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Public Domain Songs

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DBest Known Public Domain SongsD List of 144


IMPORTANT: This list is based on USA Copyright Law and is intended only as a help in researching public domain music. This list is NOT sufficient documentation that music is in the Public Domain. To prove PD status in the USA, you MUST find a published copy of the song with a copyright date of 1929 or earlier. Our PD Sheet Music Reprints are exact reprints of books and sheet music published in 1929 or earlier and include music, lyrics, and complete original copyright information. Some of these songs may not be PD in countries other than the USA.

 TitleV=Verse   C=Chorus   N=Note   P=Production
w=Words   m=Music
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Songs are on this PD list if we have a pre-1930 PD sheet music publication in our library AND if anyone has asked about PD status of the song in the past 20 years.
Dabbling in the Dew
PD Reprint
Daddy Has A Sweetheart And Mother Is Her Name
Popular Song
1912 - m. Dave Stamper, w. Gene Buck V - Daddy's is love with a dear lady fair, I've been watching him day by day. He calls here his sweetheart and jewel so rare, She smiles in her loving way. C - Daddy has a sweetheart And he's head and heels in love, I have often watched him kiss her While the moon peeped from above PD Reprint
Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow-Wow
1892 - w.m. Joseph Tabrar PD Reprint
Daisy Bell
Popular Song
1892 - w.m. Henry Dacre C - Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true. I'm half crazy over the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, 'Cause I can't afford a carriage . . . N - a.k.a. Bicycle Built For Two PD Reprint
Dance Macabre
1872 - Saint Saens PD Reprint
Dance of the Hours
1876 - Ponchielle PD Reprint
Dance of the Snowflakes
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Dancing Tambourine
Popular Song
1927 - w. Phil Ponce, m. W.C. Polla PD Reprint
Daniel Saw the Stone
V - Never saw such a man before, Cut out the mountain without hands. Preaching gospel to the poor, C - Daniel saw the stone, Rolling, rolling, Daniel saw the stone Cut out the mountain without hands. PD Reprint
Danish National Hymn
Erald PD Reprint
Danny Boy
Popular Song
1913 - m. Old Irish Air, w. Fred E. Weatherly V - Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side. The summer's gone, and all the roses falling, It's you, it's you must go, and I must abide. PD Reprint
Danny Deever
1897 PD Reprint
Dapper Dan
Popular Song
1921 - m. Albert Von Tilzer, w. Lew Brown PD Reprint
Popular Song
1919 - m. Felix Bernard, Johnny S. Black, w. Fred Fisher PD Reprint
Daring Young Man on the Flying TrapezeSee The Flying Trapeze
Darktown Dancin' School
Popular Song
m. Albert Gumble, w. Jack Yellen PD Reprint
Darktown Strutters' Ball
Popular Song
1917 - w.m. Shelton Brooks PD Reprint
Darling Nellie Gray
Popular Song
1856 - w.m. B. R. Hanby V - There's a low green valley on the old Kentucky shore Where we whil'd many happy hours away; A-sitting and singing by the little cottage door Where dwelt my lovely Nellie Gray. C - Oh, my poor Nelly Gray, they have taken you away, And I'll never see my darling any more; I am sitting by the river and I'm weeping all the day, For you've gone from the old Kentucky shore. PD Reprint
Das zerbrochene Ringlein
w.1809,m.1 - w. Joseph von Eichendorff, m. Friedrich Gluck PD Reprint
Dashing White Sergeant
Traditional Scots PD Reprint
Dat's The Way To Spell Chicken
Popular Song
1902 - w.m. Bob Slater, Sidney Perrin PD Reprint
Daughter of Rosie O'Grady
Popular Song
1918 - m. Walter Donaldson, w. Monty C. Brice PD Reprint
David of the White Rock
Traditional Welsh PD Reprint
Dawn Of The Century March
Popular Song
