, His early only choice. | PD Reprint | |
How Long, Watchman Spiritual |
V - How long did it rain? Can anyone tell? For forty days and nights it fell. How long watch-a-man, How long? C - O how long watch-a-man? O how long watch-a-man? O how long watch-a-man? | PD Reprint | |
How the Wind Blows Children |
V - The wind blows high, The wind blows low; Hither and thither, to and fro; My cradle hands low from the broad branching tree | PD Reprint | |
How Well I Remember College |
PD Reprint | ||
How'd You Like To Be My Daddy? Popular Song |
1918 - m. Ted Snyder, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young | PD Reprint | |
How's Every Little Thing In Dixie? Popular Song |
1916 - m. Albert Gumble, w. Jack Yellen | PD Reprint | |
Howdy Traditional |
V - So when we meet together, together, together, No matter what the weather, Or what the time of day C - Howdy-do Hen? Howdy-do Jen? | PD Reprint | |
Huckleberry Finn Popular Song |
1917 - w.m. Cliff Hess, Sam Lewis, Joe Young | PD Reprint | |
Hull's Victory Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Humming Popular Song |
1921 - w.m. Louis Breau, Ray7 Henderson | PD Reprint | |
Humming Top Children |
V - Hum hum goes my top, when on the ground I let it drop | PD Reprint | |
Hungarian Dance No. 7 Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Hungarian Dances ~ Kelar Traditional |
Before 185 - Bela Kelar | PD Reprint | |
Hungarian Polka Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hungarian Rag Traditional |
1913 - Julius Lenzberg | PD Reprint | |
Hunsdon House Traditional |
1665 | PD Reprint | |
Hunt is Up Traditional |
Traditional | PD Reprint | |
Hunt the Squirrel Traditional |
1709 | PD Reprint | |
Hunter's Song Children |
German Air V - With his bow and arrow, glist'ning in the sun, Comes the jolly huntsman, Just as day's begun C - La la la, la la la, la la la, la | PD Reprint | |
Hunters of Kentucky Traditional |
1821 - w. Samuel Woodworth, Tune: 'The Unfortunate Miss Bailey' V - Ye gentlemen and ladies fair who grace this famous city, Just listen if you've time to spare while I rehearse a ditty. C - O Kentucky, the Hunters of Kentucky. O Kentucky, the Hunters of Kentucky N - a.k.a. Battle of New Orleans and Half Horse and Half Aligator. Written to commemorate Andrew Jackson's victory over the Britishin 1821. | PD Reprint | |
Hunters' Chorus Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hunting for a City Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hunting for the Lord Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hurlgate Waltz Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hurrah For Baffin's Bay Popular Song |
1903 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Vincent Bryan | PD Reprint | |
Hurrah for the Banner Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Hurrah for Zeta Psi College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hursley LM Traditional |
Monk | PD Reprint | |
Hush My Babe Children |
J.J. Rousseau V - Hush, my babe, lie still and slumber, Holy angels guard they bed, | PD Reprint | |
Hush-a-by, Darling Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Huttelein Cottage Fair College |
PD Reprint | ||
Hyacinth Rag Traditional |
1911 - George Botsford | PD Reprint | |
Hymn to College Hill College |
N - Tufts College | PD Reprint | |
Hymns Of The Old Church Choir Popular Song |
1907 - m. Alfred Solman, w. Arthur Lamb | PD Reprint | |
Hypocrite and the Concubine Traditional |
PD Reprint |