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Public Domain Songs

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OLesser Known Public Domain SongsO List of 246


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
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Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
O (Oh!)
PD Reprint
O alte Burschenherrlichkeit
1825 - Eugen Hofling PD Reprint
O Brother, Don't Get Weary
PD Reprint
O Can ye Sew Cushions
Traditional Scots PD Reprint
O Canada
1885 V - O Canada, our home, our native land,True patriot love in all thy sons command C - O Canada, O Canada, we stand on guard,we stand on guard for thee. PD Reprint
O Come All Ye Faithful
Christmas, Holiday
1841 - w. translation Federick Oakeley, m. 1751, John Francis Wade V - O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant! O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem; Come and behold him Born the King of Angels: C - O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. N - From Latin Adeste Fideles PD Reprint
O Come Come Away
1885 - W.E. Hickson V - On come, come away from labor now reposing. Let busy care awhile forbear, Oh, come, come away PD Reprint
O Come You from the Battle-Field?
1864 - Root PD Reprint
O Come, O Come, Emanuel
Christmas, Holiday
1850s - w. translation John Mason Neale, Henry Sloane Coffin, m. French Hymn, 1400s V - O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear. C - Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel. N - From Latin, Veni, veni Emmanuel, 1100s PD Reprint
O Daniel
PD Reprint
O Dear Loved Maine
N - University of Maine PD Reprint
O Death, Where Is Thy Sting
Popular Song
1918 - w.m. Clarence Stout PD Reprint
O Dry Those Tears
Popular Song
1901 - w.m. Teresa Del Riego V - O dry those tears, And calm those fears, Life is not made for sorrow. 'Twill come alas, But soon twill pass, Clouds will be sunshine tomorrow. C - O dry those tears, Life is not made for sorrow. PD Reprint
O du frohliche o du selige
w. 1816 - w. J. Falk, m. Traditional Sicilian PD Reprint
O Gin I were Where Gowdie Rins
Traditional Scots PD Reprint
O Give Me a Home by the Sea
1885 - Hosner PD Reprint
O God Our Help in Ages Past
1700 PD Reprint
O Good Ale
Traditional PD Reprint
O Holy Night
Christmas, Holiday
1847 - 1847 w. Placide Clappeau, French, English translation John S. Dwight, m. Adolphe C. Adam V - O holy night! The stars are brightly shining. It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth. C - O night divine, O night, O night Divine. PD Reprint
O Hush Thee My Baby
V - Oh, hust thee , my baby, thy sire was a knight, They mother a lady, both lovely and bright. PD Reprint
O I'm a Good Old Rebel
Anonymous PD Reprint
O Lamb ! Beautiful Lamb !
V - Down on my knees when the light passed by, tho't my soul would rise and fly, I'm going to serve God till I die. C - O Lamb, beautiful Lamb! I'm going to serve God till I die. PD Reprint
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Christmas, Holiday
1868 - w. Phillips Brooks, m. Lewis H. Redner V - O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by. Yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting Light; The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight. PD Reprint
O lo ba
Folk Song
V - O lo ba ya le mi N - West African Folk Song. Piano arrangement by Samuel Coleridge=Taylor. PD Reprint
O Loving Heart Trust On
1885 - Gottschalk PD Reprint
O Mistress Mine
Shakespeare PD Reprint
O Music
1885 PD Reprint
O My Little Soul's Going to Shine
V - I don't care where you bury my body . . . O my little should going to shine. C - O my little soul's going to shine, shine . . . All around the Heavens going to shine, shine . . . PD Reprint
O Paradise
1885 - Barnby PD Reprint
O Pendry You Are Such a Fool
PD Reprint
O Rocks Don't Fall on Me
V - Look over yonder on Jerico's wall . . And see those sinners tremble and fall. C - O rocks don't fall on me . . Rocks and mountains, don't fall on me. PD Reprint
O Sally, My Dear
PD Reprint
O Shout Away
PD Reprint
O Sing God's Praise in Winter Too
V - O sing God's praise in winter, too, He is so good and kind PD Reprint
O Sole Mio
1899 N - A recent copyright claim has been upheld in Italy and this song is likely NOT in the public domain outside of the USA. PD Reprint
O Strassburg
Traditional PD Reprint
O the Oak and the Ash
Traditional PD Reprint
O Those Blue Eyes
w.m. Russian Song V - The post house lamp has died away, And in the fire expir'd the light, Strange visions o'er my fancy play PD Reprint
O Thou Joyful Day
B.M. Smucker V - O Thou Joyful day, O thou blessed day, Holy, peaceful Christmas tide ! PD Reprint
O Waly, Waly
Folk Song
V - The water is wide, I cannot get o'er, And neither have I wings to fly; PD Reprint
O Weary Feet
1885 - Beirly PD Reprint
O Would I Were a Bird
Est 1900 PD Reprint
O Ye Tears
Est 1885 PD Reprint
O Yes We Will All Be Dar
Est 1900 PD Reprint
O-OO, Ernest (Are You Ernest with Me?)