1900 - m. E.T. Paull PD Reprint
Day Dreams, Visions Of Bliss
Popular Song
1910 - m. Heinrich Reinhardt, w. Robert B. Smith P - Spring Maid - 1910, Viennese Operetta PD Reprint
Dead Man Blues
Popular Song
1926 - m. Ferd 'Jelly Roll' Morton PD Reprint
Dear Evelina, Sweet Evelina
V - Way down in the meadow where the lily first first blows, Where the wind from the valley ne'er ruffles the rose. C - Dear Evelina, Sweet Evelina, My love for thee shall never, never die. PD Reprint
Dear Little Boy of Mine
Popular Song
1918 - m. Ernest Ball, w. J. Keirn Brennan PD Reprint
Dear Old Girl
Popular Song
1903 - m. Theodore F. Moss, w. Rich H. Buck PD Reprint
Dear Old Pal of Mine
Popular Song
1918 - m. Lt. Gitz Rice, w. Harold Robe PD Reprint
Dear Old Southland
Popular Song
1921 - m. Turner Layton, w. Henry Creamer PD Reprint
Dearest Mae
m. L.H.V. Crosby, w. Frances Lynch PD Reprint
Dearest, You're the Nearest to My Heart
Popular Song
1922 - m. Harry Akst, w. Benny Davis PD Reprint
Death and Transfiguration
1891 - Richard Strauss PD Reprint
Death's Going to Lay His Hand on Me
V - O sinner! Sinner! you better pray! Death's goning to lay his cold icy hands on me! C - Crying, O Lord, crying, O My Lord! N - a.k.a. Cold Icy Hand PD Reprint
Deck the Halls
Christmas, Holiday
1800s - w. translated Oliphant 1866, m. Welsh Nos Galan V - Deck the hall with boughs of holly, Fa la la la la la la la la. 'Tis the season to be jolly, Fa la la la la la la la la. Don we now our gay apparel, Troll the ancient Christmas carol, C - Fa la la la la la la la la. PD Reprint
Deep In My Heart Dear
Popular Song
1924 - w. Dorothy Donnelly, m. Sigmund Romberg PD Reprint
Deep River
1875 V - Oh, don't you want to go to that gospel feast, That promis'd land where all is peace? C - Deep river, my home is over Jordon. Deep river, Lord, I want to cross over into campground. PD Reprint
Der Deitcher's Dog
N - German: How Much Is the Doggie in the Window PD Reprint
Der gute Kamerad
PD Reprint
Der Jager Abschied
PD Reprint
Der Konig in Thule
PD Reprint
Der Lindenbaum
PD Reprint
Der Mai is gekommen
PD Reprint
Der Steer Land
PD Reprint
Der Wotin Tochterlein
PD Reprint
Dese Dry Bones of Mine
V - What kind of shoes is dem you wear? Come togedder in de mawnin' C - An' a Lawd, dese dry bones of mine Shall come togedder in the mawnin' PD Reprint
Desert Song
Popular Song
1926 - w. Otto Harbach, Oscar Hammerstein II, Frank Mandel, m. Sigmund Romberg PD Reprint
Destiny Waltz
Popular Song
m. Sydney Banes PD Reprint
Deutschland Uber Alles
m. Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1791)w. August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben V - Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Fur das deutsche Vaterland! Danach lasst uns alle streben Bruderlich mit Herz and Hand! C - Unity and justice and freedom For the German fatherland! Towards these let us all strive Brotherly with heart and hard! N - German National Anthem. Tune best known in USA as hymn: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken After the end of WWII only the third verse as shown above is used. PD Reprint
Devil Among the Tailors
Traditional Scots PD Reprint
Devil's Dream
PD Reprint
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Erno Rapee & Lew Pollack PD Reprint
Dickory Dickory Dock
V - Dickory, dickory dock; The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, The mouse ran down . . . PD Reprint
Did you Ever See a Lassie
V - Did you ever see a lassie, a lassie, a lassie. Did you ever see a lassie do this way and that. PD Reprint
Did You Hear How Dey Crucified My Lord?
V - Did you hear how dey crucified my Lord . . . Did you hear how He hung on de cross? C - Oh, how it makes me tremble, tremble PD Reprint
Did You Mean It
Popular Song
1927 - w.m. Phil Baker, Sid Silvers, Abe Lyman PD Reprint
Did You Mean It?
