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Public Domain Songs

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TBest Known Public Domain SongsT List of 66


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
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Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay
1891 PD Reprint
Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness If I Do
Popular Song
w.m. Porter Grainger, Everett Robbins V - There ain't nothin' I can do nor nothin' I can say, That folks don't criticise me, But I'm gonna do just as I want to any way, And don't care if they despise me. C - Tain't nobody's biz-ness if I do. PD Reprint
Take Me Out To The Ball Game
Popular Song
1908 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Jack Norworth V - Katy Casey was baseball mad, Had the fever and had it bad; Just to root for the home town crews, ev'ry sou Katie blew C - Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd, Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, I don't care if I never get back PD Reprint
Take Your Girlie To The Movies (If You Can't Make Love At Home)
Popular Song
1919 - m. Pete Wendling, w. Edgar Leslie, Bert Kalmar V - Beatrice Fairfax gives advice to anyone in love C - Take your girlie to the movies if you can't make love at home PD Reprint
Take Your Tomorrow (And Give Me Today)
Popular Song
1928 - w. Andy Razaf, m. J.C. Johnson PD Reprint
Tales from the Vienna Woods
1868 - J. Strauss PD Reprint
Tamiami Trail
Popular Song
1926 - w.m. Cliff Friend, Joseph H. Santly PD Reprint
Tea For Two
Popular Song
1924 - w. Irving Caesar m. Vincent Youmans PD Reprint
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Popular Song
1907 - m. John W. Bratton N - Lyrics NOT PD. Lyrics added in 1932, Jimmy Kennedy PD Reprint
Tell Her In The Springtime
Popular Song
1925 - w.m. Irving Berlin P - Music Box Revue 1925 PD Reprint
Tell Me With A Melody
Popular Song
1923 - w.m. Irving Berlin (1888 - 1989) PD Reprint
Temptation Rag
Popular Song
1909 - m. Henry Lodge, w. Lou Weslyn PD Reprint
Ten Little Miles From Town
Popular Song
1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Elmer Schoebel PD Reprint
Tenting on the Old Camp Ground
1864 - Kittredge PD Reprint
Thanks For The Buggy Ride
Popular Song
1926 - w.m. Jules Buffano PD Reprint
That Big Rock Candy Mountain
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Billy Mack PD Reprint
That Certain Feeling
Popular Song
1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
That Certain Party
Popular Song
1926 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
That Haunting Melody
Popular Song
1911 - w.m. George M. Cohan PD Reprint
That International Rag
Popular Song
1913 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
That Mysterious Rag
Popular Song
1911 - w.m. Irving Berlin, Ted Snyder PD Reprint
That Old Gang of Mine
Popular Song
1923 - w. Billy Rose & Mort Dixon m. Ray Henderson V - I've got a longin' way down in my heart. For that old gang that has drifted apart. They were the best pals that I ever had, I never thought I'd want them so bad. C - Gee, but I'd give the world to see that old gang of mine. I can't forget than old quartette that sand 'Swet Adeline'. PD Reprint
That Tumbledown Shack in Athlone
Popular Song
1918 - m. Monte Carlo, Alma M. Sanders, w. Richard W. Pascoe PD Reprint
That's A Plenty
Popular Song
1909 - w.m. Bert Williams,Henry Creamer V - Twas in a hen coop one dark night I stopped to rest myself; And to my great surprise I spied some pullets on a shelf C - Mister, Mister, Oh listen like a friend No use to argue, just let the matter end. PD Reprint
That's an Irish LullabySee Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral
That's My Weakness Now
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Bud Green, Sam Stept PD Reprint
Then I'll Be Happy
Popular Song
1926 - w. Sidney Clare, Lew Brown, m. Cliff Friend PD Reprint
There Is a Tavern in the Town
1883 PD Reprint
There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town TonightSee A Hot Time in the Old Town
There's A Little Bit Of Bad in Every Good Little Girl
Popular Song
1916 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Grant Clarke V - Nobody ever sings about the bad girls, because the bad girls are sad And ev'ry body sings about the good girls because the good girls are glad. C - There's a little bit of bad in ev'ry good little girl. They're not to blame. Mother Eve was very, very good, But even she raised Cain. PD Reprint
There's A Long, Long Trail
Popular Song
1913 - m. Zo Elliott, w. Stoddard King V - Nights are growing very lonely, Days are very long. C - There's a long, long trail a-winding into the land of my dreams. PD Reprint
There's A New Star In Heaven Tonight
Popular Song
1926 - w. Irving Mills, J. Keirn Brennan, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
There's A Rainbow Around My Shoulder
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Al Jolson, Billy Rose, Dae Dreyer PD Reprint
There's Everything Nice About You
Popular Song
1927 - w. Alfred Bryan & Arthur Terker, m. Pete Wendling PD Reprint
