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Public Domain Songs

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GBest Known Public Domain SongsG List of 78


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
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Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
Gaily the Troubadour
Bayley PD Reprint
Gambling Man
Popular Song
1902 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. William Jerome V - Bill Williams was a gambling man one of the reckless kind, A gamer sport in all the world I'm sure you couldn't find. C - One day its milk and honey, Next day hustling round for money, Ev'ry gamblin' man he knows Easy comes and easy goes. PD Reprint
Games Of Childhood Days
Popular Song
1908 - w.m. Will J. Harris, Harry I. Robinson PD Reprint
Garden In The Rain
Popular Song
1928 - w. James Dyrenforth, w. Carroll Gibbons PD Reprint
Garden Of Roses
Popular Song
1909 - m. Johann C. Schmid, w. J.E. Dempsey PD Reprint
Garland Of Old Fashioned Roses
Popular Song
1912 - m. E. Clinton Keithley, w. C.H. Musgrove PD Reprint
Garry Owen
Traditional Irish PD Reprint
Gaudeamus Igatur
PD Reprint
Gaudeamus Igitur
PD Reprint
Gee, But I Hate To Go Home Alone
Popular Song
1922 - w.m. Joe Goodman, James F. Hanley PD Reprint
Gee, But It's Great to Meet a Friend from Your Old Home Towm
Popular Song
1910 - m. James McGavisk, w. William Tracey PD Reprint
General Pershing
Popular Song
m. Carl D. Vandersloot PD Reprint
Gentle Annie
1856 - Stephen Collins Foster V - Thou wilt come no more, Gentle Annie. Like a flower thy spirit did depart; Thou art gone, alas! like the many That have bloomed in the summer of my heart. C - Shall we never more behold thee; never hear thy winning voice again. When the Springtime comes, gentle Annie, When the wild flowers are scattered o'er the plain. PD Reprint
Gentle Lena Clare
1862 - Stephen Collins Foster PD Reprint
Popular Song
1922 - m. Walter Donaldson, w. Howard Johnson N - NOT Georgia On My Mind, 1930, Hoagy Carmichael PD Reprint
Georgie Porgie
1765 V - Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie, Kiss'd the girls and made them cry; When the girls cam out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away. PD Reprint
German Cradle Song
V - Sleep, baby sleep. Thy Father tends the sheep; Thy mother shakes the dreamland tree, A little dream falls down for thee, PD Reprint
Gesu Bambino
Christmas, Holiday
1917 - w.m. Pietro A. Yon, w. translated Frederick H. Martens V - When blossoms flowered 'mid the snows Upon a winter night, Was born the Child, the Christmas Rose, The King of Love and Light. C - O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. N - Italian lyrics: 'Nell'umile capanna nel freddo e poverta e nato il Santo pargolo che il mondo adorere' PD Reprint
Get Out And Get Under The Moon
Popular Song
1928 - w. Charles Tobias, William Jerome, m. Larry Shaw PD Reprint
Ghost Of The Violin
Popular Song
1912 - m. Ted Snyder, w. Bert Kalmar PD Reprint
Giannina Mia
Popular Song
1912 - m. Rudolf Friml, w. Otto Harbach PD Reprint
Gimme A Little Kiss, Will Ya, Huh?