Popular Song
1922 - m. Cliff Friend, w. Sidney Clare, Harry Tobias PD Reprint
O, Nobody Knows Who I Am
V - Want to go to heaven, Want to go right, Want to go to Heaven All dressed in white. C - O, nobody knows a who I am, a who I am, till the judgment morning! Heav'n bells a ringing, the saints all singing, Heav'n bells a-ringing in my soul. PD Reprint
O'er the Crossing
PD Reprint
Oaken Leaves
1670 PD Reprint
Ober in Jarsey
1863 PD Reprint
Ocean Burial
PD Reprint
Oceana Roll
Popular Song
1911 - m. Lucien Denni, w. Roger Lewis PD Reprint
PD Reprint
October Song
V - In the sad month of October, baby toddles up and down, Red cheeks shining 'mid the dead leaves, Such a glow if red and brown PD Reprint
Odd Fellows' Hall
PD Reprint
Ode to Denison
N - Denisonj University PD Reprint
Of Noble Race was
1830 - Siencyn PD Reprint
Oh By Jingo, Oh By Gee! - You're the Only Girl For Me
Popular Song
1919 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Lew Brown PD Reprint
Oh De Hebben' Is Shinin'
V - Oh, Fare you well, friends, I'm gwine to tell you all; De hebben is shinin' full ob love; Gwine to leave you all a-mine eyes to close . . . C - Oh, de hebben is shinin', shinin', O Lord de hebben is shinin' full ob love. PD Reprint
Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be?
V - O Dear ! What can the matter be? Johnny's so long at the fair. PD Reprint
Oh Frenchy
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Oh Give Way Jordan
V - Oh, I heard a sweet music up above. I want to go across to see my Lord. An' I wish dat music would come here . . . C - Oh, give way Jordan, give way Jordan . . . I want to go across to see my Lord. PD Reprint
Oh Helen!
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Oh Jerusalem
V - Mind my sister, how you walk on de cross, Yo' might slip an you' soul git los'! C - Oh Jerusalem! Oh, my Lord! I'm walkin' de road Oh, Jersusalem, walkin' de road, Oh my Lord! PD Reprint
Oh Me! Oh My! (Oh You!)
Popular Song
1921 - m. Paul Lannin,Vincent Youmans, w. Arthur Francis PD Reprint
Oh No We'll Never
PD Reprint
Oh Oregon Oh Oregon
N - University of Oregon PD Reprint
Oh Sinner You'd Better Get Ready
V - Oh, sinner man, you had better pray. Time is a-comin' dat sinner must die; For it loo a-like judgement ebry day. C - Oh, sinner, you'd better get ready, Ready, my Lord, ready, Oh, sinner, you'd better get ready, For the time is a-comin' dat sinner must die. PD Reprint
Oh Syracuse
N - Syracuse University PD Reprint
Oh Wanderer Stay
1890 - Rosini PD Reprint
Oh Wasn't Dat A Wide Riber
V - Oh you got Jesus, hold him fast, One more riber to cross, Oh, better love was nebber told, One more riber to cross. C - Oh, wasn't dat a wide riber, Riber ob Jordan, Lord, Wide riber, Dere's one more riber to cross. PD Reprint
Oh Well We'll Hoop Her Up For . . .
