EBest Known Public Domain SongsE List of 52

IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1926 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1926 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.
| A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
| J | K | L
| M | N | O
| P | Q | R
| S | T | U
| V | W | X
| Y | Z |
Title | V=Verse C=Chorus N=Note P=Production w=Words m=Music |
1 - 3 $5 ea 4 up $4 ea | |
Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1927 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years. | |||
Early One Morning Folk Song |
Traditional V - Early one morning, Just as the sun was rising; I heard a young maid sing, in the valley below. C - O dost deceive me! O do not leave me! How could you use a poortmaiden so? N - Roud 12682. a.k.a. The Lamenting Maid and The Lovesick Maid. English Folk Song. | PD Reprint | |
East Side, West Side | See The Sidewalks of New York | ||
Easy Winners Ragtime, Music Hall |
1901 - Scott Joplin N - Ragtime Two-Step | PD Reprint | |
Echoes from the Snowball Club Ragtime, Music Hall |
1898 - m. Harry P. Guy | PD Reprint | |
Efficiency Rag Traditional |
James Scott | PD Reprint | |
Eileen Aroon Traditional |
1803 - w. Gerald Griffin, m. Ancient Celtic Tune V - When like the early rose, Eileen aroon! Beauty in childhood's blows, Eileen aroon! When, like a diadem, Buds blush around the stem, Which is the fairest gem? Eileen aroon! | PD Reprint | |
Eileen Oge Traditional |
Traditional Welsh | PD Reprint | |
Ein' feste Burg Hymn |
1529 - Martin Luther N - English A Mighty Fortress Is Our God | PD Reprint | |
El Capitan March Patriotic |
1896 - m. John Philip Sousa | PD Reprint | |
El Choclo Popular Song |
1913 - A. G. Villoldo N - Tango Argentino | PD Reprint | |
El Relicario Popular Song |
1918 - m. Jose Padilla, w. Adrian Ross V - I met him on the Pardo, And glanced at him as the other did -- The great Torero, the lordly love, The Pride and passion of all Madrid! C - Step on, my lady, step on in beauty, See from my mantle, The happy cloak where you foot was set. N - Well known Spanish Dance | PD Reprint | |
Eli Green's Cake Walk Ragtime, Music Hall |
1896 | PD Reprint | |
Elite Syncopations Traditional |
1902 - Scott Joplin | PD Reprint | |
Elsie from Chelsea Popular Song |
1896 - Harry Dacre | PD Reprint | |
Emmet's Lullaby Traditional |
1878 V - Close your eyes, Lena, my darling, While I sing your lullaby C - Go to sleep, my baby, oh bye!, Go to sleep, Lena, sleep. | PD Reprint | |
Emperor Waltz Classical |
1889 - Johann Strauss II N - a.k.a. Kaiser-Walzer, Op.47 | PD Reprint | |
End Of The Road Popular Song |
1924 - w.m. Harry Lauder & William Dillon | PD Reprint | |
Entertainer Ragtime, Music Hall |
1902 - Scott Joplin | PD Reprint | |
Entertainer's Rag Traditional |
1910 - Jay Roberts | PD Reprint | |
Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee Popular Song |
PD Reprint | ||
Entry Of The Gladiators Popular Song |
1897 - m. Julius Fucik N - Well known circus theme, March, a.k.a. The Gladiator's Entry, Thunder and Blazes | PD Reprint | |
Ergo bibamus Traditional |
PD Reprint | ||
Erie Canal | See Low Bridge Everybody Down | ||
Es ist bestimmt in Gottes Rat Traditional |
1826 - Ernst von Feuchtersleben | PD Reprint | |
Espana - Tango from Op. 165 Traditional |
1890 - Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909) N - Download Complete Op. 165 Free at Free-Scores.com | PD Reprint | |
Espana (Rhapsody) Traditional |
1884 - Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894) N - Download Free at Free-Scores.com | PD Reprint | |
Estudiantina Traditional |
1881 - Lascombe | PD Reprint | |
Ethiopia Rag Ragtime, Music Hall |
Joseph Lamb | PD Reprint | |
Eugenia Ragtime, Music Hall |
1905 - Scott Joplin | PD Reprint | |
Euphonic Sounds Ragtime, Music Hall |
1909 - Scott Joplin | PD Reprint | |
Ev'ry Little Bit Helps Popular Song |
1904 - m. Fred Fisher, w. George Whiting | PD Reprint | |
Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit Spiritual |
