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BBest Known Public Domain SongsB List of 150


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
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Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
Baa Baa Black Sheep
1765 V - Baa Baa Black sheep, have you any wool. Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. PD Reprint
Baby Bunting
[1885] V - Bye Baby Bunting, Daddy's gone a hunting, To get a little rabbit skin, To wrap his Baby Bunting in. PD Reprint
Baby Doll
Popular Song
w.m. Armstrong and Clark PD Reprint
Baby Face
Popular Song
1926 - w.m. Benny Davis, Harry Akst PD Reprint
Baby, Won't You Please Come Home
Popular Song
1919 - w.m. Clarence Williams, Charles Warfield V - I've got the blues I feel so lonely,I'd give the world if I could only make you understand C - Baby won't you please come home . . . I have tried in vain, nevermore to call your name, When you left you broke my heart, That will never make us part PD Reprint
Babylon's Fallin'
V - Pure city, Babylon's fallin' to rise no more C - Oh, Babylon's fallin', fallin', fallin' PD Reprint
Back Home Again in IndianaSee Indiana (Back Home Again In)
Back In Your Own Back Yard
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Dave Dreyer, Al Jolson, Billy Rose PD Reprint
Back To The Carolina You Love
Popular Song
1914 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Grant Clarke PD Reprint
Back, Back To Baltimore
Popular Song
1904 - m. Egbert Van Alstyne, w. Harry H. Williams PD Reprint
Bag Of Rags
Popular Song
1912 PD Reprint
Popular Song
1912 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Anne Caldwell, James O'Dea PD Reprint
Bagdad (J.Yellen,M.Ager)
Popular Song
1924 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milton Ager PD Reprint
Ballin' the Jack
Popular Song
1913 - m. Chris Smith, w. Jim Burris V - Folks in Georgia's 'bout to go insane Since that new dance down in Georgia came, I'm the only person who's to blame I'm the party introduced it there, so! C - First you put your two knees close up tight, Then you swing 'em to the left, then you sway em to the right PD Reprint
Balm in Gilead
1853 V - Sometimes I feel discouraged, And think my work's in vain, But then the Holy Spirit, Revives my soul again. C - There is a Balm in Gilead, To make the wounded whole . . . To heal the sin sick soul. PD Reprint
Balooloo, my lammie
PD Reprint
Bam Bam Bamy Shore
Popular Song
1926 - m. Mort Dixon, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Popular Song
1923 - m. Vincent Millie Youmans (1898 - 1946), Herbert P. Stothart (1885 - 1949), w. Otto Abels Harbach (1873 - 1963), Oscar Greeley Clendenning Hammerstein, II (1895-1960) P - Wildflower - 1923, Broadway V - Wilt thou come with me to the fair? Bambalina will be there. Who is Bambalina what sort of man is he? He's fiddler man by trade, Both beloved by man and maid. C - When we're dancing at the fair we have to watch and keep aware, When good ol Bambalina calls a stop; That means I must stand still in your arms and hold your hand still. PD Reprint
Band Played On
Popular Song
1895 - m. Charles B. Ward, w. John F. Palmer V - Matt Casey formed a social club that beat the town for style, And hired for a meeting place a hall. C - Casey would waltz with a strawberry blond, and the band played on. He'd glide cross the floor with the girl he adored, and the Band played on. PD Reprint
Bandana Days
Popular Song
1921 - w.m. Eubie Blake & Noble Sissle PD Reprint
Barbara Allen
Folk Song
1666 V - In Scarlet town, where I was born, There was a fair maid dwellin', Made ev'ry youth cry 'well-a-way'; Her name was Barb'ra Allen. N - Popular English and Scottish Ballads, 1882-1898, Francis James Child PD Reprint
Barber of Seville
1813 - Rossini PD Reprint
Barcarolle Tales of Hoffman
1864 - Offenbach PD Reprint
Popular Song
1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Polchard Evans PD Reprint
1916 PD Reprint
Barney Google
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Con Conrad (1891-1938), Billy Rose (1899-1966) V - Who's the most important man this country ever knew. Who's the man our Presidents tell all their troubles to. C - Barney Google with his Goo Goo Googlyeyes. Barney Google had a wife three times his size. She sued Barney for divorce, Now he's living with his horse. PD Reprint
Bartered Bride Smetana
1872 - Smetana PD Reprint
Battle Cry of Freedom
1863 - Root PD Reprint
Battle Hymn of the Republic
1861 - m. John William Steffe (?), w. Julia Ward Howe V - Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; C - Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on. PD Reprint
Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee
Popular Song
1912 - m. Henry I. Marshall, w. Stanley Murphy PD Reprint
Be Thou My Vision
Folk Song
8th Century or Earlier - m. Old Irish Slane, w. Old Irish V - Be Thou My Vision, O Lord of my heart, Naught is all else to me, save that Thou art. Thou my best thought by day and by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. N - Old Irish Title: Rop tú mo baile or Rob tú mo bhoile
1905 Literal English Translation by Mary E. Byrne
Tune a.k.a. With My Love On The Road and Lord of All Hopefulness
PD Reprint
Beale Street Blues
Popular Song
1917 - w.m. W.C. Handy V - I've seen the lights of gay Broadway C - I'd rather be here than any place I know PD Reprint
Bear Went Over the Mountain
1783 PD Reprint
Beau Ideal March
1894 - m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
Beautiful Annabelle Lee
Popular Song
1920 - m. George Meyer, w. Alfred Bryan PD Reprint
Beautiful Dreamer
Popular Song
1864 - Stephen Collins Foster V - Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me, Starlight and dew drops are waiting for thee; Sounds of the rude world heard in the day, Lull'd by the moonlight, have all pass'd away! C - Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me! Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me. PD Reprint
Beautiful Garden of Prayer
Popular Song
1920 PD Reprint
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere
1897 PD Reprint
Beautiful Ohio
Popular Song
1918 - m. Robert A. King, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
Beautiful River
V - Shall we gather at the river, Where bright angels he has brought, With it's crystal tides forever Flowing by the throne of God. C - Yes, we'll gather at the river. . . gathered with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God. N - a.k.a Shall We Gather at the River PD Reprint
Beauty in Tears
T. O'Carolan N - Fiddle Tune - O'Carolan PD Reprint
Because ~ Guy d'Hardelot
Popular Song
1902 - w. Edward Teschemacher, m. Guy d'Hardelot N - m. pseudonym of Helen Guy or Mrs. W.I. Thodes PD Reprint
Because I Love You
Popular Song
1926 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Because My Baby Don't Mean Maybe Now
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Popular Song
1903 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome V - There's a charming Irish lady with a roguish winning way, Who has kept my heart a bumpin' and a jumpin' night and day. C - Bedelia, I want to steal ye, Bedelia I love you so, I'll be your Chauncey Olcott If you'll be my Molly O'. PD Reprint
Before This Time Another Year
V - My mother's broke the ice and gone C - Before this time another year PD Reprint
Beggar's Opera
John Gay PD Reprint
Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
1775 PD Reprint
Belle of Chicago
1892 - m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
Bells of St Mary's
Popular Song
1917 - m. A. Emmett Adams, w. Douglas Furber PD Reprint
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Joe Sanders PD Reprint
Ben Hur Chariot Race March
1899 - E.T. Paull PD Reprint
Bendemeer's Stream
1850 - m. 1850-Wm. George B. Prentiss, 1893-Alfred Scott Gat, w. Thomas Moore V - There's a bower of roses by Bendemeer's Stream. And the nightingale sings round it all the day long. C - Are the roses still bright by the calm Bendemeer? N - There are several tunes for this Thomas Moore poem. PD Reprint
Beside A Babbling Brook
Popular Song
1923 - m. Walter Donaldson (1893-1947), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) V - When I was younger I used to hunger to climb up the ladder of life. Now that I've grown up I might as well own up it's not worth the worry and strife. C - I'd be more than satisfied if I could hide away beside a babbling brook Rippling waters call me far away to a quiet shady nook. PD Reprint
Best Things In Life Are Free
Popular Song
1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Bethena - A Concert Waltz
Ragtime, Music Hall
1905 - m. Scott Joplin PD Reprint
Better Times Are Coming
1862 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
V - Gay dances Bibabutzemann, in and out and round about. Gay dances Bibabutzemann PD Reprint
Bicycle Built for TwoSee Daisy Bell
Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now
Popular Song
1924 - m. Milton Ager (b. October 6, 1893; d. May 6, 1979), w. Jack Yellen (b. January 1, 1970; d. April 17, 1991) V - In the town of Louisville, They've got a man called Big Bad Bill; I want to tell you he sure was tough; Brother he was rough. C - Big Bad Bill is sweet William now; Married life has changed him somehow. He's the man they all used to fear; Now the people call him Willie dear. PD Reprint
