RBest Known Public Domain SongsR List of 37

IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.
| A | B | C
| D | E | F
| G | H | I
| J | K | L
| M | N | O
| P | Q | R
| S | T | U
| V | W | X
| Y | Z |
Title | V=Verse C=Chorus N=Note P=Production w=Words m=Music |
1 - 3 $5 ea 4 up $4 ea | |
Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years. | |||
Raggedy Ann Popular Song |
1923 - w. Anne Caldwell m. Jerome Kern | PD Reprint | |
Ragging the Scale Popular Song |
1915 - m. Edward B. Claypool | PD Reprint | |
Ragtime Cowboy Joe Popular Song |
1912 - m. Lewis F. Muir, Maurice Abrahams, w. Grant Clarke | PD Reprint | |
Rain Popular Song |
1928 - w.m. Eugene Ford | PD Reprint | |
Ramona Popular Song |
1928 - w. I Wolfe Gilbert, m. Mabel Wayne | PD Reprint | |
Ranger's Song Popular Song |
1927 - w. Joe McCarthy, m. Harry Tierney | PD Reprint | |
Reaching For The Moon Popular Song |
1926 - w.m. Benny Davis & Jessee Greer N - NOT Reaching For The Moon, 1931, w.m. Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Ready For The River Popular Song |
1928 - w. Gus Kahn, m. Neil Moret | PD Reprint | |
Red Hot Mama Popular Song |
1924 - w.m. Gilbert Wells, Bud Cooper & Fred Rose | PD Reprint | |
Red Lips, Kiss My Blues Away Popular Song |
1927 - w.m. James V. Monaco, Alfred Bryan, Pete Wendling | PD Reprint | |
Red Wing Popular Song |
1907 - m. Kerry Mills, w. Thurland Chattaway V - There once lived an Indian maid, A shy little prairie maid, Who sang a lay, a long song gay, As on the plain she'd while away the day. C - Now, the moon shines tonight on pretty Red Wing, the breeze is sighing, the night bird's crying, For afar 'neath his star her brave is sleeping, While Red Wing's weeping her heart away. | PD Reprint | |
Rememb'ring Popular Song |
1923 - w.m. Vivian Duncan & Rosetta Duncan | PD Reprint | |
Remember Popular Song |
1925 - w.m. Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Reuben and Rachel Traditional |
1871 V - Reuben I have long been thinking, What a good world this might be; If the men were all transported, Far beyond the Northern Sea. | PD Reprint | |
Revenge Popular Song |
1928 - w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young, m. Harry Askt | PD Reprint | |
Rhapsody In Blue Popular Song |
1924 - m. George Gershwin N - Harms Music 1924 Publication: Sheet Music | PD Reprint | |
The Riddle | See I Gave My Love a Cherry | ||
Rings on My Fingers | See I've Got Rings On My Fingers | ||
Rio Rita Popular Song |
1927 - w. Joe McCarthy, m. Harry Tierney | PD Reprint | |
Riverboat Shuffle Popular Song |
1925 - m. Hoagy Carmichael & Irving Mills | PD Reprint | |
Roamin' In The Gloamin' Popular Song |
1911 - m. Harry Lauder, w. George Grafton | PD Reprint | |
Robin Adair Traditional |
1750 | PD Reprint | |
Rock A Bye Baby Children |
1765 V - Rock a bye baby on the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock | PD Reprint | |
Rock-A-Bye My Baby Blues Popular Song |
1924 - w. Larry Yoell, m. Billy Hill | PD Reprint | |
Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody Popular Song |
1918 - m. Jean Schwartz, w. Sam Lewis, Joe Young | PD Reprint | |
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep Traditional |
1849 P - J. P. Kinight V - Rock'd in the cradle of the deep, I lay me down in peace to sleep. C - . . . And calm and peaceful is my sleep, Rock'd in the cradle of the deep. | PD Reprint | |
Rose Marie Popular Song |
1924 - w. Otto Harbach & Oscar Hammerstein II m. Rudolf Friml P - Rose Marie | PD Reprint | |
Rose Of Washington Square Popular Song |
1919 - m. James F. Hanley, w. Ballard MacDonald | PD Reprint | |
Rosebud - Two Step and March Ragtime, Music Hall |
1905 - m. Scott Joplin (1867 - 1917) | PD Reprint | |
Roses of Picardy Popular Song |
1916 - m. Haydn Wood, w. Frederick E. Weatherly | PD Reprint | |
Roses Of Yesterday Popular Song |
1928 - w.m. Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Row Row Row Popular Song |
1912 - m. James V. Monaco, w. William Jerome | PD Reprint | |
Row Row Row Your Boat Children |
V - Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. | PD Reprint | |
Royal Garden Blues Popular Song |
1919 - w.m. Clarence Williams, Spencer Williams V - No use of talkin' no use of talkin' You'll start in dog walkin' no matter where. There's jazz-copation blues modulation, Just like a Haitian you'll rip and tear. Most ev'rybody likes the blues. C - Hon, don't you hear that trombone moan? Just listen to that saxophone. You'll hear 'em playin' you'll hear 'em playing. Soon you'll be sayin' 'Hon jazz me round' | PD Reprint | |
Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown (What You Going' to Do When the Rent Comes 'Round?) | See What You Goin' To Do When The Rent Comes 'Round | ||
Russian Lullaby Popular Song |
1927 - w.m. Irving Berlin | PD Reprint | |
Rustle of Spring Traditional |
1896 - Sinding | PD Reprint |