V - When you here me pray, my Jesus. When you see me on my knees. When you hear me calling Jesus, Hear me, Jesus, if you please. C - Ev'ry time I feel the Spirit Moving in my heart, I will pray. N - a.k.a. I Will Pray | PD Reprint | |
Evening Prayer From Hansel and Gretel Children |
V - When I lay me down to sleep, Angels guard o'er me doth keep; Two on watch are staying, Two are softly praying | PD Reprint | |
Evening Star (Tannhauser) Traditional |
Wager | PD Reprint | |
Evergreen Rag Ragtime, Music Hall |
James Scott | PD Reprint | |
Every Day Is Ladies' Day To Me Popular Song |
1906 - m. Victor Herbert, w. Henry Blossom | PD Reprint | |
Every Little Bit Added To What You've Got Popular Song |
1907 - w.m. William A. Dillon, Lawrence M. Dillon V - When I was a boy my father said to me, Always try to be a Carnegie, Save up ev'ry penny boy, that you may earn, And you may in turn have money to burn; C - Ev'ry little bit added to what you've got makes just a little bit more. That's the lesson I learned at school that two and two make four. Save up your pennies and all your rocks | PD Reprint | |
Every Little Movement Popular Song |
1910 - m. Karl Hoschna, w. Otto A. Hauerbach V - No longer does the lithesome miss, Cavort in catchy waltz, The two-step and the ragtime bliss, She found alas was false. C - Ev'ry little movement has a meaning all its own, Ev'ry tho't and feeling by some posture can be shown. | PD Reprint | |
Everybody Loves My Baby Popular Song |
1924 - w.m. Jack Palmer & Spencer Williams V - I'm as happy as a king Feelin' good-n' ev'ry thing I'm just like a bird in spring To to let it out. C - Ev'rybody loves my baby, But my baby don't love nobody but me. Nobody but me. Ev'rybody wants my baby, But my baby don't want nobody but me. | PD Reprint | |
Everybody Rag With Me Popular Song |
1914 - m. Grace LeBoy, w. Gus Kahn | PD Reprint | |
Everybody Shimmies Now Popular Song |
1918 - m. Joe Gold, Edmund S. Penney, w. Eugene West | PD Reprint | |
Everybody Step Popular Song |
1921 - w.m. Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Everybody Two Step (Song) Popular Song |
1912 - m. Wallie Herzer, w. Earl C. Jones | PD Reprint | |
Everybody Wants A Key To My Cellar Popular Song |
1919 - m. Billy Baskette, Lew Pollack, w. Billy Rose | PD Reprint | |
Everybody Works But Father Popular Song |
1905 - w.m. Jean Havez V - Every morning at siz o'clock I go to my work, Overcoat buttoned up 'round my neck no job would I shirk. C - Everybody works but father And he sits around all day, Feet in front of the fire Smoking his pipe of clay. Mother takes in washing So does sister Ann, Everybody works at my house but my old man. | PD Reprint | |
Everybody's Crazy 'Bout The Doggone Blues Popular Song |
1918 - m. Turner Layton, w. Henry Creamer V - Blues ain't nothing but the easy going heart disease, Brother stop your moanin', Blues can't make you warmer if you're bound to freeze C - Ev'ry body's crazy 'bout the doggone blues, but I'm happy, yes happy. Ev'ry body's crazy but if I must choose, no doggone blues for mine. | PD Reprint | |
Everybody's Doing It Now Popular Song |
1911 - w.m. Irving Berlin V - Honey, honey, cant you hear? Funny, funny music dear; Ain't the funny strain Goin' to your brain? Like a bottle of wine, fine C - Ev'rybody's doin' it, doin' it, doin' it . . . See that ragtime couple over there, Watch them throw their shoulders in the air | PD Reprint | |
Everything Is Hotsy-Totsy Now Popular Song |
1925 - w. Irving Mills, m. Jimmy McHugh | PD Reprint | |
Everything Is Peaches Down in Georgia Popular Song |
1918 - m. Milt Ager, George W. Meyer, w. Grant Clarke | PD Reprint | |
Excelsior Rag Ragtime, Music Hall |
Joseph Lamb | PD Reprint | |
Eyes of Texas Are Upon You College |
1903 - m. Tune: The Levee Song, w. John Lang Sinclair V - The eyes of Texas are upon you, All the live long day.; The eyes of Texas are upon you, You cannot get away. | PD Reprint | |
Ezekiel Saw the Wheel Traditional |
1865 V - Some day 'bout eight o'clock, ' Way up in the air, This old world will begin to rock, 'Way up in the air. C - Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, Amen. Soo glad! Joshua fit the battle of Jericho, And the walls came tumbling down: Too true! | PD Reprint |