Big Bass Viol
Popular Song
1910 - w.m. M.T. Bohannon V - There once lived a man in the town of Missoula. His name was Augustus Miles. He was known miles around as a Lalapalousa, At playing the big bass viol. C - Zum, zum, zum, sounds forth his big bass viol. Zum,zum,zum He plays it all the while, There ne'er a lute nor harp or flute with tones so soft or mild. PD Reprint
Big Boy
Popular Song
1924 - w. Jack Yellen, m. Milton Ager PD Reprint
Big Camp Meeting In the Promised Land
V - You kin hinder me here, but you can't do it there, For He sits in de heavens, and He answers prayer, Big camp meeting in de promised land! C - O dis union! . . . Big camp meeting in de promised land! PD Reprint
Popular Song
1928 - m. Oscar Hammersteinm. m. Jerome Kern P - Show Boat PD Reprint
Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home
Popular Song
1902 - w.m. Hughie Cannon (1877-1912) V - On one summer's day, Sun was shining fine. The lady love of old Bill Bailey was hanging clothes on de line in her back yard, and weeping hard. C - Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? She moans the whole day long; I'll do de cooking, darling, I'll pay de rent; I knows I've done you wrong. PD Reprint
Billboard March
1901 PD Reprint
Billiken Rag
E.J. Stark PD Reprint
Popular Song
1911 - w.m. Joe Goodwin, James Kendis, Herman Paley PD Reprint
Billy Boy
1824 V - Oh, where have you been, Billy boy, Billy boy, Oh where have you been, charming Billy? PD Reprint
Bimini Bay
Popular Song
1921 - m. Richard Whiting, w. Gus Kahn, Raymond Egan PD Reprint
V - The miller's big dog lay on the barn floor, And Bingo was his name; B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name. PD Reprint
Binks' Waltz
Ragtime, Music Hall
m. Scott Joplin (1867 - 1917) PD Reprint
Bird In A Gilded Cage
Popular Song
1900 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Arthur Lamb V - The ballroom was filled with fashions throng, It shone with a thousand lights, And there was a woman who passed along, The fairest of all the sights. C - She's only a bird in a gilded cage, A beautiful sign to see, You may think see's happy and free from care, She's not, though she seems to be PD Reprint
Bird on Nellie's Hat
Popular Song
m. Alfred Solman, w. Arthur Lamb PD Reprint
Birth of Passion
Popular Song
1910 - m. Karl L. Hoschna, w. Otto Hauerbach P - Madame Sherry - 1910, French Vaudeville PD Reprint
Birth Of The Blues
Popular Song
1926 - w. B.G. De Sylva, Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Birthday Of A King
Christmas, Holiday
1890 - w.m. W. H. Neidlinger V - In the little village of Bethlehem, There lay a child one day, And the sky was bright with a holy light, O'er the place where Jesus lay. C - Alleluia! O how the angels sang; Alleluia! how it rang; And the sky was bright with holy light, 'Twas the birthday of a King. PD Reprint
Bit O' Blarney
Popular Song
1904 - m. J. Fred Helf, w. Will Heelan PD Reprint
Black and White Rag
Instrumental, Keyboard
1908 N - Ragtime - music only, no lyrics PD Reprint
Black Bottom
Popular Song
1926 - w. B.G. De Sylva, Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Black Bottom Stomp
Popular Song
1926 - m. Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton PD Reprint
Black Cat Rag
1905 - Frank Wooster and Ethyl B. Smith PD Reprint
Blackbirds and Thrushes
V - As I was a walking for my recreation, A down by the gardens I silently stray'd. I heard a fair maid making great lamentation, Crying: PD Reprint
Blame It on the Blues
1914 - m. Charles L. Cooke PD Reprint
Blaze Away March
Popular Song
1901 - m. Abe Holzmann PD Reprint
Blest Be the Tie That Binds
w. John Fawcett, m. Hans G. Naegeli PD Reprint
Blow Away the Morning Dew
PD Reprint
Blow Blow Thou Winter Winds
1600's - Shakespeare PD Reprint
Blow Boys Blow
PD Reprint
Blow the Man Down
1880 V - As I was walking down Paradise Street, A pretty young damsel I chanced for to meet. C - Way! Hey! Blow the man down! Give me some time to blow the man down. PD Reprint
Blow Ye Winds Heigh Ho
1830 PD Reprint
Blow Your Trumpet, Gabriel
PD Reprint
Blue (and Broken-Hearted)
Popular Song
1922 - m. Lou Handman, w. Grant Clarke & Edgar Leslie V - I used to think I could live without you, But I admit that I changed my mind. I go to sleep and I dream about you, And thru' the day you can always find me. C - Blue because we're parted, Blue and broken hearted, There was a time I was jolly, You know the reason I am melancholy, Blue and oh! so lonely. PD Reprint