PD Reprint
Oh When I Git T' Heaven
V - Oh, when I git t'Haven, gwine t' sit right down, Ask my Lord for a starry crown, Sittin' down side o' de Holy Lamb. C - Father Abraham, sittin' down side o' de Holy Lamb, Help me t' sing de song . . . Help me to move along. PD Reprint
Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog GoneSee Where Has My Little Dog Gone
Oh Yes
V - Oh, yes! Oh, yes! I tell you bretheren a mortal fac', Oh, yes!, Ef ye want to get to heav'n, don't nebber look back . . I want to know a before I go . . C - Oh, wait till I put on my robe, wait till I put on my robe . . . Oh, yes! Oh, yes! PD Reprint
Oh Yes Yonder Comes My Lord
V - Oh, yes, yonder comes my Lord, Oh, yes, yonder comes my, Oh, yes, yonder comes my Lord. C - . . He is comin' this a way . . . With His sword in his han' . . . He's gwine t'hew dem sinners down. . . Right level to de groun' . . . PD Reprint
Oh, Charlie Is My Darling
PD Reprint
Oh, Didn't It Rain
V - Fo'ty days and fo'ty night when de rain kept a-fallin; De wicked clumb de tree, an' for help kept a-callin', For they heard de waters wailin'. C - Didn't it rain rain, didn't it rain. Tell me Noah, didn't it rain. PD Reprint
Oh, Love Will Venture In
PD Reprint
Oh, Miss Mallinda
Popular Song
1908 - w.m. Max Armstrong, Bonita Armstrong PD Reprint
Oh, Mr. Dream Man
Popular Song
1911 - w.m. James V. Monaco PD Reprint
Oh, Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Oh, Shining Light
Popular Song
1900 - w.m. Spencer Adams PD Reprint
Oh, Why I Left I My Hame?
PD Reprint
Oh, You Bear Cat Rag
Popular Song
1910 - w.m. Fred Watson PD Reprint
Oh, You Dear Little Night
PD Reprint
Oh, You Kid
Popular Song
1908 - m. Melville J. Gideon, w. Edgar Selden PD Reprint
Oh, You Million Dollar Doll
Popular Song
1913 - m. Maurice Abrahams, w. Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie PD Reprint
Popular Song
1919 - m. Byron Gay, w. Arnold Johnson PD Reprint
Oh! Breathe Not His Name
Traditional PD Reprint
Oh! Don't You Remember Sweet Alice
1885 - Ben Bolt PD Reprint
Oh! Frenchy
Popular Song
1918 - m. Con Conrad, w. Sam Ehrlich PD Reprint
Oh! Happy Day
1855 PD Reprint
Oh! How I Laugh When I Think How I Cried Over You
Popular Song
1919 - m. Willy White, w. Roy Turk, George Jessel PD Reprint
Oh! How I Wish I Could Sleep Until My Daddy Gets Home
Popular Song
1918 - m. Pete Wendling, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Oh! How She Could Yacki, Hacki, Wicki, Wacki, Woo
Popular Song
1916 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Stanley Murphy, Charles McCarron PD Reprint
Oh! Oh! Delphine
Popular Song
1912 - m. Ivan Carryl, w. C.M.S. Mclellan PD Reprint
Oh! Willie We Have Miss'd You
1885 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
Oh! You Circus Day
Popular Song
1911 - w.m. Edith Maida Lessing, James V. Monaco PD Reprint
Oh! You Devil
1909 - Ford T. Dabney PD Reprint
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Old Allegheny
N - Allegheny College PD Reprint
Old Ark A-Moverin' Along
V - 'Jes wait a little while, I'm gwine to tell ye 'bout de ole ark, ole ark. C - De ole ark a-moverin', a-moverin' along. De ole ark a-moverin', a-moverin'. PD Reprint
Old Ark's A-Movering