Popular Song
1926 - w.m. Roy Turk , Jack Smith, Maceo Pinkard PD Reprint
Girl Friend
Popular Song
1926 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers PD Reprint
Girl I Left Behind (Me)
1758-1770 - Traditional Irish V - The dames of France are fond and free, And Flemish lips are willing, And soft the maids of Italy, And Spanish eyes are thrilling C - To the girl I left behind me. N - First Printing 1808, a.k.a. Brighton Camp PD Reprint
Girl of Mine
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Girl Of My Dreams
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Sunny Claplp PD Reprint
Girl on the Magazine
PD Reprint
Girls and Boys Come Out to Play
V - Girls and boys come out to plan, The moon doth shine as bright as day PD Reprint
Git Along Little Dogies
1893 N - a.k.a. Whooopee Ti Yi Yo PD Reprint
Give Me A Night In June
Popular Song
1927 - w.m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
Give My Regards to Broadway
Popular Song
1904 - w.m. George M. Cohan PD Reprint
1886 - m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
Gladiolus Rag
1907 - Scott Joplin PD Reprint
Glasgoe Highlanders
Traditional Scot PD Reprint
Glen Rose March and Two Step
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Glory and Honor
V - Oh, my young Christians, I got lots for to tell yhou all . . . judge ye not, for you shall be judged . . . C - Live humble, humble, humble yourselves, de bell done ring. PD Reprint
Glory, Glory, HallelujahSee Battle Hymn of the Republic
Popular Song
1907 - m. Paul Lincke, w. Lilla Cayley Robinson V - When the night falls silently, the night falls silently on forests dreaming, Lovers wander forth to see, they wander forth to see the bright stars gleaming; C - Shine, little glow-worm glimmer, shine little glow-worm glimmer! Lead us, lest too far we wander, Love's sweet voice is calling yonder! PD Reprint
Go 'Long Mule
Popular Song
1924 - w.m. Henry Creamer, Robert King N - Novelty Song - 22 Verses PD Reprint
Go Down Moses
V - When Israel was in Egypt's land, Let my people go. Oppressed so hard they could not stand, Let me people go. C - Go down Moses, 'Way down in Eqypt land, Tell old Pharoah, Let my people go. N - a.k.a. Let My People Go PD Reprint
Go Tell it on the Mountain
ca. 1865 - Spiritual V - When I was a seeker I sought both night an' day, I ask' de Lord to help me, An' He show' me de way. C - Go tell it on de mountain, Over de hills an' everywhere; Go tell it on de mountain, Dat Jesus Christ is born. PD Reprint
Go Way Back and Sit Down
1901 PD Reprint
God Be With You (Til We Meet Again)
m. W.G. Tomer, w. J.E. Rankin V - Goe be with you til we meet again, By his counsels guide, uphold you C - Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet. Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again. PD Reprint
God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen
Christmas, Holiday
ca. 1760 - w.m. English Traditional V - God rest you merry, Gentlemen, Let nothing you dismay, For Jesus Christ our Savior Was born upon this Day. To save poor souls from Satan's power, Which long time had gone astray. Which brings tidings of comfort and joy. PD Reprint
God Save the King
L&S PD Reprint
Goin' Home (From Largo of New World Symphony)
1893 - m. Anton Dvorak (1841-1904), w. Williams Arms Fisher V - Goin' home, goin' home, I'm a goin' home; Quiet like, some still day, I'm just goin' home. PD Reprint
Going to Shout All Over God's Heaven
V - I've got a robe, you've got a robe. All of God's children got a robe; When I get to Heaven, goin' to put on my robe, Goin' to shout all over God's Heav'n. C - Heav'n. Heav'n. Everybody talking 'bout heav'n ain't going there, Heav'n, Heav'n, Goin' to shout all over God's Heav'n. N - a.k.a. I've Got A robe, All God's Children Got Wings
Use any word for robe for as many verses as you like. (I've got a robe / crown / shoes / wings / crown)
PD Reprint
Going to Study War No More
PD Reprint
Gold and Silver Waltz
1904 - Lehar PD Reprint
Golden Days
Popular Song
1924 - m. Sigmund Romberg. P - The Student Prince V - Down where the necktar flows swiftly alone Nestles a town that is famous in song, Laughing lads roam thro' its streets so quaint, No one's a sinner much less a saint. C - Golden days in the sunshine of our happy youth. Golden days full of innocence and full of truth! In our hearts we remember them all else above. Golden days of youth and love! PD Reprint
Golden SlippersSee Oh Dem Golden Slippers
Goober Peas
1864 V - Sitting by the roadside on a summer day, Chatting with my messmates passing time away, Lying in the shadow underneath the trees C - Peas! Peas! Peas! Peas! Eating goober peas! Goodness how delicious, eating goober peas! PD Reprint
Good Bye Boys
Popular Song
1913 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling, William Jerome V - Good bye old pals I'm going far away, 'Tis duty calls me and I must obey. C - Good bye boys, I'm going to be married tomorrow, Good bye boys, I'm going from sunshine to sorrow. PD Reprint
Good Bye Broadway, Hello France
Popular Song
1917 - m. Billy Baskette, w. C. Francis Reisner, Billy Davis PD Reprint