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Phil Baker, Sid Silvers, Abe Lyman PD Reprint
Diddle Diddle Dumpling
V - Diddle, diddle dumpling, my son John Went to bed with his stockings on; PD Reprint
Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?
V - He deliver'd Daniel from de lion's den, Jonah from de belly of de whale, An' de Hebrew children from the fiery furnace C - Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel; d'liver Daniel, d'liver Daniel, An' why not every man? PD Reprint
Die Gedanken Sind Frei
V - Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten, sie fliegen vorbei wie nächtliche Schatten. Kein Mensch kann sie wissen, kein Jäger erschießen mit Pulver und Blei: Die Gedanken sind frei! N - Thoughts are free. Melody and German lyrics are PD worldwide. But any English translation made after 1922 is almost certainly under copyright protection. PD Reprint
Die Heilige Nacht
1818 - w. J. Mohn, w. F. Gruber PD Reprint
Die Lore am Tore Carey-Boie
1798 P - Sally in our Alley PD Reprint
Die Lorelei
w. 1823, m - w. Heinrich Heine, m. Frederich Silcher PD Reprint
Die Teutoburger Schlacht
1847 - V. von Scheffel PD Reprint
Die Wacht am Rhein
w. Max Schneckenburger, m. Karl Wilhelm PD Reprint
Popular Song
1928 - w. Dorothy Fields, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
Dill Pickles
1906 - Charles L. Johnson PD Reprint
Popular Song
1925 - w. Same Lewis, Joe Young, m. Harry Akst PD Reprint
Ding Dong Bell
1765 V - Ding Dong bell, Pussy's in the well; Who put here in? Little Johnny Green; Who pulled her out? Big John Stout. PD Reprint
1904 - m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
w.m. John Philip Sousa PD Reprint
Dirty Hands! Dirty Face!
Popular Song
1923 - m. James Vincent Monaco (1885-1945), w. Al Jolson (1886-1950), Grant Clarke & Edgar Leslie P - Bombo - 1921, Broadway Musical V - Wonderful pals are always hard to find, Some folks have one, Some folks have none. I was alone for years, but fate was kind And in the end, Sent me a friend. C - Dirty Hands, Dirty face, leads the neighbors a chase but his smile, is as cute as can be. Making noise, breaking toys, always fights with the boys PD Reprint
Dixie Blossoms
Ragtime, Music Hall
1906 - Percy Weinrich PD Reprint
Dixie Dimples
Ragtime, Music Hall
1918 - James Scott N - Novelty Rag Fox Trot PD Reprint
Dixie Girl
J. Bodewalt Lampe PD Reprint
Dixie Made Us Jazz Band Mad
Popular Song
1920 - w.m. Howard Johnson, William K. Wells, Irwin Dash PD Reprint
Dixie Volunteers
Popular Song
w.m. Edgar Leslie, Harry Ruby PD Reprint
Dixie's Land
1860 - Daniel Decatur Emmett V - I wish I was in de land ob cotton, Old time dar am not forgotten C - Away, away, away down south in Dixie N - a.k.a. Dixie Land PD Reprint
Dizzy Fingers
Popular Song
1923 - m. Zez Confrey (1895-1971) PD Reprint
Do Do Do
Popular Song
1926 - w. Ira Gershwin, m. George Gershwin PD Reprint
Do It Again (Please Do It Again)
Popular Song
1922 - m. George Gershwin, w. B.G. De Sylva P - French Doll - 1922, Musical V - Tell me, tell me, what did you do to me? I just got a thrill that was new to me C - Oh, do it again! I might say no no no no no, but do it again PD Reprint
Doc Brown's Cake Walk
Charles L. Johnson PD Reprint
Does the Spearmint Lose Its Flavor
Popular Song
1924 - w. Billy Rose, Marty Bloom, m. Ernest Breuer P - The Student Prince PD Reprint
Doin' The New Low Down
Popular Song
1928 - w. Dorothy Fields, m. Jimmy McHugh PD Reprint
Doin' The Racoon
Popular Song
1928 - w. Raymond Klages, m. J. Fred Coots PD Reprint
Doll Dance