Blue Alsatian Mountains
Adams PD Reprint
Blue Bells of Scotland
Scottish Folk Song V - Oh! Where, tell me where is your Highland laddie gone? He's gone with streaming banners . . PD Reprint
Blue Bonnets Over the Border
Traditional Scots PD Reprint
Blue Danube
1867 - Johann Strauss PD Reprint
Blue Danube Blues
Popular Song
1921 - m. Jerome Kern, w. Anne Caldwell P - Good Morning Dearie - 1921, PD Reprint
Blue Goose Rag
Ragtime, Music Hall
1916 - m. Raymond Birch N - Rag with no lyrics. PD Reprint
Blue Grass Rag
1918 - Charles Straight PD Reprint
Blue Juniata
1849 PD Reprint
Blue Room
Popular Song
1926 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers PD Reprint
Blue Skies
Popular Song
1927 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Blue Tail Fly
1846 - Daniel Decatur Emmett V - When I was young I used to wait On Massa and hand him de plate; Pass down de bottle when he git dry, And bresh away de blue tail fly. C - Jim crack corn I don't card . . . Old Massa gone away. N - a.k.a. Jim Crack Corn PD Reprint
Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me
Popular Song
1919 - m. Carey Morgan, w. Charles McCarron V - What is that song about kisses, What is that song about smiles, If I could have my way I'd sing a song today C - There are Blues that you get from worry. There are Blues that you get from pain. And there are Blues when you're lonely PD Reprint
Boar's Head Carol
PD Reprint
Bobby Shafto
ca. 1750 V - Bobby Shafto's gone to sea, Silver buckles on his knee, He'll come back and marry me, Pretty Bobby Shafto. N - a.k.a. Bobby Shaftoe PD Reprint
Bohemia Rag
1919 - Joseph Lamb PD Reprint
Bold Fisherman
PD Reprint
Bolo Rag
1908 - Albert Gumble PD Reprint
Bonaparte's March
1849 PD Reprint
Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond
1841 V - By yon bonnie banks, and by yon bonnie braes, Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomon', Where me and my love were ever wont to gae, On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomon'. C - O, ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road, And I'll be in Scotland afore ye; But me and my true love will never meet again, On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomon'. PD Reprint
Bonnie Blue Flag
1861 - McCarthy PD Reprint
Boola Boola
Popular Song
1901 - w.m. Billy Johnson, Bob Cole, Allen M. Hirsch V - Well here we are, well here we are: Just watch us rolling up a score. We'll leave those fellows behind so far, They won't want to play us any more. C - Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola. When we're through with those poor fellows, they will holler 'Boola Boola' N - Yale University PD Reprint
Boston Come All Ye
1830 PD Reprint
Boundless Expanse of the Sea
Folk Song
PD Reprint
Bowery Buck
Tom Turpin PD Reprint
Breeze - Blow My Baby Back To Me
m. James F. Hanley, w. Ballard MacDonald, Joe Goodwin PD Reprint
Breeze from Alabama
1902 - Scott Joplin PD Reprint
Breezin' Along With The Breeze
Popular Song
1926 - w.m. Haven Gillespie, Seymour Simmons, George Whiting PD Reprint
Bridal Chorus
Lohengrin PD Reprint
1897 PD Reprint
Briery Bush
English Folk Song V - O hangman, stay thy hand, And stay it for a while, For fancy I see my father a-coming across the yonder stile PD Reprint
Brighten the Corner Where You Are
1913 - m. Charles H. Gabriel, w. Ima Duley Ogdon PD Reprint
Brighton CampSee The Girl I Left Behind (Me)
Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella
Christmas, Holiday
1553 - w.m. French Carol, 1700s translated to English V - Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabelle! Bring a torch, to the stable run Christ is born. Tell the folk of the village Jesus is born and Mary's calling. C - Ah! Ah! beautiful is the Mother! Ah! Ah! beautiful is her child. PD Reprint
Bring Back My Bonnie To MeSee My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Brisk Young Sailor
PD Reprint
Britannia The Gem of the Ocean
1852 PD Reprint
British Grenadiers
1750 PD Reprint
Broadway Rag
James Scott PD Reprint
Broadway Rose
Popular Song
1920 - m. Otis Spencer, Martin Fried, w. Eugene West PD Reprint
Broken Hearted (Here I Am)
Popular Song
1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Broken Hearted Melody
Popular Song
1923 - m. Isham Edgar Jones (1894-1956), w. Gus Kahn (1886-1941) V - Out of the dear long ago, I hear a song sweet and low. Drifting it seems, out of the dreams, Dreams that we used to know, dear. C - Just a broken hearted melody, Just a song that ends with a sigh. Like the sweet refrain you sang to me on the night we said good-bye, Dear. PD Reprint
Brown Eyes, Why Are You Blue?