Good Bye Dolly Gray
Popular Song
1900 - m. Paul Barnes, w. Will D. Cobb PD Reprint
Good Bye Eliza Jane
Popular Song
1903 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Andrew Sterling V - Look a'here Liza, listen to me You ain't the gal you promised to be Didn't you say you always would be true, oo, oo, oo, oo C - Good-bye Eliza Jane, I'm gwine a' for to leave you. Well, you know when I go, that I was the fellow with the dough, dough, dough PD Reprint
Good Man Is Hard to Find
Popular Song
1918 - w.m. Eddie Green V - My heart's sad and I am all forlorn, My man's treating me mean, I regret the day that I was born, And that man of mine I've ever seen. C - A good man is hard to find, You always get the other kind. Just when you think that he is your pal, You look for him and find him fooling 'round some other gal. PD Reprint
Good Morning To All
1896 - m. Mildred and Patty Hill, w. Patty Hill V - Good morning to you, Good morning to you, Good morning dear children, Good morning to all. N - Tune and Good Morning to All lyrics are in the public domain. Happy Birthday lyrics were ruled to be in the public domain on 9/22/2015 by the Unites States District Court for the Central District of California. PD Reprint
Good Morning, Mister Zip-Zip-Zip
Popular Song
1918 - w.m. Robert Lloyd V - You come from ev'ry quarter, From North, South, East and West. To clear the way to freedom For the land we love the best. C - Good morning, Mister Zip-Zip-=Zip. With you hair cut just as short as mine. Good morning, Mister Zip-Zip-Zip, You're surely looking fine.. PD Reprint
Good News
Popular Song
1927 - w. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Good News, De Chariot's Comin'
V - Gwine to get up in de chariot, Carry me home . . . An ' I don' want her leave a me behind. C - Good news, de chariot's coming', I don' want her leave a me behind. PD Reprint
Good Night Ladies
V - Good night ladies, Good night ladies, good night ladies, We're going to leave you now. C - Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along. Merrily we roll along, O'er the deep blue sea. PD Reprint
Goodbye Liza Jane
1871 PD Reprint
Goodbye, Girls, I'm Through
Popular Song
1914 - m. Ivan Caryll, w. John Golden PD Reprint
Goodbye, My Lady Love
Popular Song
1904 - w.m. Joe Howard V - So you're going away Because your heart has gone astray, And you promised me That you would always faithful be. C - Good bye, my lady love. Farewell, my turtle dove, You are the idol and darling of my heart. PD Reprint
Goodnight Ladies
1853 V - Good night ladies! Good night ladies! Good night ladies, We're going to leave you now. C - Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along, Merrily we roll along, O'er the deep blue sea. PD Reprint
Gospel Train
V - De gospel train am a comin; I hear it jus' at han'; I hear de carwheels rumblin', An rollin' throo' de lan'; C - Git on bo'd lit'l children, Git on bo'd lit'l children, Dere's room for many a mo'. N - a.k.a. Get On Board Little Children PD Reprint
Grand March--Aida
Verdi PD Reprint
Grandfather's Clock
1876 - Henry Clay Work V - My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf, So it stood ninety years on the floor; C - Ninety years, without slumbering, (tick tock tick tock, His life seconds numbering PD Reprint
Grandpa's Spells
Popular Song
1923 - m. Ferdinand 'Jelly Roll' Morton (1891-1941) PD Reprint
Great Camp-meetin' in de Promised Land
V - Oh walk togedder, children, Don't yer get weary, . . . . Dere's a great camp meetin' in de Promised Land. C - Gwine to mourn an' nebber tire . . . Dere's a great camp meetin' in de Promised Land. PD Reprint
Great Day
V - Chariot rode on the mountain-top, God's going to build up Zion's walls. My God spoke and the chariot did stop . . . C - Great day, Great day, the righteous marching; Great day! God's going to build up Zion's walls. PD Reprint
Great Rock Island Line
Popular Song
1882 - w.m. J.A. Roff N - Early version of The Wabash Cannonball. Very similar chorus, but not the same tune as best known today. PD Reprint
Green Sleeves
Folk Song
1580 - m. Sixteenth Century Melody V - Alas! my love you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously. And I have loved you so long Delighting in your company C - Green Sleeves was all my joy, Green Sleeves was my delight, Green Sleeves was my heart of gold, And who but my Lady Green Sleeves PD Reprint
Gulf Coast Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Clarence Williams V - I've been blue all day. My man's gone away. He left his mamma cold. For another gal I'm told. C - Man that I love he has left me in this town. The man I love has gone, left me in this town. And if it keeps on snowing I will be Gulf Coast bound. PD Reprint
Gwine to Run All NightSee Camptown Races
Gwine Up (Going Up)
V - Oh, saints an' sinners will a you go. See de hebbenly land, I'm a gwine up to heaven for to see my robe, See de hebbenly land. C - Oh, yes, I'm gwine up, gwine up, gwine up, gwine up all the way Lord, Going up to see the heavenly land. PD Reprint
Gypsy Love Song
1898 - "Slumber On" PD Reprint
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