Popular Song
1926 - m. Nacio Herb Brown PD Reprint
Don't Be Like That
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Archie Gottler, Charles Tobias, Maceo Pinkard PD Reprint
Don't Be Weary, Traveler
PD Reprint
Don't Be Weary, Traveller
V - My head got wet with the midnight dew, Come along home to Jesus. Angels bear me witness too, Come along home to Jesus. C - Don't be weary, traveller, Come along home to Jesus. PD Reprint
Don't Bite The Hand That's Feeding You
Popular Song
1915 - m. James Morgan, w. Thomas Hoier PD Reprint
Don't Blame It On Broadway
Popular Song
1913 - m. Bert Grant, w. Joe Young, Harry Williams PD Reprint
Don't Bring Lulu
Popular Song
1925 PD Reprint
Don't Get Married Any More, Ma
Popular Song
1907 - m. Henry E. Pether, w. Fred W. Leigh PD Reprint
Don't Hold Everything
Popular Song
1928 - w.m. Bud DeSylva, Lew Brown, Ray Henderson PD Reprint
Don't Jazz Me Rag
Ragtime, Music Hall
James Scott PD Reprint
Don't Mind the Rain
Popular Song
1924 - w.m. Chester Conn, Ned Miller PD Reprint
Don't Take Me Home
Popular Song
1908 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
Don't Wake Me Up [Let Me Dream]
Popular Song
1926 - w. L. Wolfe Gilbert, m. Mable Wayne, Abel Baer PD Reprint
Doo Wacka Doo
Popular Song
1924 - w.m. Clarence Gaskill, Walter Donaldson, George Horther V - Billy McCoy was a boy who could play, you bet, Oh, how they swaged when he played on his old cornet. He's got a smile and a cute little style that's all his own. C - Doo Wack-a Doo, wack-a-doo, wack-a doo, Nothing to it but it's sweet, That tune goes right to your feet. PD Reprint
Doodle Doo Doo
Popular Song
1924 - w.m. Art Kassel, Mel Stitzel PD Reprint
Dove's Figary
1650 PD Reprint
Down Among the Sheltering Palms
Popular Song
1915 - m. Abe Olman, w. James Brockman PD Reprint
Down Among The Sugar Cane
Popular Song
1908 - m. Cecil Mack, Chris Smith, w. Avery & Hart PD Reprint
Down By the Old Mill Stream
Popular Song
1910 - w.m. Tell Taylor PD Reprint
Down By the Riverside
1865 V - Goin' t' lay down my burden, Down by the riverside . . Goin' to study war no more. C - Ain't goin't study war no more, Ain't goin't study war no more, PD Reprint
Down By The Winegar Woiks
Popular Song
1926 - w.m. Don Bestor, Roger Lewis, Walter Donovan PD Reprint
Down Hearted Blues
Popular Song
1923 - m. Lovie Austin, w. Alberta Hunter V - Gee! but its hard to love someone When that someone don't love you. I'm so disgusted, heart broken too, I've got the down hearted blues. C - Cause he mistreated me and he drove me from his door . . . But the good book say you'll reap just what you sow. PD Reprint
Down Home Blues
1921 - Tom Delaney V - I never felt so lonesome before, My friend has quit me. He's gone for sure. He broke my heart for I loved him true so now I'm worried Lonesome and blue C - Woke up this mornin' the day was dawnin' And I was feelin' all sad and blue. I had nobody to tell my troubles to. I felt so worried I didn't know what to do. PD Reprint
Down In Dear Old New Orleans
Popular Song
1912 - m. Con Conrad, Jay Whidden, w. Joe Young PD Reprint
Down in Honky Tonky Town
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Down In Jungle Town
Popular Song
1908 - m. Theodore F. Morse, w. Edward Madden PD Reprint
Down in the Valley
N - No known exact PD publication. PD words published 1917 by Journal of American Folk-Lore. 1917 publication of melody is not precisely the melody poplar today. PD Reprint
Down In The Valley (Birmingham Jail)
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Down in the Valley to Pray