V - See that sister dressed so fine? She ain't got Jesus in-a her mind. C - O, the old ark's a movering, a movering, amovering . . . And I am going home. The old ark she reeled, the old ark she rocked PD Reprint
Old Arm Chair
1885 - Russell PD Reprint
Old Brick Row
PD Reprint
Old Butler
N - Butler College PD Reprint
Old Cabin Home
1885 PD Reprint
Old Cathedral Chimes
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Old College Chum
PD Reprint
Old College Clock in the Tower
PD Reprint
Old College Days
PD Reprint
Old Colony Times
1830 PD Reprint
Old Dirge from the Isle of Mull
PD Reprint
Old Faithful
Popular Song
1907 - m. Abe Holzmann PD Reprint
Old Fashioned Garden
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Old Flag Never Touched the Ground
1900 PD Reprint
Old Gaelic Lullaby
V - Hush! The waves are rolling in, White with foam; Father toils amid the din PD Reprint
Old Girl of Mine
Popular Song
1918 PD Reprint
Old Harvard
N - The Brabanconne PD Reprint
Old Hundred
L. Bourgeois V - All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice PD Reprint
Old Joy
Est 1900 PD Reprint
Old K Y Ky
1860 - Dan Emmett PD Reprint
Old King Cole
V - Old King Cole was a merry old soul, And a merry old soul was he; PD Reprint
Old Ma Bell
PD Reprint
Old Man Clothed in Leather
V - One misty, moisty morning, When cloudy was the weather, O there I met an old man, Clothed all in leather. PD Reprint
Old Man Jazz
Popular Song
1920 - w.m. Gene Quay PD Reprint
Old Man Moses
PD Reprint
Old Mole
1650 PD Reprint
Old Mother Toad
V - Over the meadow, In the sand, in the sun, Lived an old mother toad, And her little toadie one. PD Reprint
Old Nassau
N - Princeton University PD Reprint
Old Noll's Jig
1703 PD Reprint
Old Pal
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Old Pal, Why Don't You Answer Me
Popular Song
1920 - m. M.K. Jerome, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Old Santa Claus
V - Old Santa Claus sat all alone, his pipe upon is knee. C - Santa Claus who fears no danger, Overall all the world a ranger, Ev'rywhere a welcome stranger PD Reprint
Old School Home
N - Tufts Hurrah PD Reprint
Old Sexton
1885 - Russell PD Reprint
Old Shady
1885 - Hanby PD Reprint
Old Tipperary
PD Reprint
Old Uncle Ned
1848 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
Old Virginia Rag
PD Reprint
Old Woman in a Basket
V - There was an old woman toseed up in a basket Seventy times as high as the moon; PD Reprint
Ole Eph's Vision
Popular Song
1899 - w.m. Lee Orean Smith PD Reprint
Ole Virginny Barbecue
PD Reprint
On A Saturday Night
Popular Song
1902 - m. Joe Howard, w. Ida Emerson PD Reprint
On A Sunday Afternoon
Popular Song
1902 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling PD Reprint
On Brave Old Army Team
PD Reprint
On Easy Street
J. Reginald MacEachron PD Reprint
On Hudson's Shore
PD Reprint
On Ilkley Moor Baht Hat
Traditional Yorkshire PD Reprint
On Mobile Bay
Popular Song
1910 - m. Neil Moret, w. Earle C. Jones PD Reprint
On The 5:15
Popular Song
1914 - m. Henry I. Marshall, w. Stanley Murphy PD Reprint
On The Alamo
Popular Song
1922 - m. Isham Jones, w. Gus Kahn, Joe Lyons PD Reprint
On the Banks of Allan Water
1750 PD Reprint
On the Banks of the Old Raritan
N - Rutgers College PD Reprint
On the Chapel Steps
PD Reprint
On The Firing Line
Popular Song
1900 - m. L.F. Mabie PD Reprint
On The Gin-Gin-Ginny Shore
Popular Song