There's Music in the Air
1854 - G. R. Root V - There's music in the air When the infant morn is nigh, And faint its blush is seen On the bright and laughing sky PD Reprint
There's Yes! Yes! In Your Eyes
Popular Song
1924 - w. Cliff Friend m. Joseph H. Santly PD Reprint
They Called Her Frivolous SalSee My Gal Sal
They Go Wild Simply Wild Over Me
Popular Song
1917 - m. Fred Fisher, w. Joe McCarthy V - I hate to talk about myself, But here's one time I must. Your confidence I'll trust, I have to speak or bust. C - They go wild simply wild over me, They go mad just as mad as they can be. No matter where I'm at, All the ladies thin or fat . . . Ev'ry night how they fight over me. PD Reprint
Thinking Of You [I've Grown So Lonesome]
Popular Song
1926 - w. Paul Ash, m. Walter Donaldson PD Reprint
This Old Man
1906 V - This old man, he played one, he played nick nack on my drum. C - With a nick nack paddy whack, give a dog a bone, this old man cam rolling home. PD Reprint
Thou Swell
Popular Song
1928 - w. Lorenz Hart, m. Richard Rodgers PD Reprint
Three Little Kittens
V - Once three little kitten they lost their mittens, And they began to cry. Oh, mammy dear, We sadly fear, Our mittens we have lost. What, lost your mittens,l You naughty kittens, Then you shall have no pie. C - Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow. PD Reprint
Three Little Kittens - 1
V - There were three little kittens Put on their mittens To eat some Christmas pie. C - Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew, Mew PD Reprint
1889 - m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
Till We Meet Again
Popular Song
1918 - m. Richard A. Whiting, w. Raymond B. Egan V - There's a song in the land of the lily Each sweetheart has heard with a sigh Over high garden walls This sweet echo falls As a soldier boy whispers good bye C - Smile the while you kiss me sad adieu When the clouds roll by I'll come to you.Then the skies will seem more blue Down in lovers lane PD Reprint
Tin Roof Blues
Popular Song
1923 - w. Walter Melrose, m. New Orleans Rhythm Kings PD Reprint
Ting-A-Ling [Waltz Of The Bells]
Popular Song
1926 - w. Addy Britt, m. Jack Little PD Reprint
Tis the Last Rose of SummerSee The Last Rose of Summer
To a Wild Rose
1896 - Edward MacDowell PD Reprint
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Bud DeSylva & Lew Brown, m. Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Together, We Two
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin PD Reprint
Tonight You Belong To Me
Popular Song
1926 - w. Billy Rose, m. Lee David PD Reprint
Popular Song
1913 - w.m. James.Royce Shannon V - Over in Killarney, Many years ago, Me Mither sang a song to me In tones so sweet and low. Just a simple little ditty, In her good ould Irish way C - Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Hush now, don't you cry! Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li, Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, That's an Irish Lullaby. PD Reprint
Toot, Toot, Tootsie
Popular Song
1922 - w.m. Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Dan Russo PD Reprint
Toreador Song - Carmen
1873 - Bizet PD Reprint
Popular Song
1924 - w. Oscar Hammerstein II & Otto Harbach m. Rudolf Friml P - Rose Marie PD Reprint
Popular Song
1903 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Glen MacDonough V - When you've grown up my dears, And are as old as I, You'll often ponder on the years That roll so swiftly by, my dears, That roll so swiftly by . . . C - Toyland. Toyland. Little girl and boy land. While you dwell within it, You are ever happy then. Childhood's joy-land. Mystic merry Toyland, Once you pass it's borders, You can never return again. PD Reprint
Trail of the Lonesome Pine
Popular Song
1913 - m. Harry Carroll, w. Ballard MacDonald PD Reprint
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!
1864 - Root PD Reprint
1839 - Schumann PD Reprint
Turkey in the Straw
Popular Song
1834 N - Originally known as Zip Coon PD Reprint
Twelfth Street Rag
Popular Song
1916 - m. Euday L. Bowman N - Ragtime Arrangement Only - No Lyrics PD Reprint
Twelfth Street Rag - Song
Popular Song
1919 - m. Euday L. Bowman, w. James S. Sumner V - In a certain city where the girls are cute and pretty C - First you slide and then you glide, then shimmie for a while PD Reprint
Twelve Days of Christmas
Christmas, Holiday
ca. 1780 - English Christmas Carol, possibly as early as 1500s V - On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me A Partridge in a Pear Tree. . . C - . . . 5 Gold Rings, 4 Colly Birds, 3 French Hens, 2 Turtle Doves And a Partridge in a Pear Tree. N - The 1909 arrangement by Frederick Austin (1872-1952) which slows down on five gold rings is in the public domain in the USA. It will enter the public domain worldwide in 2023. PD Reprint
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
1765 V - Twinkle, twinkle, little star; How I wonder what you are. PD Reprint
Two Black Crows, Parts 1 And 2
Popular Song
1927 - w. George Noran & Charles Mack PD Reprint
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