V - O brother, less go down . . . Down in the valley to pray! C - I went down in the valley to pray, Studyin' about dat good ole way. You shall wear a starry crown, Good Lord, show me de way! PD Reprint
Down On The Brandywind
Popular Song
1904 - m. James B. Mullen, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
Down on the FarmSee I Want To Go Back To Michigan (Down On The Farm)
Down the Trail to Home Sweet Home
Popular Song
PD Reprint
Down the Volga River
PD Reprint
Down Went McGinty
Popular Song
1889 - w.m. Joseph Flynn V - Sunday morning just at nine, Dan McGinty dress'd so fine. Stood looking up at a very high stone wall; C - Down went McGinty to the bottom of the wall. And tho' he won the five, He was more dead than alive. PD Reprint
Down Where the Wurzburger Flows
Popular Song
1902 - m. Harry Von Tilzer, w. Vincent Bryan PD Reprint
Down Yonder
Popular Song
1921 - w.m. L. Wolfe Gilbert V - Railroad train, Railroad train, Hurry some more. Put a little steam on, just like never before. C - Down yonder someone beckons to me, Down yonder someone reckons on me. I seem to see a race in memory. Between the Natchez and the Robert E. Lee. PD Reprint
Draper's Gardens
1721 PD Reprint
Dream Girl
Popular Song
1924 - w. Rida Johnson Young m. Victor Herbert P - The Dream Girl N - a.k.a. My Dream Girl PD Reprint
Dream House
Popular Song
1928 - w. Earle Foxe, m. Lynn F. Cowan PD Reprint
Popular Song
1906 - m. J. Anton Daily, w. L.W. Heiser PD Reprint
Popular Song
m. Harry Von Tilzer (1872-1946)w. Andrew B. Sterling PD Reprint
Dressed Ship
1774 PD Reprint
Drifting And Dreaming
Popular Song
1926 - w. Haven Gillespie, m. Egbert Van Alstyne, Erwin R. Schmidt, Loyal Curtis PD Reprint
Drill Ye, Tarriers, Drill
Popular Song
1888 - w.m. Thomas F. Caset V - Oh ev'ry morn at seven o'clock There are twenty tarriers on the rock, The boss come along and says 'be still And put all your power in the cast steel drill'. C - Then, drill, ye tarriers, drill . . . Oh it's work all day without sugar in your tay when ye work beyant on the railway, And drill, ye tarriers, drill. and drill, and drill! PD Reprint
Drink Drink Drink (Student Prince)
Popular Song
1924 - W. Donothy Donnelly, m. Sigmund Romberg P - The Student Prince PD Reprint
Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes
w. 1616, m PD Reprint
Drive the Cold Winter Away
1650 PD Reprint
Drummer Boy of Shiloh
1863 - Hays PD Reprint
Drunken Sailor
Folk Song
1891 - Sea Shanty V - What shall we do with the drunken sailor, What shall we do with the drunken sailor, Early in the morning. C - Hooray and up she rises, Hooray and up she rises, Hooray and up she rises, Early in the morning PD Reprint
Dry Bones
1865 V - Some go ter meetin' fer to sing an' shout, Dry bones gwine er rise ergin; 'Fore six months dey's all turned out, Dry bones gwine er rise ergin. C - O little child'un! O little child'un! O little child'un! Dry bones gwine er rise ergin. N - Our PD source has lyrics only, no music, for this song. PD Reprint
Du bist vie eine Blume
1823 - w. Heinrich Heine, m. Schumann PD Reprint
Du du liegst mir im Herzen
1820 - German Folk Song V - Du, du liegst mir im Herzen, du, du liegst mir im Sinn; du, du machst mir viel Schmerzen, weisst nicht, wie gut ich dir bin; PD Reprint
Du und Du
1874 PD Reprint
PD Reprint
Duke of Kent's Waltz
1802 PD Reprint
Dusky Dudes
Jean Schwartz PD Reprint
Dusky Stevedore
Popular Song
1928 - w. Andy Razaf, m. J.C. Johnson PD Reprint
Ragtime, Music Hall
1908 - May Aufderheide PD Reprint
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