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Public Domain Songs

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JBest Known Public Domain SongsJ List of 42


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
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Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
Popular Song
1918 - w.m. Bob Carleton V - You've heard all about your raggy melodies, Ev'ry thing from opera down to harmony, But I've a little song that I will sing to you C - Ja Da, Ja Da, Ja Da, Ja Dah, Jing, Jing, Jing. . . . That's a funny little bit of melody. It's so soothing and appealing to me. PD Reprint
Jack and Jill
H. L. Handy V - Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down . . . PD Reprint
Jack Be Nimble
V - Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick. Jack, jump over the candle stick. PD Reprint
Jacob's Ladder
V - We are climbing Jacob's ladder C - Soldier of the Cross PD Reprint
Japanese Sandman
Popular Song
1920 - m. Richard Whiting, w. Raymond Egan V - Won't you stretch imagination for the moment and come with me. Let us hasten to a nation lying over the western sea. C - Here's the Japanese Sandman Sneaking on with the dew. Just an old second hand man He'll buy your old day from you. He will take every sorrow Of the day that is through PD Reprint
Jazz Me Blues
Popular Song
1921 - w.m. Tom Delaney V - Down in Louisiana in that sunny clime, They play a class of music that is super fine, And it makes no difference if it's rain or shine C - Jazz me, Come on professor and Jazz me. You know I like my dancin' both day and night, And if I don't get my jazzin I Don't feel right PD Reprint
Popular Song
1924 - w. Tommy Malie & Dick Finch m. Jack Little PD Reprint
Jealousy [Jalousie - Tango]
Popular Song
1926 - m. Jacob Gade PD Reprint
Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair
Popular Song
1854 - w.m. Stephen Collins Foster V - I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair. Borne, like a vapor, on the summer air. I see here tripping where the bright streams play, Happy as the daisies that dance on her way. C - I long for Jeanie and my heart bows low, Never more to find here where the bright waters flow. PD Reprint
Jeannine, I Dream Of Lilac Time
Popular Song
1928 - w. I. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Nat Shilkret PD Reprint
Jelly Roll Blues
Popular Song
1915 - Ferd [Ferdinand] Morton N - No lyrics. PD Reprint
Jenny Lind Polka
1800's PD Reprint
Jim Crack CornSee The Blue Tail Fly
Jimtown Blues
Popular Song
1925 - w. Fred Rose, m. Charlile Davis PD Reprint
Jingle Bells
Christmas, Holiday
1857 - w.m. James Pierpont V - Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. On what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. C - Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. PD Reprint
Joan Of Arc They Are Calling You
Popular Song
1917 - m. Jack Wells, w. Alfred Bryan, Willie Weston PD Reprint
Joe Turner Blues
Popular Song
1915 - w.m. W.C. Handy V - You'll never miss the water till your well runs dry, You'll never miss Joe Turner tile he say 'Good Bye'. Sweet Babe, I'm goin' to leave you and the time ain't long C - You will be sorry, be sorry from your heart. Sorry to your heart, Some day when you and I must part. And ev'ry time you hear a whisle blow PD Reprint
Jogo Blues
1913 - W.C. Handy PD Reprint
John Anderson, My Jo
1827 V - John Anderson, my jo, John, When we were first acquent, Your locks were like the raven, Your bonny brow was brent; PD Reprint
John Brown's Body
1861 PD Reprint
Jolly Good Fellow
PD Reprint
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Christmas, Holiday
ca. 1860 - w. possibly Benjamin Hanby, m. James Lord Pierpont V - Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, Lean your ear this way; Don't you tell a single soul What I'm going to say, PD Reprint
Josephine, My Jo
Popular Song
1901 - m. James T. Brymn, w. Cecil Mack PD Reprint
Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
1865 V - Hark! Listen to the trumpeters; They sound for volunteers. O'er Zion's bright and flowery mount, Behold the officers. C - O, joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho . . . and the walls came tumbling down. PD Reprint
1850 V - Soft o'er the fountain, Ling'ring falls the southern moon; Faro'er the mountain, Breaks the day too soon! In they dark eye's slendor, Where the warm light loves to dwell PD Reprint
June Brought The Roses
Popular Song
1924 - w. Ralph Stanley m. John Openshaw PD Reprint
June Night
Popular Song
1924 - w. Cliff Friend m. Abel Baer PD Reprint
Just A Baby's Prayer At Twilight
Popular Song
1918 - m. M.K. Jerome, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young PD Reprint
Just A Bird's Eye View Of My Old Kentucky Home
Popular Song
1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Just A Bird's-Eye View Of My Old Kentucky Home
Popular Song
1927 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Just A Cottage Small [By A Waterfall]
Popular Song
1926 - w. B.G. DeSylva, m. James F. Hanley PD Reprint
Just A Girl That Men Forget
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Al Dubin, Fred Rath, Joe Garron V - Dear little girl, they call you a Vamp, A flapper with up to date ways. You may shine brightly just like a lamp, You'll burn out one of these days. C - You're the kind of girl that men forget, Just a toy to enjoy for a while. For when men settle down they always get an old fashioned girl With an old fashioned smile. PD Reprint
Just A Little Drink
Popular Song
1925 PD Reprint
Just A Memory
Popular Song
1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Just A Song At TwilightSee Love's Old Sweet Song
Just Another Day Wasted Away [Waiting For You]
Popular Song
1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Just Around The Corner
Popular Song
1926 - w. Dolph Singer, m. Harry Von Tilzer PD Reprint
Just Before the Battle, Mother
1864 - George F. Root V - Just before the battle, mother, I am thinking most of you. While upon the field we're watching With the enemy in view. C - Farewell, mother, you may never Press me to your heart again, But, oh, you'll not forget me, mother, If I'm numbered with the slain. PD Reprint
Just Like A Butterfly That's Caught In The Rain
Popular Song
1927 - w.m. Harry Woods & Mort Dixon PD Reprint
Just Like A Melody Out Of The Sky
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
Just Once Again
Popular Song
1927 - w.m. Walter Donaldson & Paul Ash PD Reprint
Just We Two
Popular Song
1924 - w. Dorothy Donnelly m. Sigmund Romberg P - The Student Prince PD Reprint
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