1921 - m. Walter Donaldson, w. Edgar Leslie PD Reprint
On The Good Ship Mary Ann
Popular Song
1914 - m. Grace LeBoy, w. Gus Kahn PD Reprint
On the Line
PD Reprint
On The Mississippi
Popular Song
1912 - m. Harry Carroll, Arthur Fields, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
On the Mountains
1890 - Luse PD Reprint
On The Old Fall River Line
Popular Song
1913 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. William Jerome, Andrew Sterling PD Reprint
On the Pike
James Scott PD Reprint
On The Road To Home Sweet Home
Popular Song
1917 - m. Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Gus Kahn PD Reprint
On the Road to Mandalay
Popular Song
PD Reprint
On the Road to Monterey
Popular Song
PD Reprint
On The South Sea Isle
Popular Song
1916 - w.m. Harry Von Tilzer PD Reprint
On The Way To Home Sweet Home (There's A Lane Without A Turning)
Popular Song
1915 - m. George Meyer, w. Sam Lewis PD Reprint
On to Glory
PD Reprint
On to Victory
N - La Marseillaise PD Reprint
On Top of Old Smokey
Folk Song
m. 1916 or earlier, w. NOT PD about 1925 N - m. The Little Mohee - Appalachian Folk Tune
w. NOT PD - 1922 or earlier publication is unknown.
PD Reprint
On Wings of Song
1837 - Mendelssohn PD Reprint
On Wisconsin
Popular Song
PD Reprint
On Yonder Rack Reclining
Est 1900 PD Reprint
On, O Thou Soul
m. Serbian Folk Song, w. Frederick Manley V - On, on, O thou soul! Tho' the way be starless and steep; Onward still thro' night and tempest, Thro' the dread gloom of the deep. PD Reprint
Once a Night
1774 - Traditional PD Reprint
Once I Saw a Rose
V - Once I saw a sweet brier rose, All so freely blooming, Bathed with dew and blushing fair, Gently waved by balmy air. PD Reprint
Once in Royal David's City
Christmas, Holiday
1849 - w. Cecil Frances Alexander, m. Henry John Gauntlett V - Once in royal David's city Stood a lowly cattle shed, Where a mother laid her Baby In a manger for His bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ her little Child. PD Reprint
One Day
PD Reprint
One Fine Day - Madame Butterfly
Popular Song
PD Reprint
One Happy Swede
PD Reprint
One Man Shall Mow My Meadow
PD Reprint
One Man Went to Mow
Traditional PD Reprint
One More River to Cross
1865 PD Reprint
One o' Them Things
PD Reprint
One Strike, Two Strikes, Three Strikes Out
Popular Song
1901 - m. Ed Rogers, w. Ed Gardenier PD Reprint
One Sweetly Solemn Thought
1885 - Ambrose V - One sweet solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er. I am nearer home today Than I've ever been before. PD Reprint
Only a Pansy Blossom
1883 PD Reprint
Only A Ribbon
Popular Song
1897 PD Reprint
Only A Soldier Boy
Popular Song
1902 - m. Edwin S. Brill, w. Charles W. Doty PD Reprint
Onward Christian Soldiers
1871 - m. Sir Arthur Sullivan, w. Baring-Gould V - Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus, Going on before C - With the cross of Jesus going on before. PD Reprint
Onward to the Goal
PD Reprint
Oogie Oogie Wa Wa
Popular Song
1922 - Grant Clarke, Edgar Leslie PD Reprint
Open the Gates of the Temple
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Open Thy Lattice Love
1844 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
Operatic Rag
1914 - Julius Lenzberg PD Reprint
Ophelia Rag
James Scott PD Reprint
1890 - L.M. Luse PD Reprint
Orange and Black