Popular Song
1925 - w. Alfred Bryan, m. George W. Meyer PD Reprint
Brown Haired Maiden
Traditional Welsh PD Reprint
Brown October Ale
1891 PD Reprint
Budweiser's A Friend Of Mine
Popular Song
1907 - m. Seymour Furth (1877? - 1932), w. Vincent Bryan (1878 - 1937) V - The poets may sing of the friends who will cling to you, When you are gloomy and blue. But I have one friend who will stick to the end, Just the dearest friend I ever knew. C - Bud, Budweiser's a friend of mine, Friend of mine, yes, a friend of mine. What care I, if the sun don't shine, While I've got Budweiser. PD Reprint
Buffalo Gals
1844 V - As I went lumbrin' down de street . . . a lubly gal I chanc'd to meet, Oh! She was fair to view C - Oh, Buffalo Gals will ye come out tonight, come out tonight. . . And dance by de light of de moon? N - Tune for Wheels On The Bus. We can neither confirm nor deny the public domain status of Wheels on the Bus lyrics. PD Reprint
Buffalo Rag
Tom Turpin PD Reprint
Burning Of Rome
Instrumental, Keyboard
1903 - m. E.T. Paull N - March with no lyrics. PD Reprint
Button Up Your Overcoat
Popular Song
1928 - w. Bud DeSylva, Lew Brown, w. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
By and By
V - I know my robes going to fit me well, I'm going to lay down my heavy load; C - O, by and by, by and by, I'm going to lay down my heavy load; PD Reprint
By Heck
Popular Song
1914 - m. S.R. Henry, w. J. Wolfe Gilbert V - Old Josh who care to town from Oskaloosa To sell his oldest milking bridle cow, Said he 'now she's a reg'lar lallapaloosa' . . C - Oh! What a town, makes me feel just like a clown, Here I'm walking up and down with a cow By Heck! Wow! PD Reprint
By the Beautiful Sea
Popular Song
1914 - m. Harry Carroll, w. Harold Atteridge V - Joe and Jane always together, Said Joe to Jane 'I love Summer weather, So let's go to that beautiful sea.' C - By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea, You and I, you and I, oh! how happy we'll be. When each wave comes a rolling in PD Reprint
By the Light of the Silvery Moon
Popular Song
1909 - m. Gus Edwards, w. Edward Madden V - Place park, Scene dark, Silv'ry moon is shining thro' the trees; Cast two, me, you, Sound of kisses floating on the breeze. C - By the light of the silvery moon, I want to spoon, To my honey I'll croon love's tune. Honeymoon keep a shining in June PD Reprint
By The Light Of The Stars
Popular Song
1925 - w.m. George A. Little, Arthur Sizemore, Larry Shay PD Reprint
By the Waters of Minnetonka
Popular Song
1914 - w. J.M. Cavanass, m. Thurlow Lieurance N - a.k.a. Moon Dear PD Reprint
By yon bonnie banks
PD Reprint
Bye Bye Blackbird
Popular Song
1926 - w. Mort Dixon, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
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