PD Reprint
Orange and Black - Albany
N - Albany College PD Reprint
Orange and Black - Princeton
N - Princeton University PD Reprint
Orange and the Black
PD Reprint
Orange Blossoms
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Oranges and Lemons
1665 PD Reprint
Original Chicago Blues
James White PD Reprint
Original Rags
1899 - Scott Joplin PD Reprint
Orlabear's Maggot
1732 PD Reprint
Orleans Baffled
1728 PD Reprint
Ormand House
1721 PD Reprint
Orphan Boys
1885 PD Reprint
Orpheus in the Underworld
Offenbach PD Reprint
Orpheus with His Lute Shakespeare
Shakespeare PD Reprint
Popular Song
1906 - m. Henry S. Sawyer, w. Jeff T. Brannen PD Reprint
Otto Nikolai
PD Reprint
Oui, Oui, Marie
Popular Song
1918 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Alfred Bryan, Joe McCarthy PD Reprint
Our Baby
1885 - French Lullaby V - Cheeks of rose, tiny toes, Has out little baby; Eyes of blue, fingers too, Cunning all as may be. PD Reprint
Our Cause
1899 PD Reprint
Our College Cheer
PD Reprint
Our College Home
N - Upper Iowa University PD Reprint
Our College Upper Ten
PD Reprint
Our Country Shall Be Free
1899 PD Reprint
Our Country's Flag
1890 - Wagner PD Reprint
Our Director
Popular Song
1901 - m. Frederick E. Bigelow PD Reprint
Our Father
1890 - Naegeli PD Reprint
Our Flag is There
V - Our flag is there, We'll greet it with three loud huzzas. Our flag is there, Behold the glorious stripes and stars! PD Reprint
Our Flirtations
1879 - m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
Our Honored Bates
N - Bates College PD Reprint
Our Land Oh Lord
Michael Haydn V - Our land, O Lord, with song of praise, Shall in they strength rejoice PD Reprint
Our Nation for Temp'rance
1899 PD Reprint
Our Native Song
1885 - Methfessel PD Reprint
Our State
1899 PD Reprint
Our Team By Thunder
PD Reprint
Out Of The Cradle, Into My Heart
Popular Song
1916 - m. Anatole Friedland, w. L. Wolfe Gilbert PD Reprint
Out on the Deep
1895 - Lohr V - Out on the deep, when the sun is low, And the sea with splendor burns PD Reprint
Out Where the West Begins
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Outlandish Knight
PD Reprint
Over in the Promised Land
1899 PD Reprint
Over the Banister
PD Reprint
Over the Garden Wall
1885 - Fox PD Reprint
Over The Hills And Far Away
Popular Song
1908 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome V - Sweetheart don't sign, Dearie don't cry, Summer will soon be here. Over the Hills and far away, we go a-roaming dear. C - Over the hills and far away, far away, Roaming the fields of new mown hay, We'll spend our holiday, Sweet Girlie, PD Reprint
Over the Hills and Far Away ~ Children
1700s V - Tom he was a piper's son, He learnt to play when he was young. PD Reprint
Over the Hills To Mary
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Over the Stars There Is Rest
V - Over the stars there is rest! Suffer in patience confiding, Life with its trial and chiding PD Reprint
Over the Summer Sea
G. Verdi V - Over the summer sea, with lights gay and free. Join'd by glad minstrelsy, gaily we're forming. N - From Rigoletto La Dona Mobile PD Reprint
Over the Waves (Sobre las Olas)
Instrumental, Keyboard
1888 - m. Juventino Rosas PD Reprint
Owl and the Pussy Cat
PD Reprint
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